《Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]》Back Off (Prinxiety)


"Okay guys! Jon and I are going on a date! You guys hang out here and get to know each other!"

That was what Thomas had told the Sanders Sides as he ran out the door hand and hand with his boyfriend, leaving the four of them alone with said boyfriend's own aspects of his personality. The eight of them were in complete silence at the moment. A minute later, chaos broke lose.

Patton looked uncomfortable under the gaze of Logan's counterpart, clinging to his boyfriend's arm for reassurance. Logan was being messed with by Jon's Morality, letting out a growl of annoyance as he messed up his glasses. While this happened, Jon's 'Anxiety' sat in a corner, curled up and trying to stay out of everything. He was more Depression than he was Anxiety.

While the interaction between the Logics and the Moralitys was semi-amusing, Roman and Anxiety were not so lucky.

Roman was glaring at his counterpart, another prince-like character, who seemed to be sizing up Anxiety. Said Sanders Side was blushing and avoiding eye contact. Roman watched as the other prince slid up to Anxiety and began to flirt with him. Anxiety seemed uncomfortable, but he was also flustered by the other prince's charm. To Roman's horror, the other prince kissed Anxiety quickly. Anxiety was having trouble breathing from not knowing how to react; Roman could clearly see this and swooped in to rescue his Chemically Imbalanced Romance.

"Hey! Back off," he snapped as he pushed the other prince away from the hyperventilating Anxiety. He turned to Anxiety, trying to calm him.

"Excuse me?" the other prince snapped, as he started to come back from having been pushed to the ground. Roman looked back at Anxiety, who had started to get a grip, but looked scared of the other prince.


"Okay, go over there with Jon's Depression," he murmured to him. "I'll deal with him."

Anxiety nodded nervously, walking over to the curled up character in the corner as Roman turned to face the other prince.

"Nobody pushes me around," said prince snapped. Two egos and embodiments of self-confidence fighting each other, Roman thought. This won't end well.

"Anxiety was literally hyperventilating," Roman snapped back. "And he clearly was uncomfortable with you just kissing him. Ever heard of consent?"

The prince whipped his head to the side dramatically with a smirk. "Are you sure about that? Or is someone jealous?"

"Yes. I'm sure." Roman growled, glancing at Anxiety out of the corner of his eye. He seemed to be better, talking with Depression. "He doesn't like when people he's unfamiliar with get close like that, let alone kiss him."

"Ah, so that's why he was blushing from a distance but freaked out up close, but I guess I'll have to test that theory," other prince said, making Roman's blood boil.

He didn't like this other prince. Frankly, why would he? They both represented their person's ego, self-confident, creativity, and romance. They were obviously going to want to out do the other. "He wasn't blushing," he spat, jealously charging his statement.

"Yes he was," the other said teasingly. "You ARE jealous."

"Just stay away from him," Roman snapped, turning to go over to Anxiety.

"Or what? What if I go and kiss him again? Or maybe I'll kiss him lots of times! He is really hot," the other prince said. Roman's fist clenched as he turned on his heel, stalked up to the other prince and grabbed his shirt.

"I swear to god, if I see you near him again, I beat your face in," Roman growled darkly. The other prince seemed alarmed with the idea of his beautiful face being damaged. Roman was silently thankful that this egotistical prince didn't turn Jon into an ass as well. It was clear he was trying to impress everyone with how confident and handsome he thought he was, but what he was really doing, was being a dick, and Roman was indeed very thankful that Jon didn't behave the same.


After Jon and Thomas had returned and Jon had left, taking his personality with him, the other prince blowing a kiss at Anxiety as he left, Roman walked up to Anxiety.

"Uh, Princey?" he started. He couldn't say anything else before Roman gently grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a firm kiss. After a moment of hesitation, he kissed back. When they pulled apart and Anxiety tried to speak, Roman stopped him.

"I'm the only prince you're allowed to kiss."

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