《LA FEMME ROUGE》Resolved Debt


Zack's POV

~~2 days later~~

We didn't know much about La Femme Rouge, however, I did know one thing.


While I was driving us through the streets of Boston, where Player assumed we would find La Femme Rouge, Shadowsan refused to let us stop to get take out.

Just because we gotta find an imposter, doesn't mean you should punish me.

Quite a coincidence that the pretender would be in the city where me and Ivy first met Carm.

I hope we don't run into Sharkhead Eddie.

He'll be very pissed we never paid him back.

"Ok." Said Shadowsan. "Stop the car."

I stopped and he got out.

"Where are you going?" Asked Ivy.

"To find La Femme Rouge." He said.

He walked into the alley.

Man, he can really pull of that serious samurai vibe.

Sharkhead Eddie's POV

I was eating dinner at my favorite restaurant.

We were the only ones there because my men "insisted" everyone leave.

I got up to use the restroom.

After I got done and left the bathroom, my guards' were all knocked out.

Suddenly I shoved against a wall.

Some lady with a Skull Helmet pushed me into it.

"What do you want?" I asked. "Anything, anything at all."

"I want you mark Zack and Ivy's debt as paid for, you understand?" She said. "Any cent you lost from them, is officially gone."

"D-did they send you?" I asked. "I'll pay triple of what they did if you bring them to me."

"No." She said. "They were friends of one of my deceased friends. I just managed to locate you in some of my spare time."

She released my collar and I fell to the floor.

"What makes you think I'll leave them alone?" I growled.


"I have video recordings of you." She said. "Bribing government officials, assaulting people, and preparing robberies? Puts kind of a long jail sentence on you."

I gasped.

Then I nodded.

"And who am I?" She asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"That's right." She said. "You don't know. Let that little mystery keep you up at night."

She then walked out the door.

I stood up.

I punched a wall.

"DAMN IT!" I shouted.

Ivy's POV

While Shadowsan was walking around looking for La Femme Rouge, me and Zack started beat boxing in the car.

We were driving around, when I got a call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Your debt has been cancelled." Said the other person.

"Sharkhead Eddie?" I exclaimed.

Zack looked at me worryingly.

"Yes." He said "You and your dimwitted brother don't have to see me again. In fact, stay far away from me. Your friend with the Red Helmet already paid me a visit. Our business is forever done."

He hung up.

"What was it?" Zack asked worried.

"Eddie says that our debt is cancelled." I said. "He says someone with a Red Helmet paid him a visit."

Me and Zack gasped.

Nobody else except Shadowsan, Player, and Carmen knew about our debt with Sharkhead Eddie.

"CARMEN IS LA FEMME ROUGE!" Me and Zack said in union.

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