《LA FEMME ROUGE》Tigress vs Carmen


Carmen's POV

I was walking down the allies.

I left my motorcycle in another parking lot.

Just as I was about to open my helmet...

"Catch this!" I heard someone say.

Out of reflex, I dodge an origami star.

Paper Star.

I turned around to face her.

"So," I said. "You've been sent to kill me?"

"We don't kill, we deliver." Said Paper Star.

Paper Star threw more origami stars at me.

I managed to dodge all of them.

Then someone tried to attack me from the left.

La Chévre.

I managed to dodge his punches.

Someone picked me up from behind.

El Topo.

I used the back of my helmet to make El Topo let me go.

Then I threw El Topo into La Chévre.

They were both knocked out.

Then Paper Star tried to charge me.

I stepped out of the way and tripped her.

I shot a dart into her leg and she was knocked out.

"Imposter!" Shouted someone at the end of the alley.


"You're not Carmen, you fake." She growled. "I knew Carmen. Carmen was a friend of mine. I talked with Carmen."

"You killed Carmen." I said.

Tigress then growled at me.

She charged towards me.

I wasn't able to step out of the way.

She rammed right into me.

She tackled me down to the ground.

She straddled my waist.

"Aren't you suppose to take me out for dinner first?" I said, smirking.

Her face turned red in anger.

"Open your helmet." She demanded. "I wanna see the face of Carmen's imposter."

I rolled my eyes.

I pushed her off of me.

She got back up.

I stood up, pulled out my pistols, then shot darts at her.

The darts deflected off her suit.


"You think I'd be dumb enough not to think about wearing a dart proof suit?"

"No." I said. "But you didn't put any on your neck."

I shot a dart into her neck and she passed out.

I caught her before she fell on the ground.

I calmly set her down.

For some reason, even after all Tigress has done, I can't seem to hate her.

I get butterflies in my stomach whenever she's around.

Even when we fight.

Especially when we fight.

I left them.

I made it to the parking lot and grabbed my bike.

And I rode the hell out of New Orleans.

Tigress's POV

When we woke up, La Femme Rouge was obviously gone.

Just who exactly was she?

And why the hell does she remind me so much of Carmen.

I know she's an imposter.

However, she actually felt like she was Carmen.

I had to get this imposter.

She keeps playing with my emotions.

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