《From the Ashes》Chapter Seven


Richard watched painfully as Anna tried and quite successfully dodged the amorous advances of every male guest his Mother had invited. Normally he knew she would have accepted such insult to her personage. It would be her duty to do so and not offend his Mother's guests. 

Now that he threatened her however, that had all changed. He wondered if he had ever behaved in such a raucous manner as these men did. Thinking back to his school days he realize he had and thinking of the way he had treated Anna upstairs he knew he had done much worse.

Juliana did not know which was more tiring, the ballet she was forced to perform to avoid every roaming hand while she served Lady Catherine's guests or watching every girl from age sixteen to twenty throwing themselves at Richard all evening.

Tapping on her glass, Lady Catherine caught the attention of those in the room. "Dearest friends," she began, "I do hope you are all enjoying yourselves to the fullest. After such hard times we face, I am happy to have you all here to share in my great fortune of having my only son return home to me."

"Much time has passed and it has been quite lonely here without Charles, God rests his soul, but now I am alone no longer. So to celebrate I have arranged for a special surprise of a dance this evening. Hopefully you are not too stuffed from dinner to enjoy yourselves," she said with a slight giggle. "So without further ado, I ask you all to adjourn to the ballroom and enjoy."

A ball and another change to this evening's event. Oh, how his stepmother was going to pay. He knew she was trying to marry him off. Most likely she has drained his father's wealth and needed a new source of cash flow. He has not been able to confirm his suspicions but he did make arrangement to see Mr. Dooley the family steward. Soon he will get to the bottom of his stepmother's doings.

At dinner it was easy to ward off the women but a dance? Now he was obligated to split his time equally taking each girl for a spin around the floor. After all he is the guest of honor. The long lost son missed so terribly by his family, namely his stepmother.

Richard spied Anna from across the room as she precarious balanced a tray of wine while she tried to out maneuver Lord Reily. "The old coot should keep his hands to himself. His wife was standing right next to him for God's sake," Richard thought, as he watch Reily make a grab for Anna's bottom. He knew he had to talk to her, there was no way for her to keep up this pace. It was his fault for allowing his temper to get the better of him.

As Richard tried to make his way towards her he was waylaid by Cecilia Chase she was only eighteen but had the body of a full-grown woman. She wasted no time in nabbing the guest of honor for the first waltz. Leaving the rest of the girls to look on with envy.

"You have not heard a word I said," Cecilia pouted as Richard led her around the dance floor. He seemed to be distracted by some serving girl, whatever for she did not understand.


"Sorry Cecilia. I was just thinking Lord Reily might wish to know of news of his son, John." Richard supplied trying not to let Anna out of his sight and giving cause to end their dance early.

"It must have been terribly frightful, having to fight but I am glad you are home now Richard," Cecilia said pressing herself closer to him as they waltzed.

"All these women were so droll," Richard thought. 

Richard had not been able to get anywhere near Anna all evening. No sooner did one song end was there another girl and another tune to take its place. Soon he lost track of her all together.

Juliana was glad to retire for the evening. Lady Catherine had informed the household staff that once the wine had been served the female wait staff was to turn down the guest's beds and turn in for the night. She had also told Juliana that she was to return to her service as Richard's Chambermaid starting tomorrow. The other guests will have to make due with the girls that were left. Juliana knew why she was reassigned and did not bother to question. She was just happy to turn in for the night to get some much needed rest.

Restless from the evening's events and exhausted from fighting off the attentions of every available woman at the ball Richard decided to take a stroll through the garden. He somehow managed to completely lose sight of Anna. She must have turned in for the night because he had noticed for the final toast only the male wait staff had remained. Women were so catty. Always looking for where their next hand out was coming from and thinking at the same time that it was somehow owed to them.

Anna was different though. He wondered what she wanted out of life. Most likely to be free of debauchers like himself and every other man that tried to manhandle her this evening. "She deserves better," he thought. His sister Annabelle had two small children. Maybe if she is a learned woman he may find a position as governess for her there, but could he bring himself to give her away? That the question should have an effect either way surprised him. As he reached the veranda he saw a young woman sitting by the fountain.

"Miss Chase?" he said softly so not to startle the girl. It was Cecilia. She seemed to be crying.

She quickly dabbed at her eyes with her kerchief before facing him. "Lord Bentley?" she said in a small faint voice.

Richard joined her at the fountain. "You are upset. Why are you crying?" he asked in genuine concern. Her tear streaked face seemed much younger almost childlike as she looked up at him.

Cecilia's heart ached terribly at his show of compassion. She shook her head unable to answer as a fresh wave of tears washed over her cheeks. Richard gathered her up to console her and she snuggled in close to the warmth of him. Her arms were like ice.

"You will freeze to death out here,'" Richard said pulling back a moment to remove his dinner jacket and drape it around her shoulders. He smiled encouraging at her.


"Thank you," she said trying her best to smile back at him.

"Would you care to talk about what is troubling you?," Richard asked. "I am an excellent listener and perhaps I can help?" he prompted.

"No," Cecilia said dabbing at her eyes again. "There is nothing you can do although it is very kind of you to ask."

Richard realized he felt odd, slightly dizzy. "I think I am going to turn in, it has been a busy evening. If you would like an escort back perhaps..." he said as he offered her his arm. "Thank you, again," she said as she took it.

As they approached the Manor Richard's head began to get more clouded and a few times he even stumbled. Perhaps he had too much to drink, but he did not remember taking in many liqueurs. They reached the back courtyard. Cecilia gasped as Richard collapsed to the ground.

Soon two men came from out of the bushes. "He is a strong one," the one man said to the other. "Most men would have been knocked out way before now."

"Silence, the two of you and get him upstairs and do not let anyone else see you," Lady Catherine said as she stepped forward from the shadows.

Once the two men drug Richard away she turned her attention to the young girl. "You know what you must do?" Lady Catherine said.

"Lady Catherine I can not. He was so kind to me just now, I just could not take advantage."

Grasping firm the girl's arm, Lady Catherine pulled her close. "Make no mistake missy," she sneered at the young girl, "if you do not wish your family to be disgraced by our little secret I suggest you do as you are told. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Lady Catherine." the young girl said mournfully as her head hung in shame.

"Besides..." Lady Catherine said changing her tone quite dramatically and putting a motherly arm around the girl, "I could think of worse fates than being the new Lady Bentley. How about you?" she said smiling at young woman.

Thinking further on the matter and how wonderful Richard seemed to be, Cecilia could think of nothing she would like better.

"What a headache?" Richard muttered to himself. Squinting at the morning light that seemed to pierce through to his very brain. He could not think of a time when his head felt worse. Not even when he was shot did he feel this bad. As Richard thought of getting up to close the curtains he felt something stir behind him. His whole body froze. He was not alone. He was naked but that was nothing new he preferred sleeping nude but as he reached back behind him he felt soft flesh touch his hand. "Richard," he asked himself " What have you done? "

As he pulled back the covers, there she was Cecilia completely nude. Upon further inspection of the sheets confirmed his worst fear. Blood stained the white linen. He had sex with Cecilia last night. He had taken her virginity. "How could this be?" he wondered as he tried to sooth the pounding in his head that seemed to match that of someone knocking at the door.

"Would you please stop that infernal racket already and come in."

Juliana entered the room not knowing what to expect, by the sound of things he was in a foul mood still. "Sorry my Lord" she began as she backed into the room carrying the tea tray, "but it is nearly noon and so I could not wait..." As Juliana turned and entered the room it took only a moment to take in the picture laid out before her. She did not recover quickly enough.

Seeing him naked except for a cover draped over his most private parts and what seemed to be an equally naked woman in his bed caused a reaction she could not account for. If it were not for the porcelain crashing to the floor, who knows how long she would have stood there in stunned awe of the situation.

"Bloody Hell!" Richard swore as he was about to stand and then remembering his state of undress grabbed for his robe at the end of the bed, while Juliana knelt on the floor trying to gather the broken pieces. "What was that?" Cecilia asked pulling the covers up to her neck startled awake by the noise. "Stay where you are." Richard ordered the young girl as he got out of bed to help Anna and she obeyed.

Albert was to be serving him. What the hell was she doing here? Juliana was badly burnt from the tea but she did not notice her whole being seemed in shock. Her only thought was how was she possibly going to pay for breaking an entire service. The porcelain set was irreplaceable. The pattern was of the family crest, custom made as a wedding gift for Lord Bentley's first marriage.

"Anna," Richard called her name but she seemed not to hear him. Mumbling something to herself about the service, and she seemed to be apologizing to Lord Bentley but Richard had the feeling that he was not the Lord of which she spoke. He knelt to help her gather the pieces and as he came closer to her it became obvious to him she was injured. She had several deep cuts from the shattered service. Her hands were already beginning to blister from being burnt with the hot tea from the teapot.

"My God," He exclaimed as he stilled her hands and forced her to stand. "You have injured yourself, Anna." he spoke to her but she seemed not to notice. "Anna do you hear me?" the pain was starting to settle in bringing Juliana back to reality. A place she did not want to be. Staring down at her hands that were now red and swollen, she watched with sick fascination as a drop of blood ran its trail down her arm from a deep gash to her wrist.

"I am hurt," she said lamely as she looked up at Richard. Then her whole world went black.

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