《naruto character one shots》Secret Admirer [Rock Lee]


For the longest time, Lee was your secret admirer; he'd send you love letters and admire you from afar. The attention you received from this, at the time, "unknown" person, was very exhilarating and exciting. A blush would creep across your features every day your mother would ritualistically pass whatever envelope had been delivered, containing paragraphs of devoted script dedicated to only you.

Why had it taken the boy, normally filled with so much confidence and dignity, so long to reveal himself to the girl whom his entire being is completely and utterly infatuated with? Simply because you're considered to be "way out of his league" playing an entirely different game even, yet you proved him wrong.

That day, that fateful day Rock Lee, out on a whim, showed up at your door step to personally deliver another heartfelt message; that was by far the best day of his life. You were met with the sight of a long and lanky teenage boy, with a greasy bowl cut and big, bushy eyebrows, his attire consisting of a a single dark green jumpsuit. Normally, any other girl would be appalled with the fact that this was their secret admirer. What only stunned you was the fact that you wee familiar with Lee, having gone to classes together when you were young, and occasionally passing him by on the streets as he completed whatever crazy task of physical endurance he'd put himself through that day.

He was without a doubt, no where close to what you were expecting, although you had no idea where your expectations had laid during the time. Still, your brain couldn't fathom the fact that Rock Lee was your secret admirer.

He claimed you were love at first sight, to you a mere concept, mere illusion, a simple trick of the brain. He told you you were beautiful, still you blushed but a part of you couldn't help but find it ridiculous that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. Although his words worked like a charm, you didn't know him the way he knew you; that's why you couldn't be with him, at least not right away.


And Lee wasn't stupid enough to ask you to be his. After all you, it was as if you both had first met, preparing each other for a future of some sort of relationship together. Of course he wanted to be with you romantically, every fiber of his being had been devoted to you, he adored and loved you, everything even the things he didn't understand.

So your story began as friends, close friends with an inevitable attraction hanging over your head, tugging at your heart strings. Lee was still sweet as sugar to you, delivering flowers to your door step and coffee in the morning, leaving adorable notes and taking you out for ice cream and reminding you of how beautiful you are. Your feelings were building up, but you were waiting, patiently I may add, for them to flood in an over abundance of passion for the boy with the ability to read your heart and realize your worth.

The more you got to know the person who is Rock Lee, the more your heart would melt just being in his company. He was the charming gardener who made your heart blossom and for that you were truly grateful. Still, you had no idea, no idea of how he truly felt about you. Of how much he cared about you and of how much he thinks you're amazing and beautiful. Of what he thought you both could become, of how much you make him sad and happy at the same time. You made him feel alive, a butterfly riot taking place in his stomach every single time your evergreen eyes came in contact with his black hues. Yet you were beginning to feel the same. Now, you stand with Lee, admiring Mother Nature, giving her world the appreciation she so desperately deserves. You smelled like animal crackers and bubble gum and fresh linen, drawing Lee closer and closer to you by the minute, your sweet scent clouding his judgement sending him into a delirious state of enchantment. Neither of you spoke, the sound of silence enveloping your ear drums in a peaceful tranquility. Silence is pure, it draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking.


For the longest time, the absence of a conversation would be unnerving to you, the thought of not talking terrified you with discomfort and anxiety. Yet the sound of the crisp leaves swaying through the breeze and the low intakes of breathe emitting from you and Lee's mouth, no dialogue was needed for the wind spoke for you, emitting words with such a dynamic capable of moving mountains.

Only seconds passed before the one standing next you attained the courage necessary to confess to you his true feelings, with words hopefully so strong and so powerful you'd finally understand the true severity of his emotions.

"I want you everyday. Even when you're mad at me. I want your happy days and I want your 'I don't wanna be alive days'. I want you in the morning and in the middle of the night. I want to be the reason you smile and I want to be the reason you're laughing everyday and even when you have a sad day, I want to be the one that makes you smile even if it's only for a minute. I want to kiss you and I want to be in your arms. I want to hold you and stay up all night talking. I've fallen for you I want to protect you from all the evil in the world, I love you, {Name}-chan." He looked at you with such hopeful, delicate eyes. And at that moment, the whole entire world held its breathe as the air from his word's breathed life into the atmosphere.

"Lee, I-"

"{Name}, please tell me you love me the way I love you, please tell me you will be mine, forever," Your pupils dilated, your eyes widening as big as saucers.

"I am yours. I am yours as the stars belong to the sky and I am yours as the rivers belong to the sea. I am yours as your tears belong to your eyes and I am yours as your lungs belong to the pattern in which you breathe."

And your lips collided, basking the universe in a brilliance so refreshing and blindingly bright, it put the sun, moon, and stars to shame.

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