《naruto character one shots》Watermelon Sucker {Tobi}


Racing down the halls of the Akatsuki hideout, you desperately searched for your best friend and team mate Tobi.

"Deidara, have you seen Tobi anywhere? You asked the blonde in place of an apology from bumping into him.

Deidara's eye twitched at the name of the hyperactive masked man.

"I don't know, un. Maybe check his bed room."

You sighed at his response, for you already checked. As the frustrated bomber walked away, you removed a watermelon jolly rancher from the pocket of your Akatsuki coat and placed it into your mouth. Groaning in satisfaction of the flavor you run off down another hall way in hopes of finding your senpai.

After several agonizing minutes of roaming the hideout you hear a faint sound coming from somewhere, seeming to get closer.


You turned around to, at last, find Tobi, running full speed in your direction. He stopped in front of you, his hands on your shoulders as he caught his breath. As he did this you seemed to notice something you've never noticed before; his height. At least compared to you Tobi was slightly more than a head taller. I guess you never noticed because you've only ever took notice of his size next to the other Akatsuki members who, being men, didn't really do him a favor in looking extremely tall. But you are 5'4 and Tobi is probably 6'1 or 6'2 so this a pretty big realization.

"Name-chan" said Tobi, waving a gloved hand in front of your face and stooping down to look at your zoned out expression.

A faint pink blush tinted your cheeks at your closeness, and your strange attraction that you've always had towards the man.

"Ugh, sorry Tobi. Well I'm glad I finally found you!" You say, recovering from your moment with a sheepish smile.


"You too, Name-chan! Deidara told me you had left the hide out but I guess he was mistaken because here you are." He said completely oblivious to Deidara's plan to get rid of him.

"Oh Tobi, I've already told you, never listen to anything Deidara says" and you pulled his face closer to yours so you could whisper the next in his ear "Deidara senpai lies." You hissed

Tobi pulled away to look at your face in shock while you knit your eyebrows at how cute he was being.

"Deidara senpai lies to Tobi?" He repeated.

You bit your lip and looked at the ground whilst sadly emitting an 'mmhmm' sound. You could tell Tobi was sad because he spoke in third person, something he only does when he's either sad or very hyper.

All the sorrowful man did was glower at the ground, seeming to drown in sadness. You quickly tried to change the subject because it made your heart hurt to see him so sad, even though you couldn't physically see his facial expression.

Unfortunately you were at a loss of words and had to ask why Tobi seemed so forlorn. Of course he realized by now that Deidara isn't a very big fan of him so he shouldn't be that surprised, but still, you had to ask.

"Tobi, what's wrong?" You questioned him as you laced your hands around his body, pulling him closer to you.

"If Deidara senpai lies about everything to Tobi, then what he told me before must not be true either."

You reached up, cupping the sides of his mask, not to take it off but to, in a way take his face in your hands. Moving his face downward, you made him look at you and your caring expression.


"Tobi, what did Deidara tell you?" You asked sternly, becoming angry with Deidara. How could someone be so cruel to an adorable person like Tobi?

"Well the other day he was teasing me saying (Name) likes Tobi. And it made Tobi happy to think that Name-chan feels the same way."

Your heart dropped at his reply, and you felt as if you couldn't breathe. Your first thought was, 'Oh my gosh, how could Deidara reveal that to Tobi. Now he knows. But he likes me back, which means I could never be happier.' My second thought though, was that fact that Tobi was intelligent enough to understand the difference between "friend liking" and "like liking".

"Oh my gosh, Tobi I-" you were at a loss for words. You actually became so nervous that you accidentally swallowed your piece of candy, but no one noticed.

"Of course I like you back!" Who would've thought that Deidara could be so helpful for once!

Tobi's face lifted up and you could tell he was beaming under that orange mask of his.

Apparently he must have been ecstatic because before you knew it he had lifted his mask up, only a little and placed his hands on your waist, lifting you up so up you were level with him, and off the ground. He pulled you close and kissed you so gently that you couldn't even believe this was the same Tobi. You tangled your hands in his spiky black hair, earning a groan on his part. As your mouths' parted, all you could taste was candy, and all the other sweet things Tobi craved and lives on.

You both pulled away and Tobi set you onto your feet. As you folded you hands behind your back, Tobi adjusted his mask to sit properly on his face again, but you were able to sneak a quick glance at his mouth, which was enough for you.

Tobi turned around to walk in the other direction, believing your quick meet up to have been fulfilled. You on the other hand seized the opportunity and jumped on his back, hoping to be awarded with a piggyback ride from your significant other, which he gladly accepted. On your way to who-knows-where, a question popped into your mind.

"Hey, Tobi, why was it you were looking for me in the first place?"

He came to a slow stop, as if to recall to memory the reason he had been looking for you and then a small 'oh' sound emerged from him and he reached into the pocket of his cloak. He reveled to you what was in his hand; a watermelon sucker.

"It was the last one and I know it's your favorite." He recalled.

You accepted the piece of candy, discarded the wrapper and placed it in your mouth, but not before removing the grape flavored candy you had been saving in your own cloak for a special someone.

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