《True World (Yandere Everything)》Chapter 1


The sound of what seemed like birds roused Y/N.

She picked herself up. Crouching and groaning in pain. Her body ached as if she had been thrown around.

Coughing a bit, she blinked and looked around, nearly gasping as she took in her soundings.

Green soft grass everywhere, trees taller than she had ever seen, and plants that looked like vines nearly growing out of every tree.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up now. What kind of weird ass dream was this?

But it wasn't a dream. She could feel her anxiety building and she stared and stared.

Even the sky was different, it looked blue and purple. With the moon showing and even looking purple itself.

"Ok.. did he drug me or something? What the hell is this". She muttered trying to pinch herself and yelping when she felt the pain.

Dream, nightmare, whatever this wasn't it. So if she was awake where the hell was she?

She sat there dazed before remembering about her items. She quickly searched around herself and let out a sigh of relief.

Her backpack and duffel bag had come with her, both tossed to her side pitifully.

She grabbed them both hugging them to her. Nearly cradling them as she tried to calm her mind.

Her body felt better, just still a little sore, and she just felt super confused.

A sound behind her made her tense up and nearly jump up.

As she whirled around, she was greeted with a.. boy? He was certainly beautiful. About her height or maybe a little taller. He had black hair, pale skin, and what seemed like.. sparkles on his face. He also had a pair of very pointy ears.

They both stared at each other in shock.

The boy took an uncertain step towards her. Reaching out towards her as if he wanted to feel her.


"No!" She screamed and got up trying to flee,

But tripping and sending her bags flying.

She lay there on the ground feeling both scared and embarrassed at herself.

The boy walked to her letting out a soft laugh.

He crouched down and took hold of her frightened self.

Helping her sit up, he withdrew his hands and gave her a kind smile.

"W-Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" She stumbled staring at him wide eyed and wondering why he looked like he came from a theater class.

I mean the boy even had black nails for gods sake!

He frowned and said something to her. An unknown language it seemed. Seeing her confused face, he tilted his head in frustration, then pulled something from around his neck.

It seemed to be a necklace? A strange pendant on a piece of black string.

He murmured something and the pendant glowed brightly.

Her mouth dropped open.

After a few seconds the glow went away and he put the necklace back on himself.

Clearing his throat, he asked the amazed woman, "Can you understand me now?"

His English was fluent but kind of strange. As if it was coming from a robotic voice.

"Uh yeah I can". She said flabbergasted.

"That's good. It seems you speak English". He said smiling now broadly showing her white pointy teeth.

She nodded at him.

"If I may ask.. how did you get here? You don't seem like the strange humans who reside within this uh planet". He said pausing quizzically.

"Strange humans?? Dude I come from Earth. I have no clue how I got here. I blacked out and here I am. Where the hell are we?" She said picking up her things trying to find some reassurance in her belongings.


The strange boys beautiful ocean like eyes widened. He looked surprised to say the least.

He muttered something to himself in a strange language then gave her an intense look.

"I think you are in the wrong Earth". He said inching closer to her and she found herself backing away a bit.

"Can you please stop getting so close to me!" She yelled panicking and causing the sound of twittering birds to be quiet.

The boy froze and brought up a hand.

As if telling her to keep quiet.

It was suddenly deadly quiet. Then a large thumping sound came from the trees.

"We need to go. If we stay here it will be.. trouble. Come." He ordered standing up and offering his hand.

She eyed him but jumped a bit when another loud thud echoed in the air. Causing the ground to slightly shake.

Getting up, she grabbed his hand, and nearly screamed.

It was extremely cold. Like she was holding on to a block of ice.

He pulled her, running fast, to the opposite direction of where the loud sounds where coming from.

They ran through what seemed like an enormous bush. She was coughing and panting pushing aside everything and trying to keep a hold on her belongings.

After what seemed like forever, they reached a small thicket, with large patch of.. blue grass??

They both collapsed on it. The boy not making a sound. But Y/N was heaving and panting. Her heart hammering in her chest. Exercise wasn't exactly her forte.

They both remained quiet except for Y/N still panting a bit, and then the sound of birds seemed to come back. The twitters and chirps loud as can be.

The boy relaxed and glanced over at a disheveled Y/N.

"I'm sorry about that. We could have died if we had stayed there". He apologized leaning over and pushing aside some of her now somewhat sweaty hair from her face.

She pushed away his hand and glared at him.

"You said I'm on the wrong Earth. What do you mean by that?!"

He chewed his bottom lip delicately.

"It's a very long story to explain. I can tell you, but I think we need to move again. I have a.. small home. My companion that lives with me is more knowledgeable about humans". He said apologetically peering at her.

"What are you talking about? Humans? Aren't you human?"

He smirked a bit at this and shook his head. Pointing to his ears he tittered ," I am what would be known in your planet as an Elf".

Say what now?

He continued speaking ,"My name is Eriol. It's not exactly how you would say it in my language. But it's the closest name I can think of in English. What is your name?"

She felt exhausted and sweaty. This weird ass boy was telling her he was an elf. She was somewhere where the colors was mixed up.

"What the hell. I'm Y/N". She sighed

He smiled at her and sat up a bit straighter.

She failed to notice how his blue eyes seemed to turn red for a second.

A very very bad sign.

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