《True World (Yandere Everything)》Prologue


It was late at night as Y/N silently closed the front door behind her.

She was carrying her small backpack and duffel bag.

As she walked hurriedly out of the front yard, she felt a huge sense of relief, and nearly sprinted away.

Laughing, as the moon watched her, shining on her and showing her shadow dancing.

She had finally done it!

She had managed to leave her ex boyfriend. Leave his manipulative, abusive, crazy ass. Now maybe she could finally live her life.

Slowing down, she hummed to herself, and looked up at the sky.

The night sky was filled with tiny stars and the large moon paling down.

A full moon.

"How beautiful". She whispered to herself and frowned as she noticed how strange the sky suddenly seemed.

W-was it supposed to look purple?

Halting to a stop she blinked in amazement,

Was she going crazy? It was like the sky was slowly turning purple and in a way larger to her.

It was as if.. as if she floating.

Her mind felt oddly foggy and she struggled to keep her eyes opened.

What the fuck was happening?

Before she could think of anything else everything faded to black. And she was gone.

Gone spiraling down to another land. Unbeknownst to her of course.

And not knowing the impact she would have on those she would meet.

Or the cage she would soon be put into...


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