《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 27


'Avni! Have you seen my blue shirt? I cannot find it.' Aditya called for the third time from his bedroom feeling irritated and tired. He was giving so much to his business but still wasn't able to do as well as he wanted to. But then, there was someone in his own company who wasn't loyal to him and was secretly giving the information to their rivals.

He needed to find out who this prick was. He will make the bastard pay for his deed. And now he couldn't find the damn shirt. He really was in a shitty mood today. Avni, on the other hand, was busy preparing breakfast unaware of the turbulent thoughts of Aditya.

As soon as she heard Aditya calling her, she turned off the stove and went to relieve him from his misery. She entered the room and found Aditya still searching for his shirt and all clothes were scattered in the room creating a mess. She said keeping her hands on her head, 'Oh my God! What is happening here?'

Aditya looked at her and then started rummaging through his closet again. He said, 'Where were you? I called you about ten times! I couldn't find my blue shirt. Have you seen it?'

Avni immediately noticed the change in his mood. She wanted to know what led him to get so annoyed. But she didn't give any reaction. She calmly said, 'I was preparing breakfast so I just heard you calling me twice.' She reached forward picking up his shirt from the nearby rack and held it up for him to take.

The shirt was just in front of his eyes and he couldn't see it. Aditya sighed in frustration towards himself and rubbed his hand over his hair. He took his shirt from Avni and thanked her, embarrassed over his own behavior.


Avni just gave him her smile and while exiting from the room she said, 'I won't ask you what's wrong but whatever it is.... don't worry, everything will be alright.'

Saying those words Avni went back to preparing the breakfast and Aditya stood there holding his shirt in his hand speechless. This was the first time for him to see Avni like this, so understanding and so positive and encouraging. He didn't want to tell anything and yet she understood that he needed time. He was feeling so thankful and proud of her.

Her mere words filled him with so much energy and confidence that he was now ready for anything and everything. He never had anyone boosting him and supporting him like Avni before. When his mother was alive she was the one who had faith in him and after her nobody had ever supported him without any reason.

He felt happy and optimistic now. His facial expression soon turned into a smile thinking about Avni. He joined everyone at the dining table for breakfast and it was then that Aditya's eyes met Avni's.

He wanted to keep looking at her and not stop for a second but being with everyone present, it was not possible.

Baani spoke gaining everybody's attention towards her. 'Aditya's birthday is coming this week. So I was thinking we make a list of the guests to be invited.'

Avni looked at Aditya and thought that he didn't tell her about his birthday and asked Baani, 'When is it? I mean the birthday?' She felt embarrassed about asking Aditya's birthday because being his wife she should know, she thought but she wanted to know now so she asked anyway.

Baani frowned at Aditya and said, 'I see this stupid guy hasn't told you about his birthday! It is at the end of this week I mean this Saturday on 18th.'


'Hey I am not stupid and you know I don't like to celebrate my birthday so I didn't feel like telling.' Aditya answered in his defense.

'But you should atleast tell your wife about it you stuuupid!!' Baani said rolling her eyes at Aditya and he glared at her. Avni felt like laughing but controlled herself by occupying in eating.

Baani spoke again, 'So now, today I will make a list of the guests and everything that's required. We'll have a blast this year Adi! Don't you agree grandma?' Grandma nodded and gave Baani a tired smile. She was growing weak every day though she had a strong willpower and Avni felt bad for her.

After that, they all went to do their work and in her office Avni felt annoyed at Aditya for not telling her about his birthday. She was never the one to be affected by these small things but that was because she never felt like she did now for anyone before.

On the other hand, Aditya felt stupid about himself. He thought he need to apologize to Avni for his behavior in the morning and for not telling Avni about his birthday. So, he immediately texted Avni.

Hey precious! Are you free? Please tell me when you have time, I want to talk for a minute.

Avni read it and then texted back when Aditya was nervously waiting for her reply. As soon as the screen of his phone blinked he picked up and read it.

No, I am busy. And besides, I don't want to talk and thank you for not telling me about your birthday.

Aditya's face dropped with disappointment. He knew this was coming his way and he deserved it he knew that but still he felt sad reading Avni's text. He then texted her back.

I am sorry precious! :( I will make it up for you I promise.

Avni read the message and smiled. It was like she never was angry. There was honesty in Aditya's reply which made Avni cheery but she wanted to show him that she was still annoyed. So she texted him.

Well well Mr. Mehra! That is an interesting promise. Are you sure you will be able to keep it?

Aditya's reply came instantly. Yes I am definitely very sure precious!

Reading it Avni smiled and texted back.

Then I am looking forward to it. ;)

As soon as Avni's reply came Aditya took a breath of relief. He smiled looking at her text and decided that he will keep his promise no matter what.

Just when he finished reading his text there was a knock on his door and his personal assistant came rushing in and said, 'We got him.'

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