《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 26


'I was wondering if you would like to adopt Lipi. I mean, its okay if you don't. I understand that its too soon to be doing anything like that and I.... wait why are you smiling?' Aditya said nervously and Avni couldn't help smiling looking at him.

'That's because you are looking really funny. And the answer for your question is yes! I would love to adopt her, I mean look at her who wouldn't want that!' Avni said this while thinking about their arrangement of marriage at the back of her mind.

She knew it wasn't an easy decision to make but the child needed it. Whether she would be there with her or not in the future but atleast Lipi had Aditya and he will be always there. This thought was enough for her to say yes.

Aditya couldn't believe his ears. 'Really! Thank you Precious. You are amazing.' He said this and lifted her off the feet and started whirling. Avni's eyes widened and she shouted, 'Adi! Stop it.' Aditya was laughing and he felt so happy. He finally stopped and put her down but they were still standing very close to each other.

They looked in each other's eyes and Aditya moved his hand to caress her cheek. He then moved his thumb over lips and whispered, 'You are too beautiful.' He then lowered himself and captured her lips. He kissed her in a way to show her what he was feeling now and Avni felt it too. He wanted to let her know how much the decision meant for him.

The kiss was simple yet when they parted, both were breathing for air but Avni found that Aditya's eyes were now carrying a glassy appearance. She looked at him with concern and said, 'Adi, are you alright?' Aditya nodded and said, 'Yeah I am good. I am just.. happy, too damn happy. ' He then flashed Avni his most breathtaking smile. Avni returned his smile with her own.


Avni asked Aditya, 'When will we bring Lipi to our home?' Aditya answered, 'It would take few weeks for the formalities and then we could bring her.' Avni nodded and said, 'Thats great!'

Then Aditya and Avni went to meet Lipi and when they informed her that she'll stay with them she was too much delighted.

After this they returned back to their plane and continued through their journey to home. When they finally returned, Avni was too much tired. Although throughout the journey she slept, still she felt tired and sleepy. On the other hand, Aditya looked fine for he was used to travelling long journeys.

The whole family welcomed them with open arms. It was Baani who came rushing to them as soon as they entered and got hold of Avni to give her all the details. Avni had to tell her something so she gave her superficial details and with that Baani was satisfied.

Everything was getting fine from that day. Avni joined her work again and Aditya also continued with his business. The last time when they had kissed, everything had been normal since then.

Though they had shared healthy nice conversations, but nothing unusual happened. Aditya's grandmother was getting a little stable now and everyone was relieved about it. They haven't shared the news of adoption to anyone in the family yet.

One evening, Avni saw Aditya sitting on his computer stressed out. He was sitting there for a long time engrossed in his work. Avni asked him, 'Would you like a cup of tea?' Yeah he preferred tea over coffee. It would be strange for some people that anyone could like tea more than coffee but Avni had found out this information few days back. She had offered him coffee but he refused telling her that he'd rather like tea. Aditya still fixing his gaze on the computer screen shook his head and said, 'Not now. After I finish this, I'll love to have tea.'


Avni was nervous about what she was thinking of doing now. But he looked so tensed that she wanted to do it. She came close to him while his back was towards her. She slowly placed her hands on his broad shoulders and found his body was tensed so she gave a little squeeze and then started moving her thumbs and fingers pressing his shoulders.

Aditya started relaxing under her touch and released a sigh of relief. 'You should'nt get so much stressed Adi.' She spoke gently to him. He held her hands which were on his shoulders and looked at her by moving his head backwards. He smiled at her and said, 'okay precious! Whatever you say. But its important and I need to finish this. It will take me half an hour more and then you can offer me anything you want and I won't decline.' He winked at her saying this. She just chuckled and released herself from his grip and said, 'yeah okay.'

She started to leave but Aditya held her wrist and brought her abruptly on his lap. She didn't even got the time to react when he kissed her quickly and said, 'Thank you. You may go now wherever you were going.' Avni frowned at him recovering from just what happened. She said, 'You can't do something like that and behave everything's normal.'

Aditya said still holding her on his lap, 'You mean this?' And again he kissed her and smiled mischievously. Avni was breathless though the kiss was a quick one. She glared at him but failed miserably and couldn't help smiling. She encircled her arms around his neck and kissed him back. They kissed for few seconds when Avni spoke. 'I think you should finish your work now. She got up and went back to the kitchen to have some tea for herself.

When she entered into the kitchen she found Baani there. She looked at Avni and smiled brightly. 'Hey Avni! What happened? Are you okay? You look flushed.' She said and Avni turned pink but she tried to hold it and smiled. 'Yeah I am good. Its just the weather is too hot. Don't you think the temperature is too much?' Stupid excuse Avni. She thought. Baani looked at her and nodded with a small smile covering her lips.

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