《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 5


After few minutes they reached their destination. Avni looked out of the car towards the restaurant they were about to enter. Many times, Avni had passed by that restaurant. She knew that it was a restaurant of rich people.

The restaurant had that sophisticated appeal to it. Aditya opened the door for her and they entered in. Avni was awestruck by the beauty of the place. It was not only beautiful from outside but from inside as well.

A waitress welcomed them and took them towards their reserved seat. There was no mistake by Avni that she saw the waitress beaming towards Aditya but she ignored it as she was quite aware of his aura by now. She was herself sorting out the reasons for not falling to his charms.

As they were seated, the silence ensued in between them, no one wanted to speak. It was getting a bit awkward by every seconds passing. Finally, the same waitress who helped them towards their seat came asking about their orders. 'May I have your orders, please?' She asked smiling towards them but more towards Aditya; Avni noted.

Though the waitress was trying to get Aditya's attention, he completely ignored her and that made Avni smile because she was enjoying the look of disappointment on her face. Both of them placed their orders and were again left alone. Then, Aditya spoke first ' Do you like the place?'

'Yeah I like it. Many times I've passed by this place but never got the chance to enter.'

'Why not? Who was stopping you?'

' Well it's the rich people I'm not used to. I mean the atmosphere I just feel uncomfortable.'

Aditya was amazed by this fact. 'Really! I take it that you are uncomfortable around me too. But the question is why. What is it about rich people that make you uncomfortable? '


'Don't flatter yourself. You might be commanding a bit which is one of the common characteristic of being rich but I don't at all feel uncomfortable by your presence.'

'In that case, I take it as a compliment that you are comfortable with me. By the way, what made you think that I am commanding? I never even talked to you before today'. Aditya said grinning towards her but inside he was surprised by the fact that she could read him so well.

Avni felt irritated that she was losing her patience. So she tried to change the subject but Aditya was smarter and persistent as well. Another quality of being rich, too stubborn to let go.

'Ok, I am sorry I shouldn't have said that. It's just that you didn't even ask me whether I want to have dinner with you today.'

'Well actually I didn't want to have dinner. I wanted to talk to you over dinner. There's a difference.'

They were then interrupted by the waitress who came with their orders. When she left, they started with their conversation.

'I too want to talk but I think we are not doing a very good job here.'

'I agree. So lets get to the point. I don't want to marry you.'

Avni got shocked by his confession. She felt it hardly a confession it was a fact. She too didn't want to marry him but still it was hurting to hear it. She already sacrificed her relationship because of this marriage which neither of them wanted. Anger started to build up inside her and even with her best efforts she couldn't suppress it.

'What? If you don't want to marry me then what was all that fuss about? You should have said that before you sent the proposal. Who you think you are? I am not a thing to use and throw away the way you want. I abandoned my relationship because of you and now you are telling me that you don't want to marry. I don't get it.'


Aditya interrupted before she said anything more. 'Listen let me finish. I don't want to marry but I have to because that's what my family wants or that's what my grandmother wants. I think you must be aware of that fact.'

Avni was listening now. Aditya continued. 'I just wanted to make it clear that if you have something to say or have any expectations you say it now. So we are quite clear.'

Avni felt that a heavy weight has been lifted off her head. She couldn't believe her luck.

'I just want you to understand that I too had no intentions to marry you. And as you already know by now that I had a boyfriend so I would like you to understand that I don't plan on consummating the marriage anytime soon. '

Saying this Avni couldn't help but blush. She never had this type of conversation with anyone except for Rohit.

Aditya couldn't suppress the smile that spread over his face seeing Avni blush. He felt it quite attractive on her.

'Don't worry Avni I am not stupid. I respect your feelings and I am also not too eager to do it. You can trust me. I will not touch you until you ask me to. '

Avni felt lightheaded as all her worries were gone with simply his assurance but just then Aditya spoke, 'But we need to put a show in public. For others we are a couple. '

'What do you mean? What type of show?'

'You really don't understand or are you really that naive?'

'Hey!! Don't call me that. I am not naive I do understand what you mean by that but I am asking what the show will involve.'

'Nothing much. You will know when the time comes you just have to make it appear like we are happy together. Got it?'

'Alright! But I have one more question. What if, you know, after everything is over and you happen to develop interest for someone?'

'We are not expected to date when we are married. You should know that. It's not possible for me to develop interest in anyone. When I am with one person I never seek for another. I expect the same from you.'

Avni nodded and asked extending her hand towards Aditya, 'Ok so we have a deal Mr. Mehra?'

'Deal' Aditya said holding her hand and shaking it.

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