《The Proposal》Chapter 19
Once they returned to her parents' house, Killian grabbed the two small boxes from his backpack and went with her outside. They sat on the porch swing, as Emma draped a blanket over them and Killian took a breath.
"Love, I wanted to talk about us wearing wedding rings." Killian said softly.
Emma couldn't help but smile at his words. "I'd love that, Killian.. I really would. We can get rings when we get back home.." She played with his shirt sleeve.
"Actually, Love.. I have rings, and I know I probably should have talked to you about this, and let you pick them out yourself or something, but.." He offered her the ring boxes he had.
She opened them and smiled a little. "No, no.. I love these, Killian. I like that they match my engagement ring.. They're gorgeous."
He kissed her head. "I had them made to match.. I wanted them to be special, but still ours.. Since your engagement ring is my mom's.. And I had yours engraved with my initials and the date we got married. If you.. If you wanted mine engraved or something, we could do that too."
She kissed him softly. "I love it, and I might want to get yours engraved.. I don't want um.. I want.." She sighed. "I don't want you to feel like you have to wear one, I know you were worried about it since you can't wear it on your left hand.. So um.. Which finger are you going to wear yours on?" She asked softly.
He kissed her back. "I was just going to wear it on my right ring finger.. I know it's not the typical place, but.. It's the best I can do for you. And it's something I want to do for you." He sighed.
"Hey, look at me.." She said gently as he lifted his eyes to meet hers. "I don't give a damn what finger you wear it on. I know you're mine, and that's all I care about. I know we decided we didn't want wedding rings when we got married, but.. I like the idea that you have proof that.. That you've got someone who is yours.. And, as a promise you're not going to be alone."
He nodded and kissed her cheek. "I love you so much.. I just wanted you to have the ring, and know that I'm in this for the long haul no matter what we decide to do regarding this pregnancy.. You are never going to be alone. Unless you decide you don't want me anymore."
She hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Killian. I love you too, truly. I don't plan on ever letting you go.." She kissed his cheek. "Look.. I know what Henry said.. And I know it makes me hypocritical to want a baby with you.. But.. I don't know what to do."
Killian nodded a little. "I don't believe it is hypocritical of you to want another chance, Emma.."
"But I didn't raise Henry, I gave him up.." She sighed.
"Did you not want him at all? I refuse to believe that you didn't want him at all. I see it sometimes.. You look at him, a sad look in your eyes because you wish you had raised him.. But then I see you smile because you are so happy with the way he turned out.." Killian said softly. "It's okay to want a chance to be a mom, to raise a child that is yours." He kissed her forehead.
She looked up at him nervously. "I.. I'm thinking about us keeping the baby." She blurted out suddenly.
"You are? You don't have to if it's just for me.. I told you I would be okay if you didn't want to keep it." He ran his fingers through her hair.
"It's not just for you.. It's.. It's for me too.." She admitted. "You know that my biggest fear was guilt, and Henry being upset.. But you saw how excited he was, how happy he was for us.." She looked up at him, her fear still evident in her green eyes.
Killian nodded. "Aye, the lad was very happy at the thought of you having another baby.. And I know that this is still a scary situation, but I.. I know you, and I know you're only so nervous because you're scared that this is something you might want.."
Emma nodded a little. "I.. I.. I'm still really scared, Kil.. But I think you might be right.. You always know what I'm feeling before I even realize it." She moved so she had her legs draped over his lap and could look at him easier.
She took a deep breath and played with the hair on the back of his neck. "Killian Jones.. H-have this baby with me?" She asked softly.
Killian hugged her tightly, burying his face in her neck. "Of course I will. I'd love to have this baby with you. I'd honestly love nothing more, Emma."
She held him tightly and kissed his head. "You promise you won't leave me, right? Because I can't do this without you, Killian.. I truly can't." She had tears in her eyes as she looked at him..
"I promise, my love. I love you more than anything, and I will never leave you. You or our child." He rubbed her back gently and squeezed her. "You're sure about this, right?"
Emma shook her head. "No, not at all. But I know that you're the love of my life, and I'm honestly happy that I get to raise a child, your child.. That I get raise this child with you by my side."
"We're going to do this together. But in the next couple of weeks, if you decide you can't do this at all, we can talk again, alright?" He rested his good hand against her stomach. "Our child is going to be so loved.. I promise you no matter how terrified you are that I will always be there for you, with you. I love you, Emma Swan."
She covered his hand and leaned into him. "I love you too, Jones. We're having a baby, Killian.. I'm pregnant." She smiled. "While I am scared, I'm also happy. I hope you know that."
"I know, Love.. I can't wait to be a father." Killian just held his wife for a while. He knew this was a big decision for her, and that it didn't deserve to be taken lightly. He rubbed her back with his prosthetic and hummed softly as they sat together.
Emma tucked her head under his chin and smiled a little. She still had a slight headache, but she didn't care, she was extremely happy to be with her husband. "Merry Christmas, Killian.." She whispered when she realized they had been sitting there for a few hours.
"Is it Christmas eve already?" He asked softly. "Merry Christmas, my Swan.."
She smiled. "It is.. Let's go to bed, we need to get some rest. I promised Henry I would hang out with him tomorrow." She got up and helped him up as well. She led him to her bedroom and they went to sleep.
Emma woke up with morning sickness, running to the bathroom and emptying her stomach. Killian got up with her and sat next to her in the bathroom, holding her hair back.
"Love, I'm sorry you've gotten sick like this.." He said softly. "Can I get you anything?"
"I think I'm done for now, but a glass of water would be nice.. And um.. If you see my mom downstairs, I want to see her.." She said softly.
Killian kissed her forehead. "Aye, I will. I'll be right back with your water, Love."
Downstairs he found Mary Margaret up and making breakfast. She looked up and smiled at him.
"Good morning, Sweetheart.. You're up early today." She greeted him.
"Aye, Emma awoke with sickness this morning.. I suppose that nausea she's been feeling finally culminated this morning. I just came down to get her a glass of water."
Mary Margaret got it for him. "I hate that she's feeling so sick.. I know it's not exactly my business, but how is she doing with the news? Are you two um.. Considering your options?"
Killian nodded a little. "Aye, we've talked. She actually wanted to see you, if you want to take the water to her.. I can finish up this breakfast for you."
His mother-in-law nodded and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for taking such good care of our daughter, Killian. Since that first time we met you, she's become a different person. Less guarded, and more free."
He smiled a little. "Thank you for letting me still be with her after everything I did. She's my entire world, I can't imagine where I'd be without her in my life."
Mary Margaret took the glass of water up to her daughter. Emma had moved back to the bed, and was curled up in one of Killian's sweaters.
"Hi, Momma.." She said softly.
"Hi, Sweetie.. I brought you that water you wanted." She said softly as she sat with Emma on the bed.
Emma took it and drank it slowly. "I.. I wanted to tell you.. Killian and I talked, and I talked with Henry.. And.." She stopped to take a deep breath. Telling her mom they were keeping the baby would make it really real.
"You can tell me anything, Emma.." She brushed her daughter's hair from her face.
Emma nodded. "Killian and I.. We're having a baby." She whispered.
"Oh, Emma. I'm so happy for you, you're going to be an amazing mom." She hugged her daughter.
"Thank you, Momma.. I'm still scared, but I'm confident in how much I love my husband.. And Henry said he wouldn't be upset.. And, I.. I want a second chance to raise my child.." She said softly.
Mary Margaret kissed her head. "Your father and I, and Leo, we'll all be here for you through this. I doubt you want to tell your dad just yet, so I won't say anything.."
Emma smiled a little. "Thank you, Mom.. I want to go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay before we tell anyone. Just in case something bad happens."
"I understand, you've got to think about the possible risks. Killian is finishing up breakfast for us all if you want to go down and try to eat something?"
"I'd like to at least be with Killian.. Maybe I'll try some toast?" She said softly following her mom to the kitchen.
David and Leo had joined Killian in the kitchen and they were finishing placing the food on plates.
"There are my beautiful wife and daughter." David smiled, kissing Emma's forehead and then kissing his wife. "How are you feeling today, Em?"
"I've felt better, but I'm good." She shrugged, ruffling Leo's hair as she passed him.
Killian kissed her nose, and told her he loved her. She smiled a little. "Merry christmas, Babe." She said softly.
Killian grinned. "Merry Christmas, my love. Would you like anything to eat?" He brushed her hair behind her ear.
"Can I just have some toast, and hot chocolate?" She asked softly.
"Aye, Love. Coming right up." He moved to get it for her, and she sat at the table, tugging the sleeves of her borrowed sweater further down her hands.
Leo sat next to his sister. "Are you okay, Sis? Can I do anything?"
She leaned against his shoulder. "I'm okay, Leo.. Thank you for being so sweet and asking. I think you're a good kid."
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and shrugged. "You're my big sister, I don't like when you're sick or anything."
Emma thanked Killian for the toast and hot chocolate. The small family ate and caught up on everything since they had last seen each other.
"I'm going to go pick up the rest of the Jones family from Granny's." David smiled. "Do we need anything while I'm out? Emma do you need any medicine or anything?"
She shook her head. "I'm fine, Dad.. I promise.." She smiled reassuringly.
He nodded. "I'm sorry, I can't help but worry, Emma. You're my little girl."
She nodded. Sometimes it was still hard for her to realize she has two amazing parents who love her more than anything.
When David returned, Mary Margaret and Emma had already set up everything they would need to decorate the Christmas cookies. The boys ran to them, Finn hugging Emma's leg.
"Auntie Em! Momma said we're gonna make cookies. I get to make them look pretty." He grinned.
She knelt down to his level. "That's right, kiddo. We're gonna make them look really pretty, you can decorate them however you'd like to." She smiled.
"Awesome!" He smiled.
Emma helped him and Aiden get settled at the table and gave them each a cookie to work on. Elsa came over and sat with Adelaide on her lap to watch over the boys.
"This was a really sweet idea, Mary Margaret.. Thank you." Elsa smiled.
"Oh, of course. I figured they'd enjoy getting to work with their hands. They're really sweet little boys." She smiled.
Killian sat at the table and started to decorate a cookie with them. "El, can I borrow my lovely niece? We have a cookie to decorate." He grinned charmingly at her.
Elsa rolled her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, of course, Kil.. I bet she would love to get her hands in that frosting." She said passing Adelaide to him.
Killian held her on his knee and helped her to decorate a cookie shaped like a Christmas tree. Emma stood behind him, running her fingers through his hair as she watched him. Adelaide squealed and clapped her hands together.
"You're right, my love. We do need more sprinkles." Killian said as if he knew what Addy had said.
Emma leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Seeing you with Addy, I'm really happy we're doing this." She whispered to him.
He looked up at her and smiled. "Me too, Baby." He pressed a kiss to her lips. "Doesn't Adelaide's cookie look gorgeous?"
"Oh, of course it does. You did splendidly, Addy. It's my favorite." She kissed the top of the little girl's head.
Addy grinned at Emma. "Em."
Killian had his fill of decorating after one, it was difficult when he only had one hand, so he took Adelaide over to her father after cleaning them both up, to talk with him. Liam smiled a little.
"How are you doing, brother? Everything okay with Emma?" Liam asked softly.
Killian nodded. "Aye, Liam. Of course, Emma and I are doing very well. She's got a stomach bug or something, but she's going to be just fine. And we're spending our first Christmas together.. We're happy."
Liam nodded. "I'm glad you both are happy, and doing well. And I'm glad I still get to spend Christmas with you, Killian."
"Me as well, Liam. You're my only family, and I guess the Nolans realized that.. Emma needed to be here, so they invited you too. I guess they knew I needed you too." He shrugged, swaying gently with Adelaide.
She laid her head on his shoulder, and Liam sighed. "Can't Papa hold you, Princess?" He offered his hands to his daughter.
"But.. Killy." She said softly, holding Killian's shirt in her hand.
"Alright, Baby.. I know your love your Uncle Killy." Liam kissed her forehead.
Killian rubbed her back with his good hand. "She still loves you, Liam.. I'm just her favorite uncle. Besides my wife, she's my best friend."
Liam rolled his eyes teasingly. "Yeah, yeah.. I know you love my daughter more than you love me. You know, Emma keeps watching you with Addy.. Have you talked more about children?" He asked softly.
"Emma and I talk about it often, and she's still unsure.. But she knows that I don't need kids to be happy with her." He shrugged. It was difficult for him not to tell his brother about Emma being pregnant, he told Liam everything. Killian ran his fingers through his hair nervously.
Liam nodded. "I understand.. I'm just glad you two are still doing well. I was worried this wouldn't work out, that one of you would run.." He admitted. "Is everything alright, though? You seem nervous."
"So was I, Brother. Everything is great, Liam. I'm fine. She makes me better, and.. I like to think I make her better as well." He smiled a little.
Liam nodded and clapped him on the shoulder. Emma came over to them, and wrapped her arm around Killian.
"Em?" Addy reached for her.
Emma took her from Killian and held her close. "Hi there, Beautiful.. You're looking more and more like your daddy.."
Killian wrapped his arms around them. "She's cuter than her father, Emma. Kind of like her handsome uncle." He teased.
Emma rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah.. I think she's cuter than her uncle, and sweeter too." Emma held her close, running her fingers through Adelaide's curls.
Liam smiled at them before leaving them alone, going to sit with his wife. Killian kissed her cheek, and held her close.
"You're a natural with her, Em.. I hope our baby looks like you, cute little nose and lips.." He kissed her cheek.
She shook her head. "I want our baby to look like you.. But, I'm starting to feel better about this, and I know that's something you're worried about. I love watching you with Addy, and Finn and Aiden.. It makes me feel better about this. That um.. When I'm not sure I can handle it, I have you.. I don't know." She shrugged.
Killian nodded. "Aye, I understand, Swan.. I believe in you, but you will always have me. Always. Never forget that. I'll do anything to prove to you that you can handle this, that you're going to be the best mom to our child." He kissed her temple.
Emma leaned into his kiss. "Thank you." She said softly.
The rest of the day was spent just talking and playing games. Regina and Henry came over in the afternoon before their Christmas eve dinner. Since Emma had promised she would spend time with Henry she took him on a walk to get some hot chocolate.
Despite being an eleven year old boy, he happily held Emma's hand as they walked. He told Emma all about his school, and his friends. Emma loved talking to him, she loved hearing how happy he was with his friends and how well he was doing in school.
"Killian could have come with us, Mom.. I wouldn't have minded." Henry shrugged.
"Oh, um.. He wanted to give us some space. He loves you, but he doesn't want you to feel like he's always around and you never have a chance to just be with me." Emma squeezed his hand. "He doesn't want you to feel like he's trying to make himself your dad or anything."
"That wouldn't be so bad, Mom."
"What wouldn't be so bad, Kid?" Emma asked curiously.
"To have him as a dad, to call him dad.." Henry said softly. "He's really cool, I've never had a dad, but yeah.. I don't know."
"You know, Hen.. I think that.. If your mom won't be upset, I think if you asked Killian, he might think it's cool, and let you call him dad.. I know he thinks of you like a son."
"Really? He'd let me call him dad?" Henry smiled. Over the past year, Henry and Killian had begun to talk almost as much as Emma and Henry do.
"I think he would, he really cares for you, Kid." She smiled. "How about we get that hot chocolate now?"
Henry nodded. "Sure." He pulled her towards Granny's since it was the only place open.
Emma paid for their drinks, and Granny smiled at them. "Merry Christmas, you two.. How are you feeling today, Emma?"
"I'm feeling better, Granny.. Thank you for the drinks. Henry and I needed some time together, since I'm not here often." She smiled.
Granny nodded. "Good. And I'm proud of you, Sweetheart. For how far you've come since we first met.. For making an effort to be with your boy."
Emma nodded. "Thank you, Granny. I'm just doing what I can." She moved to sit in a booth with Henry. They laughed and talked for almost an hour before Emma realized what time it was.
"Shoot.. Henry, we've got to get back.. We're gonna be late for dinner. My mom will kill me." Emma got up and pulled her coat back on.
The two of them raced back to the Nolan's house. Emma smiled, letting Henry win. She wished she was closer to him, but she knew Killian needed to be in Boston, for Liam and their company.
"So sorry we're late, Mom. I lost track of time." She apologized.
Mary Margaret shook her head. "It's alright, Sweetie. I don't mind, you were with Henry."
Emma nodded, and took her seat next to Killian. He kissed her temple. "Do you feel well enough to eat this? I can make you some rice or something more bland, Love.."
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