《The Proposal》Chapter 4
Killian blinked his eyes, and rubbed his hand over his face. He was up with the sun, something ingrained in him from his years in the Navy. He got up and made his way to the living room so he would not wake Emma. She looked so peaceful, and he could not help but smile at her.
He went to the porch and dialed his brother's number, knowing he would be up at this hour.
"Morning, Little Brother. How's your trip?" Liam asked when he picked up.
"It's fine, Liam. Emma's family is actually really sweet. They live in a small town in Maine. It's similar to the town we grew up in.." He said softly.
"That's great, Killian. I'm happy for you. Maybe I'll get to visit it sometime." Liam paused. "What made you call this morning?"
Killian sighed. "Well, I just wanted to talk to someone.. I haven't exactly met a girlfriend's parents before, and it's kind of overwhelming me."
"You're polite and charming, Killian. Just be yourself. Don't let your fears get in your way, especially about your hand. If Emma loves you as you say, then her family will too."
"My hand has already caused trouble.. But that's beside the point. They're so kind, Liam.. It's making me miss Mum.." He sighed.
"Mum would be proud of you, Kil.. And I believe she would truly love Emma. Just relax, I'm sure Emma doesn't want you worrying."
"Aye, Liam. I doubt she would.. I um.. I gave Emma Mum's ring.. I just.. I thought Swan would appreciate the sentimentality." Killian told him softly.
"Good. I'm glad you did. I've got to help Elsa get the boys up for school, and get the baby ready. Call me again if you need anything, and tell Emma I said hello."
Killian said goodbye to his brother and went back into the kitchen. He was just starting a pot of coffee when David made his way down the stairs.
"Morning, Sir. Coffee should be ready in a moment." Killian said.
"Oh, thank you, Killian. You're up early." David commented.
"Aye, I spent years in the Navy, and it's a habit that never left me." He shrugged. "I was just speaking with my brother on the phone, so I kept myself busy."
David nodded. "Was your brother in the Navy too?"
"Aye, it was how he provided for me.. But now he's up this early because he's got two young boys, and a daughter who is a year old." He poured them both a cup of coffee.
David nodded. "I bet you're a great uncle. You were really good with Henry last night.. I um, I assume Emma talked to you about him?"
Killian nodded. "I love my niece and nephews, and yes, sir, she told me. He's a brilliant kid, I'm glad I got the chance to meet the lad. I know it's hard for Emma, she wishes he knew who she is to him."
David nodded. "I know she does.. Anyway, I'm sorry if I seemed tough on you yesterday. I'm just protective of Emma."
"I'm glad she has people now who are protective of her. She's so bloody independent, but everyone needs someone in their corner." Killian said softly.
David nodded and moved to start on breakfast for the family. Since it was Leo's birthday David was going to make his favorite, pancakes.
"I'm going to go check on Emma. I've been gone a couple hours now.." Killian said softly before making his way back to Emma's room.
She was still sound asleep, curled up in the comforter. He took a picture of her, figuring as her fiance he would have pictures of her on his phone.
He moved to find some jeans and a shirt from his suitcase, trying not to wake her, but he failed. She groaned softly and Killian turned to find her green eyes blinking at him tiredly.
"Morning, Love.. I'm sorry I woke you." He said softly.
"It's alright.. I should get up anyways. Um.. Are my parents up?"
He nodded. "Aye, your father is cooking breakfast. I haven't seen your mother this morning however."
Emma sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Okay, I'm starving." She smiled a little. "Shower after breakfast. You can wear your pajamas to breakfast in this house."
He smiled a little. "Sorry, Love. It's habit." He put his clothes back and moved to grab his brace.
"You don't have to wear that. I can't imagine it is comfortable on your arm.." She shrugged and went to find a sweater to put on.
No one had ever accepted his lack of a hand quite as easily as Emma did. It was just another thing that had him falling even harder for her. Emma groaned from her closet, realizing she had left very few clothing items there.
"If you want a sweater I have one you can borrow.. Clearly you didn't bring one." He smirked at her.
She rolled her eyes. "Just give it to me, Jones. I want to be cozy again."
He chuckled at her and handed her a sweater. "Let's go. I know you need your coffee or you'll be grumpy all day."
She slipped it on, and went down the stairs, making a beeline straight to the coffee pot. Mary Margaret and Leo had both made their way to the kitchen.
"Happy birthday, Lad. Are you getting your driver's license today?" Killian asked.
Leo shrugged. "Mom said I had to wait until Monday. Because you and Emma are visiting."
"We wouldn't mind if you wanted to go get it, kid." Emma said, coming to stand with Killian.
"I wanted to spend the time with you, not worrying about passing a test. Plus, I've got my party tonight. And we've got to get the food cooked and stuff."
Emma nodded. "Your choice. Mom, Killian and I are willing to help with whatever you need today."
Mary Margaret nodded. "I was thinking Killian could help your father and Leo set up the backyard. And that maybe you and I could go pick up Leo's cake and present."
Emma nodded, worried about Killian alone with David. "Dad has to promise to be nice to him. Nothing you say is going to change our minds."
"I'll be fine, Love. Your father and I already talked a tad this morning. And I understand why he would be protective of you." He kissed her temple.
She tensed a little at his kiss, but nodded. "Alright. I guess I'll go with Mom then."
"I'm glad. I've missed my daughter, it'll be nice to spend some time with you, Sweetie." Mary Margaret smiled.
The five of them sat down to breakfast, the conversation flowing easier than it had the previous day. Killian could tell he was growing on Emma's parents, especially David.
They all got ready for their days. Emma pulled Killian aside before they left.
"Killian, we need to make sure our stories are the same. I know Mom is going to ask me a bunch of questions about us, and our relationship."
He nodded. "Aye, if David asks I'll try and be vague unless it's something we've definitely talked about."
She nodded. "Oh, alright. I mean, we've been together a year. We got engaged a couple months ago.. We don't live together yet. I've met your brother and sister-in-law.. Um, I know your birthday and.."
"And anything else, just send me a quick text and we can decide." He put his hand on her shoulder. "This is going to be fine, Love."
She sighed. "Right. Sorry. I'll see you later." She pressed a kiss to his cheek as she left, noticing her mom watching them from the door.
He smiled and nodded. "I'll see you later, Swan." Killian slipped on his leather jacket as he followed David and Liam to the backyard.
"We're going to set up some tables and chairs. And then prepare the food. Is that okay?" David asked.
Killian nodded. "Yessir. I learned how to cook without my hand ages ago.. I can handle most anything."
David nodded and they got to work. "So, Killian. I know I promised I would be nice. But I have to give you the dad speech."
Killian nodded. "I understand." He said softly.
David watched him. "I may not have been involved in all of Emma's life. But she's still my daughter, and she's one of my most precious treasures. And if you hurt her, I'm going to find you and it won't be pretty." He threatened.
Killian nodded. "Aye. I understand. My relationship with Emma is not something I would ever take for granted. If I ever hurt her I'll come to you myself. Our relationship is and has always been up to her as much as it is to me."
"Good." David nodded. Leo watched the exchange.
"Emma is just as important to me. She may be twelve years older than I am, and I'm just 16. I'm not going to let her get hurt by you. I was little when everything happened, but I know how hurt she was. How hard it was. And if you ever break her like that, you'll hear from me too." Leo told him firmly.
Killian nodded. "Leo, David. My intentions are never to hurt your daughter and sister. She is a sweet, strong, independent woman. And she's let me inside her walls. I'm lucky to have her, she's given me more than you can imagine."
The guys nodded and got back to work. Emma and Mary Margaret were walking down Mainstreet on their way to the bakery.
"Killian seems like a gentleman.. A good guy." Mary Margaret commented.
Emma hummed in agreement. "He is. He kind of.. gets me, and my issues. He doesn't look at me with pity.."
Her mother nodded. "I know I overreacted about your wedding.. I just want to be there. If you want to go to the courthouse tomorrow, I'd be okay with it. I watched him put a smile on your face, one that I barely see. One akin to the smile you have when you're with Henry."
"I can't believe how big he's gotten.. He's so tall now. It's hard to believe that it's been ten years already." She said softly. "And, he looks just like his father. And that makes it harder."
Mary Margaret rubbed her shoulder. "He's a lot like you too, Sweetie. He's got your eyes, and your nose. And most importantly, he's got your heart."
"He's happy right? With Regina.. She's good to him?" Emma glanced at her mother as they walked.
"He is.. He's struggling right now with who his real parents are, because of an assignment at school. But Regina told me she might tell him, she just doesn't want you to take him away from her."
"I would never just take him.. Regina is his mom too.. I just.. I know what it's like to constantly wonder who your parents are, and it's not the life I want my son to have." She sighed.
Mary Margaret nodded a little. "He and Regina are coming to Leo's party tonight. Maybe you and Killian can spend some time hanging out with him. He'd like that. He really looks up to you."
Emma nodded. "Yeah, we could do that." She said softly, opening the door to Granny's. Granny makes Leo's favorite cake ever, and always makes it for his birthday.
They talked with Granny for a couple minutes before Emma took the cake and they headed home.
"So, you never said.. how long have you been engaged?" Her mother asked.
"Oh, not too long.. A month or so. I know you wish I had talked to you about Killian and I, but.. it's hard. We work together, his brother is protective.. You and Dad are too.. It was good to have something that was mine, with a guy as sweet as Killian.."
Mary Margaret nodded. "I do.. But your father and I talked about it, and if Killian is the man you want to spend your life with, we support you. He seems like a genuine, kind man. I could tell he understands you in a way we never could.."
Emma nodded. "He's been through his fair share of hell.. and abandonment. He gets it." She shrugged. "I'm glad you like him though. It wouldn't have changed my decision, but it means a lot anyways."
She nodded. "Your brother was so excited that you were coming home.. I know even though you weren't around a lot when he was growing up, it means everything to him."
Emma smiled a little. "Leo's a good kid. It's hard sometimes for me.. But I don't want to be that bitch of a big sister who ignores him and doesn't talk to him ever."
"He would never see you like that.. you're too important to him. Even if you don't talk all the time. He knows you're always there to help him."
"Good. Maybe this summer he can come visit me in Boston. I'd love to have him." Emma smiled a little.
"That sounds great, we can figure out a good time later." Mary Margaret was happy that Emma even suggested Leo come visit. Emma had always been private, and did not really ask them to come see her in Boston.
They walked quietly for a few minutes before Mary Margaret spoke up.
"I know I said I'd drop it.. But, what if you and Killian got married here.. Tomorrow.. At the courthouse?" She asked softly. "We don't have to make a huge deal.. Just the ceremony then a celebratory lunch at Granny's? I want to be there, and I know you said you'd invite us, but.. You don't want us to come, you never have.. Boston is your place, I get that."
Emma sighed. "Mom.. Please.. I just.. Killian probably wants his brother and sister in law to be there.. Liam and Killian are really close.."
She nodded. "Just ask him? We can fly them in maybe. Or something.."
"I'll ask him. But I'm not promising you anything." Emma conceded.
She nodded and they walked the rest of the way to the house in silence. Mary Margaret held the door for her and they went to place it in the kitchen before finding the boys.
Killian was helping David get the food together and Leo was putting up decorations on the porch. "Hello, Love." Killian smiled.
Emma smiled a little. "Hey, did you guys have a good time?"
He nodded. "Aye, it wasn't bad. I'm almost finished here, do we need to do anything else?"
David shook his head. "You two go spend some time together. I can tell Emma is itching for alone time."
Emma rolled her eyes a little. "Yeah, yeah. I'd like that though." She gave him a small smile.
Killian finished and washed his hand. Emma grabbed him and pulled him out onto the front porch to sit.
"We need to talk." She said softly, sitting on the porch swing.
Killian nodded. "Aye, love. You can tell me anything."
"Mom.. She wants us to get married here. Tomorrow." She said softly.
"Oh.. I see.. Well, Emma you're doing this for me. If that's what you want.. Liam might be hurt but he'd understand.."
Emma shook her head. "Liam is your brother, Killian. He should be there. Even if it's not real."
He shrugged. "Emma.. Your family really cares about you. I don't know if I can keep this up. I got the protective dad speech. And I got one from Leo. I can't ruin your relationship with them. You can't lose your family again. I can't take them from you."
"Killian Jones." She put her hands on his shoulders. "Look at me. I agreed to this. I'll face the fallout, if it happens. But it won't. They'll never know." She moved her hands down to hold his. "My mom offered to fly Liam and his wife here.. But I know they have kids, so that's ridiculous.. We'll just get married when we get home."
Killian squeezed her hand gently. "Love.. She doesn't have to do that. I'll talk to Liam and see if he wants to come. Elsa will understand. She's like us, she knows what it's like to grow up alone."
Emma nodded and Killian continued. "It'll make your mum happy, if my mum were still alive I know she'd be just as excited as yours. We can do it, just.. nothing too big, right?"
She nodded. "Nothing big. Just the courthouse and then a little celebration at Granny's. Just my family, and maybe a couple of people from town at Granny's. Regina and Henry of course."
Killian nodded. "Okay, I'm just glad you agreed to do this for me. I know we'll never actually be a couple, but I hope we'll be friends after this."
She shrugged. "I don't know, Jones. I don't know if we get along very well. We'll have to keep it strictly to work and work only." She tried to keep from smiling but it didn't last long.
She grinned at him. "Of course we will, Killian. I'm happy to do it. I don't want you to get sent from your family."
He kissed her cheek and helped her up. "Let's get back inside.. It's getting close to the party, and I figure you want to get ready?"
She nodded and followed him back inside. They went to the kitchen to see if Mary Margaret or David needed anything else. David kissed her temple.
"We're good. Go get ready, Sweetheart. Then maybe hang out with Leo for a little?" David asked.
She smiled a little. "Of course. We'll be back soon." Emma and Killian went up to her room.
They got changed quietly. Killian sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Emma to finish with her makeup. She came in and he smiled at her.
"You look beautiful, Swan.. Um, can you roll up my shirtsleeves for me? I don't usually because of my hand, but I want to tonight." Killian smiled a little.
"Yeah, of course I can." She rolled them up for him. "So you'll meet a few new people, will that be okay?"
He nodded. "Thanks, Love. Aye, that's okay.. Just don't leave me alone for too long?"
"I won't." She nodded. He followed her back downstairs and to Leo. "Hey, Kid. Want to go outside and play that game with Killian and I until your friends get here?"
Leo smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that, Em. I'm really glad you guys were able to come." He said moving towards the backyard.
"Me too, Leo. I know I don't get around here enough." Emma hugged him.
The three of them played a game, laughing and having fun. Killian could tell both Leo and Emma were really enjoying their time together, and enjoyed seeing Emma so happy.
The more Killian got to know Emma and her family, the more he realized he was in love with her. He spent most of Leo's party standing beside Emma as she played with Leo, or talked to some of the people in town. He was just glad to see her happy, and spending time with her family and friends.
After a while he noticed Henry sitting at a table by himself, reading. Killian went over and sat with him.
"Hello, Henry. What're you reading, lad?" He smiled at the boy.
"Just some fairy tales. Emma sent it to me for my birthday a few months ago and it's my favorite." Henry grinned.
"That's wonderful. I know Emma really cares for you. Maybe sometime you and your mother can come to Boston to visit Emma, and I'll take you out on my ship."
Henry looked up at him. "Really?" He had a huge smile.
"Of course. If you ever come to Boston, and Regina allows it." Killian nodded.
Henry hugged him and turned back to his book. Killian could tell something was wrong with him.
"Lad, is there anything you'd like to talk about? I'm a good listener.." Killian said softly.
Henry frowned and looked up at Killian. "It's nothing, Killian. You probably wouldn't understand.."
"Aye, I might not, but you could try? I was a ten year old boy once." He shrugged.
Henry nodded a little. "It's about my mom.. My birth mom." He sighed. "I want to find her, but my other mom, Regina.. She won't let me, she keeps getting upset."
Killian nodded. "Well, I was never adopted, but I did lose my parents at a young age.. I know what it's like to wonder about them."
Henry sighed. "I just.. I want to at least know her name, you know?"
Killian nodded. "Aye, I know, Lad. I'm sure one day you'll be able to find the truth. But for now, let's get some dessert?"
Henry nodded and Killian followed him to get some dessert. The two of them ate, and Henry told Killian the stories from his storybook.
Emma smiled wistfully from her place in the yard as she watched Killian and Henry laughing together. Mary Margaret rubbed her daughter's back gently.
"I know you wish he knew the truth, Sweetie.. But at least he's happy, and safe.. And Killian is so good with him.. He'll be a great father one day." Mary Margaret said softly.
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