《The Proposal》Chapter 3
Emma looked out at the water, trying to calm nerves. She was a private person, only her two parents knew the whole story.
"So, when Mary Margaret and David found me.. I was in Portland, about forty-five minutes from here. And, um.. At that time David was a deputy in Portland, it was the last case he was working before he took the sheriff position here.." She sighed.
"Well, I had been set up to take the fall for a guy.. My boyfriend.. A crime he committed. It's a long story, and not the one you need to hear right now." She sighed. "Well, David managed to keep me out of prison by convincing the court to let me live with them, here. And finish high school.. They had a DNA test done to prove they were my parents, and since David would be sheriff, and I was a runaway foster kid, they for some reason agreed.."
Killian nodded, and watched her. "I'm sorry, Love.. But you found your family because of it."
She nodded with a little sigh. "This is the part about Henry.. So, when they found me, I was pregnant, but I was too young to keep my baby, I couldn't give him the life he deserved.. An then, Regina is Mary Margaret's step-sister, and mayor of Storybrooke.. But she can't have kids, so she.. She adopted my baby, and named him Henry."
She was staring blankly out at the water. She had never told anyone that she had a son, or that she gave him up for adoption. She hoped that trusting Killian with this was not going to turn against her and end up getting herself hurt.
Killian watched her quietly for a moment. "Love.. Emma.. Thank you for telling me about this. I know it wasn't easy, and I'm grateful that you've trusted me."
She looked at him, tears in her eyes. "Thank you.. Oh, and last time I talked to them, Henry didn't know I'm his biological mom. But he and I talk sometimes, he's a really smart kid."
Killian wiped the tear from her cheek with his thumb. "And you wish he knew you as more than someone he's kind of related to.. I understand." He said softly.
She closed her eyes. "Killian.. Why are you being so nice to me? This was easier when I thought you were just some flirty, cocky, asshole." She shook her head.
He pulled his hand away. "Swan.. You're marrying me, just so I don't have to leave America. And you don't even know why I can't stand the thought have having to go back to Ireland. Your family is so kind.. And.. Maybe the Killian you usually see isn't the real me.."
Emma blinked at him. "Well, if this is the real you.. He should make an appearance more often." She said softly, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Please don't tell anyone about my son, or about anything I've told you."
He nodded. "Of course not, it's your story, not mine. Your family is really kind, Emma. You're lucky to have them.. It makes me feel bad about lying to them.." He admitted softly.
She sighed. "There's no going back now. We should start heading to my parents' house.. Just, be sensitive about the thing with Henry, and Regina.. She doesn't exactly like him to see me because she thinks I'm just going to leave him, and hurt him.."
Killian nodded. "Alright.. Do you think that your family noticed my hand?" He asked softly as they walked.
"I don't think so, but you know it doesn't matter right? They're not going to care anyways. It clearly doesn't inhibit you, and you don't draw attention to it.." She shrugged.
He smiled a little. "Thanks, Swan. This is an adorable little town."
She laughed. "It's little.. I kind of enjoy the big city though. You can just fade into the background.." She shrugged. "I'm sorry that we've got to share my room.. My mom is ever the hostess, and she would never imagine us staying anywhere but at the house.."
He shrugged. "I'll sleep on the floor, Love. Most couples don't have any problems sleeping together, and we've got to act like we're actually getting married, you know."
She nodded. "I know, Killian.. I'm working on it, I haven't exactly been in a relationship in a while.. Especially not one where I'm comfortable being touched.." She said under her breath. "Let's go.. It's getting close to five.." She started walking without waiting for him.
Killian noticed her walls fly back up after she was so open with him. He knew what it felt like to have your heart broken. The more she told him about her past, the more he noticed how alike they were. He found himself wishing she would let him in completely, that she was not just telling him about her life because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to.
He followed closely behind her as she led him home. She pointed out a few of the places thought were important. He fell into step next to her and reached for her hand. She glanced at him and smiled shyly, not pulling her hand away.
She lead him up the stairs of a beautiful Victorian style house, and opened the door. "Mom, Dad! We're home!" She called.
Killian stepped inside and took of his leather jacket, taking Emma's from her as well. Mary Margaret came into the foyer.
"Did you have a nice walk?" She smiled.
"Yes, Ma'am. You have a lovely town." Killian smiled. "Can I do anything to help with dinner?"
Mary Margaret smiled. "Thank you, Killian. And if you'd like to help, I'd be glad for it."
Emma followed them to the kitchen. Mary Margaret set Killian to put together the salad. He had learned years ago to cook with only one hand, so it did not seem unnatural for him. Emma sat at the counter and watched him.
There was a knock on the door fifteen minutes later, and Emma practically fell out of her seat. Killian could tell she was nervous about seeing Henry. Mary Margaret came back into the room with who he assumed was Regina, and a boy that had to be Henry.
"Emma. It's good to see you." Regina greeted, giving her a short hug.
Emma nodded. "You too, Regina." She looked at Henry and smiled. "Hey, kid."
Henry hugged her tightly. "Emma! I missed you."
She ruffled his hair. "I missed you too, kiddo. I know it's been awhile since I came to visit." She smiled a little.
He shrugged. "You're busy. It's cool. Who's that?" He smirked, pointing at Killian. Too perceptive for his own good.
Emma rolled her eyes playfully, and smiled a little. "That would be Killian Jones. He's my fiance." Henry looked just like his father when he smirked at her.
Killian came over to them and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you, Lad."
Henry shook his hand. "I'm Henry.." He smiled.
Killian smiled. "Hello, Henry. And you must be Regina." He turned to her and shook her hand.
She stood straighter and nodded. "I am. Nice to meet you, Mr. Jones."
Emma shook her head. "Alright, let's eat. Please." She all but begged.
They all settled around the table, Killian sat next to Emma and put his left hand on her leg as they ate. She smiled gratefully at him, she knew this dinner would have been worse if he was not there.
"So, Henry, what's a smart lad like you interested in these days?" Killian asked him.
Henry grinned. "I like to read. Emma sent me a book of fairytales for my birthday, and they're my favorites."
Regina smiled a little, obviously proud of her son. She clearly cared deeply for Henry, and it was clear he was doing well. Emma smiled too, she knew Henry was happy and had a good life with Regina, so she was happy too.
Killian leaned back in his chair and moved his hand from Emma's lap, resting it on the back of her chair.
"So, when are you guys getting married, Emma?" Leo asked. "Are you going to have the wedding here, or in Boston?"
Emma looked at Killian and shrugged. "We haven't decided yet.. I don't think either of us wants a big wedding, we just kind of want it soon. I guess I figured we'd just go to the courthouse." She said softly.
"Oh, Emma. You should have a nice wedding.. If you want to go to the courthouse at least have it here so we can celebrate with you." Mary Margaret said.
Emma sighed. "Mom.. I don't want to talk about this right now. What Killian and I do for our wedding is our choice. Please understand that."
David nodded. "She's right, Mary. It's her choice. And we'll support her in whatever she chooses."
Emma smiled at her father gratefully. "Thank you, Dad. Of course even if we do something small we'll tell you. I know sometimes you think I don't want you around, it's just hard to get used to having so many people who actually want to be involved in my life.. After so long on my own.." She said softly. "It's nothing against you, Mom.. I promise."
Mary Margaret nodded a little. "I'm sorry, Emma.. I'm just so excited for you. You two look so happy, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy, Sweetie."
She rested her hand against Killian's shoulder. "I am happy. Killian makes me happy. Okay? Please, just.. Let's not talk about us getting married anymore.."
Killian leaned over and kissed her head. He knew this was making her uncomfortable, he hoped he was conveying to her that it would be okay. She gave him a small smile.
Henry looked at Killian curiously, not very many new people came to Storybrooke so he was interested in him. "So, where are you from, Killian? You have a cool accent."
Killian laughed softly. "Thanks, Henry. I grew up in Ireland, and I moved to Boston about four years ago to work at my brother's company."
"That's cool." Henry grinned, and Killian could not help but notice that he had Emma's smile, and her green eyes. "Do you have the same job that Emma does?"
Killian nodded. "Not exactly. I work more with the clients, because I know a lot about the boats and such.. And Emma handles all of the legal aspects, contracts, insurance and such. But I know enough. We work at a shipping company, so I know more about that."
Henry nodded. "Awesome. Do you have a boat?"
"Aye, Lad. I have a boat. She's not very big, small enough that I can sail her on my own. But she's a good sized boat." He smiled.
"I like to look at the boats down at the docks, but Mom doesn't want me to go on one. I think she's worried it's dangerous." Henry sighed.
Killian nodded. "Well, she is your mother, and she cares about your safety. Maybe one day you'll get to go sailing."
Regina nodded. "I don't trust many people in this town with your safety, Henry. Especially not out in the middle of the ocean."
Killian moved his hand from the table and accidentally knocked over his glass of water with his prosthetic. "Bloody hell, I'm so sorry.. Sometimes I don't really realize how long my hand is.." He tried to wipe it up with his napkin.
"It's alright, don't worry about it. I'll grab you a towel." David got up and grabbed it for him. Killian took it with his right hand and started to dry up the water.
Emma rubbed his shoulder. "Let me help." She took the towel and dried off his hand and leg.
He was embarrassed that he had spilled his water all over. "I sometimes forget that there's something attached to the end of my arm, and things like that happen."
"You mean a hand?" Regina raised her eyebrows. "You've got two of them.."
"Aye, Lass. A hand. Because I don't have two of them." He tapped the prosthetic. "I lost my hand when I was in the Royal Navy." Killian said softly.
Regina looked a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry.. I didn't realize."
"It's alright. I'm pretty adept without it, so it doesn't really seem like I'm missing anything." He shrugged.
They all were quiet for a minute. "Well, how about dessert?" Leo asked. "Mom made cherry pie."
Emma nodded. "That sounds great. Let's go get it, Little Bro.'" She smiled. She ruffled his hair as they went to the kitchen.
Killian sat at the table awkwardly with her family. "I.. I should've just mentioned that this is fake.. It would've been easier on all of us. I'm sorry. After working together, and then dating Emma doesn't notice it, and I don't always wear my prosthetic, so sometimes I get a little careless.." He started rambling.
Mary Margaret shook her head. "It's alright, Killian. It doesn't bother us. And it was an accident. We've all done it. And we all have both hands." She smiled sweetly at him, hoping her small joke made him feel better.
He blushed a little. "Thank you, Mrs. Nolan.." He said softly.
"You can call me Mary Margaret. You're part of the family now." She smiled.
He nodded as Emma and Leo came back with the pie. They all had their dessert, Killian asking her family noninvasive questions to learn more about them. David still seemed protective over Emma, and unsure about their relationship, but he was trying for Emma's sake. Even Regina's icy exterior was melting a bit to Killian's charm.
Henry adored Killian and asked him all kinds of questions about boats, and sailing. Killian asked him about his favorite stories, and listening to the boy. Killian had always been good with people, and he loved kids.
At the end of the night Henry hugged Emma at the door. "I'm so glad you're here, Emma. Can I see you again before you leave? Killian can come too!" He asked hopefully.
Emma nodded. "I'd love to hang out with you before I leave. Just ask your mother, and you can call me, alright? And I'll bring Killian, I think he likes you." She smiled and kissed his forehead.
Henry nodded and went out the door. Regina said goodnight quickly, and followed him. Emma made her way to Killian and took him to her bedroom, which they would be sharing.
Killian pulled out his pajamas. "I.. Um, I'll just go change in the bathroom." He mumbled.
"We're both adults, Killian. You can change here. I'll be too busy changing my own clothes to pay attention. If you're worried about your propriety." Emma shrugged, teasing him gently.
He nodded and changed quickly. Emma changed and got a blanket from her closet for him.
"I'm sorry your parents asked so many questions about the wedding at dinner.. And that I spilled water all over you.." He said, settling on the floor.
Emma shrugged and took out her contacts, slipping her glasses on. "I knew my mom would have a million questions. She missed a lot of my life, and she still feels guilty for it, so she wants everything to be a big deal. But I'm fine with going to the courthouse.. It'll be easier and less painful later on."
Killian nodded as he took off his brace, and laid it to the side. "Henry is a great lad.. I see you in him. He has your smile, and your spirit." He said softly.
She sat up and watched him. "Thanks.. I just.. Whenever I come home and see him.. It makes me wish that Regina would just tell him, you know? He's a smart kid, he's going to figure it out on his own eventually, why not just tell him?" She sighed.
Killian frowned. "I can't imagine how hard it is for you, and I understand why you don't want to come back here very often.. It's hard to see him, even if you know he's happy and healthy."
He sighed. "Since you told me about Henry.. Why don't I tell you about the woman behind my tattoo.. Milah.."
Emma pat the bed next to her. "Come sit up here while we talk."
He sat next to her on her bed, and leaned against the headboard. "So, I joined the Royal Navy when I was eighteen. They paid for me to attend university, while I served. But anyways.. When I was twenty one, I met a woman when we were on leave for a few months. She was a lot older than I was at the time, but she took an interest in me. We started seeing each other, often. She spent a lot of nights at my flat, and I fell in love." He sighed.
She did not say anything, knowing he needed to talk about this on his own. She knew when a story was going to end with a broken heart, she just never realized that is what she saw sparkling in Killian's eyes when she had mentioned Henry's father earlier.
"After almost a year, I was thinking about asking her to marry me.. But I found out she was married. Had been for years, and they had a son together. She didn't love me, I was just a young guy that she could get a good fuck out of, without her husband's knowledge. She used me.." He said softly.
Emma reached for his hand. "What a bitch. I guess your ridiculous flirting makes sense now.. It's to protect yourself."
Killian shrugged. "To top it off, not even six months later, on my next deployment our ship was attacked, and I lost my hand. Taking away the only thing that kept me sane.."
Emma rubbed his hand gently. "You know.. I always hated you at work. I knew you were good at your job, but I hated your attitude and the way you went about things. And I was a bitch.. I know I'll have to be nice because of this arrangement, but I'm going to be nicer because you've been nicer to me.."
He smirked a little. "I'm honored to see this side of you, Swan. I honestly didn't even know you had parents here, or a brother. I didn't know much about you aside from your take-out preferences."
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know. Just don't go telling everyone at the office about this, Jones."
He nodded. "Aye, Captain. My lips are sealed." He mimicked zipping his lips and locking them, just to tease her. "Not a word, not even to my brother, unless you give me explicit permission."
She smiled a little and took off her glasses, settling under the covers. "Now get out of my bed. I'm not ready to share with you." She shoved him gently.
He moved to the floor and curled up. "G'night, Swan.. Thank you for everything.." He said softly. Emma was asleep before he finished his statement, and he followed quickly behind her.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what y'all think
If you want to, you can find me on twitter BRB_Dyying_ I'd love to talk to you!
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