《Daddy, I love you.》XXIX


We wake up tangled in the sheets together. I play with the long strands of her hair and don't say a word. My mother barges in with a crowd following behind her. Cassidy hides her face in my chest. They sing happy birthday to me even in my naked state. "I need everyone to exit!" I yell "someone had some sexy time last night" everyone laughs and leaves.

"Happy birthday" Cassidy says kissing my chest. "Thank you" I smile. I get up in my naked state and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let the hot water hit my skin. Cassidy joins me and she looks so shy. I lean down and kiss her but it just turns into a heated make out session.

After our quickie in the shower, we get out and get dressed. "You're 24 babe what do you want?" She asks holding my hands and looking up at me "I want you forever" I say making a smile appear on her lips. She grabs her bag and I do the same.

We race each other to the lobby laughing our asses off till we lose our breath. I stand next to her and place my arm around her neck. "Oh hey guys" violet practically yells, we throw her a small wave and she smiles. Since the venue is only a few blocks away we just walk there.

"I didn't have my coffee this morning" Cassidy says skipping over puddles. We let everyone walk in front if us while we stop a small café shop. I order our drinks while Cassidy decides to walk around the place being social im guessing. "She would be a great waitress" the girl who took my order says.

"We don't live here" I say making her sigh "I wish you did, have a nice day" she smiles and hands me my order. "Princess" I call out and she walks over to me taking her cup of coffee out of my hands. "Thank you" she mutters, we hold each other's free hands and walk to the venue.


"Where were you?!" my mom yells "a café and Cassidy made me take pictures of her" I say "well, you were supposed to be here" she yells some more. I just listen to her telling me things while Cassidy tried to touch my butt again "I can barely feel my legs" she groans making me smirk at her.

"You're a monster" she pinches my arm. We are lead into a dressing room where we strip of our clothes. "Its so early" Cassidy says leaning over the mirror doing her make-up. "I know but my mom wants pictures like every year" I say. "I'm not wearing a dress" she sighs and sits on the couch half naked.

"You'll look hot either way" I wink in her direction. She picks some black ripped jeans and a plain black tee with one of my flannel shirts that fits her too big. I lace up her white low cut vans. "You look good" I say my hand squeezing her butt. She straightens her hair and ties the too half up while leaving the rest down.

I wear black Levi's and a nice shirt. I didn't want to be too formal "I can feel the music bumping" Cassidy screams "you're so loud" I say placing my hand on her mouth. "I was loud last night and that didn't bother you" she smirks. "Ok I know you told me I didn't have to buy you anything but I did anyways" she hands me a bag.

I open it and pull out a shirt, a justin bieber shirt with him on the front holding a "what do you mean" sign. "Um?" I raise a brow "its your gift!" She says laughing. I throw the shirt back at her and she pouts "it was given to you with love" she says clutching her chest, I just hum. There's a knock at the door and I go get it, running a hand through my hair.


It's my mom, "hi honey" she gives me a hug, I love this women shes so short. "Hey" I say stepping aside and letting her in, she looks over at Cassidy who is furiously typing away on his phone. "Cassidy" I say and she looks up at me, she puckers up her lips oblivious to my mother in the room.

I lean down and peck her lips but she pulls me down for more. A laugh lets her go of me and her face becomes red "oh Ms.Passanissi its nice to see you" she says "its okay! I was just here to tell you that the party has begun" she scurries off. "Are you drinking?" my princess asks me.

"Most likely" i smile making her laugh "you cannot drink though" she frowns at me "but daddy" she whines, I can see shes about to throw a fit so I kiss her. We walk out hand in hand and step into the dance floor. Some people rush over to my side, hugging me and congratulating me. I make sure to keep Cassidy close so I don't lose her for the night.

We're sitting on a black leather couch while I drink a beer "wanna make out?" she pouts and I laugh. We dance and I open some presents but we all have loads of fun. The next morning i wake up and my head is pounding making me groan "here daddy, drink this" my little girl says handing me two aspirins and some water while she pushes my hair back.

"thank you sweetie" i crack a smile "that party went on for hours" my sister complains holding her lower back "so? you could've came here and slept" i say "i guess" she mutters and leaves our room. "are you okay princess?" I ask "yeah, i was just thinking about food" she giggles.

we take a bath together and get dressed to go down to breakfast. "i.want.a.lollipop" Cassidy groans "no" I say since it's too early for sweets. "you're mean" she pouts and i kiss her picking her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist "you still think im mean?" I raise a brow.

she shakes her head and smiles hugging me tightly "i love you so so much" she kisses me after every word "i love you too princess" i try to put her down but she clings onto me like a monkey. "c'mon Cass you have to walk" i say "no" she whines "piggy back ride?" I suggest "yeah" she squeals.

she gets on my back and we meet up with my family "hey" violet and Dylan greet us "sup" we both say. "i want another tattoo" my little girl whispers in my ear "me too" i kiss her hand. "put me down" she demands and i do as im told. I don't remember how late we party that night but I sure had one hell of a good time.

"wake up" i hear a little voice say "what?" I rub my eyes and run a hand through my hair. "daddy im bored" i open my eyes and see my little girl standing in a dress "where are you going?" I ask "wherever you're willing to take me"


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