《Daddy, I love you.》XXVIII


Daddy woke me up at 3 in the morning saying we had to be at the airport at 5am. I just groaned and let him do everything for me, he bathed me and dressed me in the clothes he picked out for me. It was raining outside real hard. i pack my maroon backpack with my laptop and another sweater.

The cab came 20 minutes later and the drive to the airport didn't take too long. Once we walked in with our bags in hand, we hear a group of people laughing. "There he is" Nick said as we walked over to them. "Oh my god! I've missed you so much babe" Dylan throws himself at Vince. Carla pulls me to her side and hugs me "hi" she smiles "aw your little baby bump" I touch her stomach "I know" she laughs.

I sip on my cup of coffee and hear everyone's conversation. "Hi sweetie" daddy's mom greets me "hi" I hug her "you look so good" she pinches my cheeks "Vince dressed me" I say suddenly regretting my choice of words. We wait for our flight to be called and stand in line to board the plane.

"We're not sitting together?" I frown "I'm sorry" he says "but..fine whatever" I groan and face away from him. I sit in a seat with strangers, I listen to the instructions about safety and sigh. An hour into the flight, I watch Teen Wolf on netflix just to kill some fucking time!

Someone taps my shoulder and I take out my headphones "excuse me miss but your boyfriend said to meet him im the back" a man with thick glasses and a nice sweater says. I smile and get out of my seat, on my way to the back I am pulled into the bathroom by Vince. I just cross my arms and look at him "is my princess mad?" He grabs my waist.

I don't say anything "okay so you are, im sorry" he says "why does everyone else get to sit together but us?! Who are you even sitting with?" I ask "i'm sitting with Dylan and violet" he mutters "okay" I simply say "I asked them to put us together but they didn't" he sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Whatever" I feel so angry "I was in the middle of something" I say turning on my heel about to walk out the door. "Not yet" he pulls me back into his cheek and kisses me. "Don't be mad please" i sigh and nod. I push my hair back and tie it into a ponytail, this is going to a long flight I think to myself but then again I always say that.


I just want to cuddle with daddy and fall asleep in his arms as he plays with my hair but he's having fun with violet and Dylan. I sigh and watch two more seasons of teen wolf to kill time. I'm barely aware of when we land and her to exit, Carla grabs my arm and I smile at her.

"Where's Vince?" She looks behind us "im not sure, we didn't sit together" I say biting my lip "oh" is all she says. "Hey" Nick greets us "babe in hungry" Carla pouts "we'll eat soon" he grabs her waist and they walk in front of us. I bump into a very tall man "I'm sorry" I say and he smiles down on me "its okay" he says.

I walk to luggage claim and pick up my suitcase. Everyone meets in the front and we climb into two mini vans that drive us to a hotel. I look at the city and all of the people surrounding it, its so beautiful. We pull up to an expensive looking hotel and everyone climbs out the door. "You're rotten inside" everyone from the other cab laugh.

Someone wraps their arms around my waist and I squeal in surprise as they startled me. "Hi baby" daddy's voice makes me relax "hey" I say stuffing my hands in my pocket. "You still seem sour" he says "no shit" I glare at him. He hits my forehead making me flip him off. "That hurts, you dick" I hiss making him laugh.

We walk in to the hotel and all surround the front desks. The employees seem startled by the large group while I stay behind and try to wait everything out. Daddy walks over to me with a smile on his face "my birthday is tomorrow but that doesn't mean I can't fuck you senseless tonight" he whispers in my ear, his words and his breath down my neck send shivers down my spine.

"I wouldn't mind it" I smirk. "My either" he kisses me and takes my hand. We get a special escort to our rooms which are all next to each other. "We're sharing?" I ask "Carla insisted" he sighs. When we walk in we hear some arguing "I asked you for food, you don't love me" I hear Carla being dramatic and crying. "I'm leaving now" Nick sighs and looks up at us.

"Hi" I say "is that Cassidy?" Carla asks sniffling "yeah" I say "but shes mine" Vince says. She doesn't say another work. Vince and I settle in to our room and I decide to go into the bathroom, as I start to undress Carla walks in. She doesn't say anything, she just inches closer to me till our faces are inches apart.


"W-what are y-you d-doing?" I ask but she just puts her lips on mine. My body reacts quickly and I push her off "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me" she says and I can see her eyes filled with nerves. "I-please get out" I finally say, I feel so dirty and I sit on the shower floor crying.

I don't know how long im in there for. I just keep crying till Vince walks in and turns off the shower. He lifts me up to my feet and wraps a towel around my body, I sob a little more and he carries me back to our room licking the door behind him. I feel cold even though in in his warm embrace.

"What's the matter? What happened? Did you have a bad memory?" He asks running his hand through my hair. "I-I" I try so hard to tell him but I can't and its my fault, I hate myself. "I can't make it better if you don't tell me" he says making me face him I should tell him the truth but he might not want me anymore.

I get my shit together and stop trying. "I was in the bathroom a-and she came t-then s-she kissed me. I-I'm sorry it was my f-fault" I cry again harder this time. "Who is she?" He hugs me "y-your sister" I hiccup staining his shirt with my tears. "Well she is bisexual, she dated a girl once in high school but then she decided to be straight and met Nick" I look up at him

"Don't worry about it, im not mad" he kisses my head, I crawl in his lap and kiss his neck. After a few minutes I seem to calm down. Carla walks in and I sniffle a bit. "I just wanted to say sorry about earlier, I was out of line" I just look at her and nod.

"I'm going out for a smoke" daddy says taking my hand and taking me with him. We walk down to the lobby and a guy wearing all black hands him some things. I get pulled outside into an alley with enough lights that I can see. "What are we doing?" I ask "smoking" he smiles.

I sigh and watch as he rolls a perfect blunt. "I haven't done this in a while" I say "me either" he says smiling up at me. He rolls another one for me and we start smoking in silence. The smoke taking over the air around us. Everything seems to be going in slow motion and I can't help but let out a small laugh.

We kiss and after I pull away he pulls away from me he blows smoke in my face "I love you" i throw myself at him. I wrap my legs around his waist and his hands hold my bottom. "Lets get a room" he whispers in my ear before putting me down and grabbing my hand.

We barely make it up to our hotel room. We're lucky Carla and Nick are out for dinner. I am pushed onto the queen sized bed, he slips my pants off of my body. My shirt comes off next and before I can react I am naked in his eyes. I can feel my lips swelling as we are caught up in a heated kiss.

He hands make their way to my inner thighs making my voice get caught in my throat. I whimper as he sucks and nibbles on my sweet spot. He pulls away from me leaving me weak and needy for his touch. His toxic touch. "Touch yourself" he stand at the foot of the bed, his eyes filled with lust just watching me.

I bite my lip as my hands come in contact with my dripping wet sex. I insert one finger into myself and instantly become a moaning mess "faster" he demands, I follow his instructions and add another finger to the mix. My other hands works its way to my breasts where I tug and pull on my nipples.

Just before im about to climax Vince removes my fingers from inside of me letting his mouth takes. I moan and scream his name, I squirm but he holds my hips in place. "Please" I beg and he takes me over the edge swallowing my juices. I try to catch my breath but don't get the chance to as he enters his cock inside of me.

He fills me up and hits my g-spot instantly. "Daddy!" I yell straining my voice a bit. My nails dig into his back making a grunt escape his lips. I don't know how long we fuck that night, i orgasm so much my legs become weak and I lose my voice in the process. At the end of it all he kisses my head and tells me he loves me.

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