《Daddy, I love you.》XXV


After what seems like for fucking ever Dylan says "dude you're done and it only took a hell of a lot of snacks and jokes" he chuckles putting away his machines and colors. "Jesus, its already 9:30" I say standing up "wanna have dinner?" Dylan asks wiggling his eyebrows. "Vince! Cassidy is ready" violet yells through the door, I push past Dylan making him stumble over a bit. "Baby!" I kiss her, startling her a bit "I'm all done yay" she smiles "Dylan's paying for dinner" violet says making us cheer loudly

"No, I'm paying for you and violet seems like a nice girl but Vince is a dick I mean I spent my childhood with him and school life but he's a cocky little shit" he says making me punch his arm. They close up the shop and we walk hand in band to a little diner nearby. We sit at a booth and the girls sit next to each other while Dylan and I share the other side. "Yeah change it when the six weeks is up and I'll gladly do it for you" I hear violet say to Cassidy "thank you so much, you're such a doll" Cassidy smiles.

Once we all ordered and finally after much waiting got our food, well we kept taking bites of each other's food and laughing at all the stupid and dirty jokes that were being said. Dylan and I split the check and went on our way. "That waitress was totally flirting with you" Violet says "I told her, we were together" Dylan intertwined our fingers. "Yes, we're very much together" I say making everyone laugh.

"Lets hangout soon! I might even want to dye your hair" Cassidy squeals and see Dylan saying No behind her. "Today was so much fun, violet is great so is Dylan" my little girl smiles brightly at me. I drive us home and like always she runs around until she gets tired and then hops into the shower. I watch some minutes of a football game that is being played on the tv.


I go upstairs and go into the shower, when I come out Cassidy i fast asleep in our bed. I go to pull the covers on her when I notice her tattoo, im so in love with all the colors and everything. I kiss the top of her head and go over to my side of the bed, making sure to turn off all of the lights.

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