《Daddy, I love you.》IV


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I groan and roll to the other side. "Careful you don't want to fall" I smile and sit up to see my daddy in one of his many black suits. "Where you going?" I pout, making him kiss me "I have to go to work honey" I pull on his tie "no I don't want to be alone" im almost on the verge of tears. He groans and looks at me "I expect you to be downstairs in.." He takes a look at his nice watch "20 minutes and not a minute later"

I quickly jump off the bed and get into the shower making sure not to get my hair wet. I dress in baby blue jeans and a light pink shirt that says "daddy's princess". I quickly put on my old converse and rush downstairs. "You're.." I wait for him to tell me im late "you're on time princess and I don't have time to make you breakfast today, we'll pass by DD okay?" I nod and run out to the car

"Daddy open the door" I giggle and he wraps his arms around my waist. He spins me around and kisses my lips repeatedly. "You're going to be late" i mutter "thats alright im my own boss" he smiles his beautiful smile. I push my hair out of my face "please tie" I ask and he does my hair quickly. I open the passenger door and he buckles me in. I play with his cheeks making him smile at me.

Soon enough we are on the road. "So what will I be doing at daddy's work?" I ask while trying to change the radio station. "You will organize some papers, color, take a nap if you must and just be a good girl. if you're not then im not afraid to spank you in front of everyone" his tone sounds serious, shivers creep up my spine but I love the idea of embarrassment. We park on the sidewalk in front of a big office with many people rushing.


I run after daddy since he has left me behind. "Catch up, I can't lose you" he strokes my cheek. We walk into an elevator and I stand behind daddy. We make a stop and some women walk in. "Good morning" they greet him and he nods. One of the 3 women tugs on her shirt, leaving her breast to be exposed. My mouth hangs open and I tug on his sleeve "yes?" He whispers "why is she undressing for you?" I ask slightly furious "she does it all the time, I don't even like what I see" he replied and I just nod.

We all pile out of the elevator and I follow daddy into his office. It's big and has a tv. "Wow" i say "I have a meeting, there's some juice in the fridge and snacks. You can print pictures to color or just watch tv I'll be back in half an hour" his hand is on the door handle. "No kiss for your little girl hmm?" I cross my arms. He walks over to me and kisses me multiple times.

I pull on his tie once again "don't go, stay and cuddle pwease?" I whine even though I know he can't. "When we go home, I can't right now babygirl" I nod and just like that he's out the door. I sigh and grab a juice from the mini fridge, I grab a blanket and lay on the spacious black leather couch. I close my eyes and im out like a light.

His hands roam my body as I try to pry him off of me but he won't stop. "Please leave me alone" I cry out, he only laughs and continues the torture. He unzips his pants and I kick him to get away but he is stronger and pins me back down on the mattress. I yell slightly losing my voice after a whle. I bite him when his hand comes in contact with my mouth. I shouldn't have don't that.


A loud smack comes across my face and it stings. He enters his manhood forcefully into me, I cry out in pain only making him grunt. I have lost my voice and I can't seem to produce anymore tears. I'm awoken to someone shaking me and I realize im covered in my own sweat. How long have I been out I wonder. It couldn't have been that long.

"Are you okay?" He asks, handing me a bottle of water. "I-I he raped me" I cry. He pulls me closer to his chest and I keep crying.

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