《Daddy, I love you.》III


I watched as my little princess ran into the build-a-bear store. I stood and let her pick out whatever she wanted to put on her bear. She came back to me with a purple bear in a pink tutu. "Daddy I want this one, please" I loved hearing her beg. I picked her up and walked up to the counter. "Aw, she is so cute." A very young women at the cashier says.

"Thank you" Cassidy says in her baby voice. "I always give little girls this" she puts cookies and a blue pacifier in the bag. Cassidy's eyes light up "thank you so much" the cashier nods and I take out my credit card to pay. "Have a good day guys" and with that we exit the mall. "What's for lunch daddy?" she asks me. "I was thinking a sandwich, your favorite apple juice and then nap time" she pouts. "No, no, no nap for me!" She yells and runs up the stairs "little girl come back here" I yell back making her stop in her tracks.

I think shes coming back down but she sticks her tongue out at me and runs away. "Cassidy!" I hear a giggle and find her under her bed. "I'm-" I cut her off "no you're not sorry and you were bad, bad girls gets punished" the tears start spilling from her eyes as those words leave my mouth. I lay her across my lap and she struggles to get out of my tight grip. "Daddy please im sorry" she cries. "You're getting 10 since its your first time" I pull down her panties and land my first smack on her bum, she cries and cries till we finally reach the 10th one.

"Please no more" she sobs into my chest. "Baby im all done" i coo into her ear, she cries a bit more and then stops. "You were very mean to daddy" I say "I sorry it won't happen again" she says i nod and my hands trail up into her inner thigh. I can feel how wet she has gotten from her punishment. A moan escapes her lips as I slowly rub her clit. "Someone liked their punishment hmm" I kiss her neck and nibble on her sweet spot.


"You are very tight" i tell her and i feel her cheeks warm up. I lay her down on the bed and proceed to enter my index finger into her "ow it hurts, daddy stop" she cries out, I remove my finger and wipe it off. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't know" she nods "no, its been a while I wish I could get it back" im confused by what she says but take her downstairs where she lays on the couch as I make her lunch. "Shit" she mutters "was that a bad word?" I hit her forehead making her whine "ow daddy, I just remembered I have to work" she pouts rubbing her forehead "no you don't baby I told them you quit" she looks at me in shock "but-I" i cut her off "no no I take care of you now" I kiss her forehead and she climbs on the counter.

"Fuck" I hiss as I cut my finger with the knife "are you okay?" She asks, I just nod. I place her food on the table and feed her. She lays down on my chest and drinks her apple juice, soon falling asleep. I take her upstairs and place her on her bed. I sigh and make my way into my office. I make some calls and fill out some paper work. An hour later I hear the door creak and a small body sit on my lap. "I miss you" she says "I know but im busy. Go sit over there and draw a picture for daddy" she nods and grabs her crayons.

"Are you finished now?" She asks me for the 10th time. I sigh "almost" I say "you said that last time" she pouts "I'm hungry" she adds. I open my arms and she runs to me. I kiss her and she doesn't pull away. The kiss slowly turns into a make-put session that I unfortunately have to stop before it gets out of hand. "So spaghetti and meatballs?" I asks "with a lot of cheese please" I pat her bum an she runs off to watch some cartoons. I hum and hear her quiet giggles.


"Dinner's ready!" I call out, she rushes to the table and sits in her big girl chair. "Daddy" she speaks "yes my beautiful princess?" I reply "can I sleep with you tonight?" she shyly asks "of course you can" i lay my hand on top of hers. By the time shes done eating there is sauce on her face and clothes. "I made a mess" she laughs "yes you did" she helps me clean up the kitchen and we do the dishes together. "I want to shower with you daddy" she bashes her eyelashes.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods. I'm proud of my little girl for being so confident. We race each other up the stairs and I catch her before beats me to the bathroom. "Gotcha" I say wrapping my arms around her, she giggles and places a kiss on my cheek. She strips of her dress and starts the shower. I remove my shirt and jeans as she looks at me. "You are so beautiful daddy" I touch her cheek and she places a kiss on my hand.

Soon enough we are both standing naked before each other. "Wash my hair please" she turns around and I start the process of shampooing and conditioning. She tugs on my hand and makes me bend down, her lips connect with mine with such hunger. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her sex comes in contact with my cock and a moan escapes her lips. I take the chance to kiss her neck and nibble on her sweet spot, making sure to leave a hickey.

We both pull away panting and she lays her head on my chest. I carry her out and lay a towel on our bed then put her down on it. She watches my every move, I put some panties on her and dress her in one of my shirts. She rubs her eyes of sleep and yawns. I put her pacifier in my mouth and get dressed before climbing into bed with her. "Goodnight daddy, I love you"

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