《Sebastian Scenarios // stardew valley》Hot topic


Getting a job here was probably the best idea I could go for..

I'll raise enough money to move out and live in Zuzu instead of having to ride one hour on my motorcycle.

It was my first day at my new job.

Hot topic..

There would be two supervisors, one of them would go with me and teach me everything I need to know and the other should just do regular work with a trainee that had gotten the job just before me.

"Hey, you Sebastian?" a h/c girl walked in with a clipboard.

We were in the back of the store.

Luckily hot topic was right next to the cafeteria.

"Uh y-yes?"

Man I must sound like an idiot..

"Alright, well I'm Y/n, I'll be taking care of you for the time your here!"

The small girl held her hand out and I shook it before we walked out to the cash register.

I simply nodded as she taught me how to use it, a bunch of other things and rules around the store.

We were back at the storage room, reviewing everything.

"We all have separate break times, I'm pretty sure we share the same time so it'll be at 11:30-12:30"

I nodded again and she stared at me for a while.

This is getting awkward real fast..

"You don't talk much do you?" Y/n smiled.

"I only talk when I need to.."

"Well then your gonna need to be talking a lot when customers come to you so be prepared"


Y/n smiled one last time before checking her phone.

"Ah! It's break time! Finally free from work!"

Her cheers echoed in the back room, the corners of my lips tugged at her way of expressing herself.

"Hey wanna get something to eat at the cafeteria? The malls pretty big so it would be hard to go to the small snack shops around the place" she smiled at me.


"Oh uh.. s-sure..?"

"Great! Let's go then" Y/n pulled my hand arm out the shop.

She waved at a couple other employees which had just arrived at work.

"Anything in particular that you wanna eat?"

The small girl asked.

"Um... sashimi..?"

"Ooo alright, follow me!"

Y/n led me through the cafeteria and to a sushi take out corner.

She treated me to some sashimi along with some drinks.

We sat at a table and started eating.

"Your seventeen correct?"

"Um yeah.."

"Do you go to school around here? I live in the neighbourhood close by, there's a lot of the same faces from old schools and I don't think I've seen you around" Y/n looked up at me curiously.

"Um n-no.. I'm homeschooled, I live really far from Zuzu"

"Oh so why'd you get a job so far from home?"

"I'm saving up so I can move out somewhere in Zuzu"

"Ahh I see.."

This really feels like an integration..

"H-how old are you?" I asked her.

"Sixteen, so just a year younger"

"Oh really?" I muttered.

I never realized she was younger than me..

For some reason I feel a lot more at ease..

But at the same time more anxious as the girl had more energy and confidence.

I wonder how this will go..


A/n: so this chapters a little short.

I had an original idea for this but my train of thought kinda just went away as I was writing, I'll probably write more on this sometime but there are three drafts I need to complete including one on Stardew Fantasy and The night we met.

Stay tuned for these three fanfics, I really do wanna get to writing a new chapter on Stardew Highschool though, mostly cause it's very fun to write.

Anyways thanks for the support!! <3


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