《The Vampire King》20. Vulnerable.


"If you could be anywhere in this world right now, would it be to a where or to a who?"


The King's bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.


Emma and I made our way down the halls and up the stairs, half jogging and half running. Once the familiar paintings hanging off the walls came into my view, I knew we were in the hallway the King's bedroom was located at.

The tacky sound of my flats against the marble floors slowed down until the noise came to a stop. My body stood there without moving a muscle due to the shock which took over me. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me.

On the opposite side of the hallway, stood Eric. He was struggling to walk due to a barely conscious Damien hanging off his arms. Eric's arms were wrapped tightly around the King's torso, preventing him from falling down on his face.

First my eyes were filled with confusion, and as I looked beside me, so were Emma's. Her mouth was literally an 'O' shape as if she's never seen a sight like this, the King so vulnerable, before either.

Eric noticed we had no idea what's going on and this might be a good time to explain so he finally started talking.

"Damien's drunk. I found him at the bar downstairs drinking his ass off. I don't know how much he drank, but considering the fact it takes a lot to get a Vampire drunk, he must have had way too many. There were broken beer bottles everywhere. Something must have made him really mad cause' he literally trashed the place." He scowled.

Emma scanned the King's face worrriedly, but then rolled her eyes, "This was the emergency you were talking about?"

Eric looked into her narrowed eyes and nodded, "I'm not going to babysit him alone, so are you guys just gonna stand there as if you just saw a ghost or actually come and help me put him to bed?"


I finally made my way over to the King, trying to push back the fear that bloomed in the deepest pit of my stomach. The memory of him biting me still fresh in my mind, I tried to erase it for a while. Right now, the King seemed to be in no position to hurt me in any way so I walked closer to him.

Damien's eyes finally opened after a long time as he murmured, "Eric, w-where am I? I can smell her addictive scent again. Make it go away. Why did you bring me here?"

There was a hint of fear in his voice. Fear of what? What was he scared of?

I realized that the King didn't want me anywhere near him so I took a step back but Emma stopped me as she took a hold of my arm.

She shook her head and told me to keep going.

I followed her to where Eric stood, but the King stumbled as he lost his balance for the fifth time. I instantly grabbed onto his arm, wrapping his left arm around my neck, just like Eric had his right arm around his own neck.

"There are those damn sparks again, Eric! Make them stop." The King seemed like he was on the verge of crying.

What the hell happened to him?

Ignoring his protests, Eric turned his body to right, dragging him into the room. We walked towards the bed and made Damien sit, but he couldn't even seem to manage that so he fell back onto the bed as if he weigh nothing.

"Why do you think he drank too much?" Emma worriedly raised her eyebrows at Eric.

"He's having his own inner battles, Em. And whatever it is, it scares him far more than any real life battles did. He hasn't even shown his face to any of the meetings for the past few days. There's something bothering him and he's not even telling his best friend. He's been blocking everyone out of his mind, too. So there's clearly something big going on that he doesn't want anyone to know."


"I might have an idea what it is." Emma whispered to herself but we heard.

"What is it?" Eric asked.

"I'll tell you later. We should get going, oh and Alexis? Make sure he doesn't leave this room tonight, don't want him to go out and do anything stupid again. I doubt he will even wake up until tomorrow but you never know. If you need something, the guards will be right outside the room in a bit. Take care, kay'?" She smiled at me.

After assuring them I got this, Emma and Eric walked out of the room, giving one last glance to Damien, who was passed out on the bed.

I shut the door and locked it like the King did every night. I assumed it must be a part of the security procedure. I made my way into the walk in closet so I could change my dress and get ready for bed. Well get ready for the rug I slept on.

I shook my head and continued changing, and that was when I heard the shower running. The sound of water hitting the tub was coming from King's bathroom. My eyes widen as I thought who could it be? But then I laughed at my own foolishness as I realized it's the King's bathroom, so of course it's him taking a shower. But when did he wake up?

I hurriedly opened the closet door and my eyes instantly found an empty bed. So it is the King taking a shower. I walk forward until I'm right outside the bathroom and I notice the door is wide open and his clothes are no where in sight. Don't tell me he's too drunk to even remember to take them off, I silently prayed.

I heard a heavy object drop inside the hard tub, and without thinking I closed the small distance between me and the shower curtains, which were pulled to the side giving me a clear view of the King taking a shower.


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