《The Vampire King》8. Just A Beginning


"Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it's too late. Say what you are feeling. Waiting is a mistake."


The King's balcony,

Crystaline Castle.


The devil once again pushed me against the coldness of the wall that my thin dress did nothing to protect me from. His nails still digging in my shoulders, he brought his face dangerously close to mine. From this close, his features were emphasized. I could see the shiny goldness of his eyes as they stared into mine. All I could make out was pure anger and hatred in them. Hatred towards me. His forehead was frowning as if trying to concentrate on something beyond my understandings.

His presence surrounded me like the air we breathe. All I could think of at the moment was him. Only him.

Gone were the feelings that contained fear. Gone were the desires for ever escaping him. I don't know what it was that was happening, but the thoughts of ever hurting him evaporated from my already desolated mind.

As I looked into the eyes of this most handsome man I've came across, I felt like I couldn't hold that hatred towards him which I've grown inside of me over the years. It was slowly slipping away. All I could focus on was him. His eyes which I wouldn't mind getting lost in forever. His pink full lips which stole my attention as he slowly bit them gently. His strong jaw which seemed like he hadn't shaved in a day or two.

I could see why I was told the ladies practically threw themselves at him. His face was craved to perfection. It was as if the God have taken some precious time adding all the slightest details just in the right position.

Something in him called out to me.


I could not see what it was. But I could feel it.

I tried to push that feeling away. The feeling that seemed to whisper in my ears to accept him, to not hate him. I kept fighting the feeling that was suffocating me and almost begging me to drown in it.

I won't give up, though.

Finally succeeding and getting a control of myself, I was brought back to reality.

I could make out a small scar just above his left eyebrow, which surprisingly just added to his beauty. All of a sudden, these thoughts brought me out of my stance.

What are you doing, Alexis?

This man standing right infront of you is the reason you're here. He's the reason you've been locked up for years. He's the reason your back is screaming in pain due to being pressed against the wall. He just claimed that he will torture you in the worst way possible.

You are not suppose to think he's good looking. He is a monster and will always be that.

All these thoughts were just swirling in my head as he added,

"Maybe I should just do what I planned to do the second I came to know of your existence, destroy you before you can be an inch of a threat to my kingdom! Now I'll do just that. I will torture you untill you'll be begging me to kill you. I will make you suffer every remaining day of your life, and right when you think you're on the verge of breaking, I'll stop. I'll stop until you get yourself back together. Then I will come back and give you new wounds to grieve over. And you know what? Nobody will come and rescue you! Nobody can save you from me!"

I winced as he punched the wall right next to my head, followed by a cracking noise, I wasn't sure if it came from the wall or his knuckles. But that wasn't what made me wince.


It was the fact that my own hand started shaking and hurting like I had punched the wall.

When I looked at the King's hand when he retrieved it, I could see the blood coating it.

I bit the inside of my mouth so I wouldn't scream from the pain that occurred in my hand. But surprisingly, it went away in a blink of a moment. It was almost as if the pain was never there.

As I looked at the King's hand again, it had healed. Damn you, Vampires.

Shock consumed me as my eyes widened. I looked at the King trying to tell him I just felt his pain.

But I couldn't find the words to explain that to him without thinking about the consequences. Maybe he would just call me a liar and hit me some more. That fact alone was enough to stop me from telling him.

"So you better sleep with your eyes open, Alexis Smith. You have have no idea what's coming for you because this is just a beginning."



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