《The Vampire King》7. Fear


"When the Devil and Angel came together...

Humanity was born."


The King's Chambers,

Crystaline Castle.


A pile of books surrounded me like a blanket as I sat criss crossed on the balcony floors. The chair eventually became tiring after spending a good two hours of reading on it. The sun has just started to hide under the horizon making the sky change its colors to orange and yellow with a mix of pink.

For once in my life, everything looked peaceful. I could see the trees waving swiftly as the wind passed through the leaves, bringing the nature alive. I heard the birds chirping and a lonely dove flew around and landed right next to me.

I admired its beauty and the angelic look. Its black eyes, which stood out on the white feathers, stared back at me with a hint of curiosity. How can there be such amazing creatures in a world filled with hatred and cruelty?

Right when I was about to reach out slowly to touch it, the dove stumbled back in fear and flew away in a blink of a moment.

At first I was confused, but then I felt him. I actually felt his presence. How could this be?

How can I know he is there even though he made no noises as he came in. It was almost like he was invisible, like he had just walked through the walls without making any sound.

Then a thought hit me. He can teleport. No wonder the dove flew off. Everyone's afraid of him, whether if it's an animal or a drop of water here in this Vampire world. It made me feel a little better that I'm not the only one here.

Still, if he was going to teleport here, a little warning would have been nice. What if I was changing or something? He needs to respect others privacy. For some reason this made me more angry at him.


I finally turned my head to look at him.

"Can you please not do that, appear out of nowhere?"

Wow, I didn't know where this boost of confidence came from. I never talked to anybody like this before, but now that I did, I wasn't feeling so sure of myself. Great going Alexis, you've just dug your own grave. Not only that, its as if you're begging the king to grant you with that thing called death.

I noticed I had stood up while I was busy glaring at him.

I stepped back in fear and lowered my gaze. I knew what was coming, but it was my first instinct to prevent it.

It seemed like a moment passed. I kept waiting because I knew he was going to do something I would not like, hurt me.

With my heart beat increasing, I pushed my palms together to keep them from shaking. My eyes scanned around the balcony, looking for an escape. But there were only two.

One where the King was standing, blocking the only door that lead to the room. Then, there was also the escape of just ending my life in a simpler way by jumping from the balcony.

But I'm not that dumb. I maybe a coward, but I would never even think about giving up like that. In the years when I knew my parents, they always taught me to keep fighting and never back down untill you achieve what it was you wanted from the beginning. As I stood there in the balcony with the king, I knew what I wanted, my freedom.

I was almost starting to calm down because I figured the King wouldn't hit me anymore.

Just as I let my guard down and relaxed, he stepped forward. It happened in a blur, as a result of his fast speed. I was standing on my feet infront of him, but just as I blinked once, I was being held against the wall with the King's hands on my throat.


I tried to pry his hands off me, but he was ten times more stronger.

"You do not speak to me like that! Do you have any clue what I can do to you? Don't even think that just because I gave you four more months to live, it has to be that long. I can kill you any fucking time I want. I can do whatever the hell I want to you. I can use you as a meal to drink from any time of the day. To be honest, I can't wait to get a taste of that sweet pure blood of yours! I'll--"

The threats kept coming. To the point where I couldn't even make out his words due to the lack of oxygen. Just as I was about to pass out, he let go of me. I landed on my feet and without thinking, I pushed him away with all the strength I could find in my body. And this time, he stumbled back an inch or two.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I hated him, and I made sure just how much those words made that clear.

The next thing he did was uncalled for.

He slapped me.

What a surprise.

The blow he sent towards my cheek had me falling to the floor in less than a second. The sound of the slap echoed through the castle walls, repeating itself as if reminding me to never scream at him again. I cupped my cheek and the tears that have been begging to be let out, started falling freely from my eyes.

The King grabbed a hold of my arm tightly to the point where his nails were digging in my flesh. He made me stand up so that my eyes were leveled with his neck.

I couldn't even dare looking at him again.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! Don't make me rethink my actions. Maybe I shouldn't have granted you your life. Maybe I should have used you as my personal slave to boss around. You know what? It's never too late for that."


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