《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Twister


Now, for no reason whatsoever they decided to play Twister. You see, it was so completely random and at the moment, nobody decided to object. It was definitely not because Elise started giving out death glares to whoever opposed. Nor was it Mori and Ane-san's complete endorsement of the idea.

It was completely uncoincidential that everything was exactly that.Or at least that's what Chuuya will have us believe.

Now, it was not uncommon for the ADA and the Port Mafia to settle down and have a "friendly" game or two. These days they decided to have an occasional truce just to torment the lovebirds. Of course, in order for it to work, a drink too many was necessary for the relatively relaxed (stoned and buzzed) detectives and mafia members.

... this time, prehaps a little too stoned...

"Twister!" Yosamo demanded. "I hereby challenge you to a game of twister! The losing side has to sing karaoke naked as a punishment!"

"erm.. Yosano-san, are you sure you aren't drunk?" Atsushi timidly enquired. "And can we not.. you know, strip in here? This is a relatively PG fic yanno.." :)

" Haha! You scared everyone will see your undies-?!" She passes out right after from alcohol levels.

In the corner, Kunikda sits there shaking his head. "This is anarchy... And the director won't let me get to work as well. Seriously, Dazai needs to draft his paperwork, Naomi needs to stop harrasing Tanizaki, what has this come to? We are even working with the enemy! Letting them into the office like it's nothing!"


" i need a drink."

So the chaos ensues. Though Yosano had passed out, the stoned idiots were actually considering and taking it seriously. The rules were being set, and the bets were placed.


Unsurprisingly, Elise was eager to spin the dial.

"Chuuya put your right foot on a blue dot!

"Dazai put a hand on orange!

" Aku put a hand on green!"

Finally until...

"What the actual fuck Elise! Chuuya screamed at the demon of a child. "Do you realise what shit you are getting me to do? This bastard is gonna be... Fuck it. Fine."

This made Dazai's smug smile stretch further than it was anatomically possible.

"Oh, so are you enjoying this Chuuya?~"

"Fuck you, bastard! "

"Maybe you will-"

(Thank god they didn't actually sing karaoke naked in the end.)

Lol Hoped you enjoyed that. Sorry there weren't much Dazai x Chuuya scenes in there. The next one is all about it.

Trust me...

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