《Undercover Gangleader》Chapter SixtyTwo


He smiles slightly as he looks at me, a spark going through his eyes before he glances back outsider the car and I look to see two cars to be parked outside of us. He curses slightly and fixes my hair, putting the strand back into their place." Stay behind me okay? I'll handle it."

I nod and he gives a a small kiss onto the cheek before opening the back door and sliding out before helping me out. The chilly air makes my hairs on my body stand up, the sweat that coats some of my skin not helping, as the doors open and big dudes begin to get out of the two cars. All of them wear suits and scowls, as they stop in front us. They all stand straight and alert, watching us with their dead eyes as if we contain a massive bomb. The door slams one last time before a tall man comes out, different from the rest. He stands about two inches taller than the tallest of the other men and fills the suit in a way you see on men magazines. As if he was made for them. A five a clock shadow lines his jaw, coming up to his medium lengthed brown hair. I freeze when his cold dark eyes land on mine and he smirks as he fixes the front buttons of his suit." Well. If it isn't the two love birds." He chuckles as if he's said something hilarious crosses his arms in front of his chest." I can only imagine what you where doing before we decided to pay a visit."

"What do you want?" X growls out and the guy smirks.

"Just to talk to your little girlfriend, that's it."

"No." He puts a protective arm around me, his shoulders tense and his posture rigid. His eyes are scorching with anger as he looks at all of them, daring anyone to step any closer to us." You're not touching her, so get your monkeys and get the fuck out."


"Watch the way you speak to me son, I still am your father. And I will speak to the girl if I want to, there is no other choice." His eyes stay trained on X, no emotions playing behind them but the anger of his challenge." Give me the girl."


I look from the guy- X's father- and to X. The resemblances being creepy." Why does he want me?"

"A whole lot of reasons. Mostly to get into your pants." X growls at the thought and looks up at his father." She's not like the women you you with. She won't fuck you willingly and I damn as sure won't let you force her."

The man smirks and turns his cold eyes onto me." You trust him? Those open eyes that are so filled with love that it suffocates you? Well those eyes are faked. The family gift." His eyes soften until he turns into a different man in front of me. His hard eyes softened to a caramel brown and his face softened as well. His shoulders less stiff and his posture more welcoming. It's scary who greatly he can switch:" Tell me. Have you seen this side the entire time? Because if so honey, I have some bad news."

"Don't listen to him. He'll do anything to talk to you." X whispers to me as I stand shocked at the man that now stands in front of us. He looks at me with softened eyes and chuckles before hardening them over once more. I stiffen at the memory of the cabin. How easy X had switched into someone else, almost as if that guy had been floating underneath his surface...

"Tell me. What do you know of X? His family? His gang? His father? It was reported to me that you didn't even know his first name. I thought you were a smart girl... That seems to only be coming from the books it seems.. No common sense, no instincts." He chuckles and the other guys join him; none of which being humorous. "Do you want answers? Or more importantly. The truth?"


"Everything you want to know Asher, I will tell you. This is just all a trick. He's an evil man, who just wants a new life to ruin."

"Funny how I'm saying the exact same thing to her. Everything you want to know Asher, I will tell you. Don't fall or his trickery. He's an evil man, who wants to ruin your life to make his better."

"Why would he want to trick me?"

He smirks and his lips waver slightly before he lets a loud amused laugh, sending shivers to go down my back." Lord, he hasn't even told you of his deadline. You see 'X' here is the Gangleader. He leads the pack, I guess you could say. But unless he has a wife and child by twenty he cannot stay Gangleader. He'll be nineteen in a couple of months..."


"Is that not true Xavier? Does this deadline not exist?"

X locks his jaw and looks away from me to his father," It does but-" he looks at me and holds onto my arm." It's not like that. I'm not with you just because that deadline. I'm with you by choice." X looks into my eyes and places his hand onto my cheek." Don't listen to him."

"And I do believe your only sixteen or seventeen Asher? Meaning he'd have to get you pregnant by the end of your senior year. And you talk about a man who wants to ruin her."

I tense and X holds onto my hand as his father smirks at the two of us." Who do you trust?" X asks me, his voice soft and wavering. Hope comes into his eyes as he looks at me and I begin to question if it's real or not. After seeing what his father can do, I'm starting to question everything.

"Yeah, who do you trust Asher? Stay with him, you get the same thing. No answers. Or come to me, and get the truth."

I tense as X lets go of my hand, replacing it with a coldness." I choose..." I take a step forward and the man smirks, and X tenses." The man who I trust. The man who I know will give me the answers I want." I take a small step forward and X makes an I humane sound, his voice sounding broken as I took the step." I choose..." I look up at X's father with certain eyes, making mockery come to his eyes as he looks back at X." I choose X." I let out a laugh before going back to his side and wrap my arms around X's waist. He chokes slightly and begins to chuckle as the mans nostrils begin to flare and anger comes to his eyes.

"Aww how cute, you chose your little boyfriend. Well to bad." He snaps his fingers and the men begins to walk towards us." I'm still getting you girly. And we're going to have lots of fun together."

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