《Undercover Gangleader》Chapter SixtyOne


He watches me as he drives windy through the street, rubbing my thigh and playing with my dress as he does. He says nothing as he pulls into a dirt road that leads into a section of forest, the tension seeming to kill him as his eyes are filled with lust. He quickly parks at the end of the road and turns the car off. Saying nothing he grabs me before sliding us into the back seat and immediately crashes our lips onto one another. He growls and presses me against the back seat, his whole body touching mine, not a gap left in between us. I kiss back furiously as he begins to work at the back of my dress, zipping it all the way down to to my lower back. He jerks it off and throws it to the front seat and glances over my body. He smirks and slides his tux off in one fluid motion, before crashing our lips onto one another again. I gasp as he flips us around, me being laid onto the seat as he hovers over top of me." I love you."

"I love you too."


"Are parties always that short with your friends?"

He smirks back at me and told his eyes." No. Though this time we did have a little cat fight that made things fasten up."

"Cat fight?"

He kisses my forehead and says," No. It wasn't a cat fight." He trails his fingers across my collar bone and rests his chin onto my chest." I'm very impressed actually at your fighting skills. Even with two broken bones you were able to flip as if she was a rag doll." He laughs, making my stomach vibrate from the movement from his. I smile and bury my face into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his waist as I hold him as if I might lose him.


"I love you."

He lifts an eyebrow looking down at me and says,". That's a little off topic."

I smile and raid my arms up to his shoulders," I do."

"I know. And I love you too." He smiles down at me and lays his hand onto my jaw." Sometimes I don't think your real. That this has to be a dream. A boy like me shouldn't have someone like you. We don't deserve girls like you. Intelligent, funny, beautiful.... I sometimes think to myself how little I deserve to hear those i love you's coming from you. That I must have had done something right to be able to lay with you and hold your hand. To be able to kiss your soft lips and share moments like these. I did nothing to deserve this gift of having you, and yet I got the blessing." I smile up t him, my eyes stinging from upcoming tears, as he rests his head onto my chest. He looks up and holds eye contact with me before finishing," I read quiet a few books in my lifetime, most because my father had made me read them as a child but I read nonetheless. I once read a quote that I thought was stupid at the time yet is perfect right now. I wish I could freeze this moment and live it forever. At the time I had looked at my life and couldn't think of any moment I would want to live forever. A moment that I could handle of time had froze. Now. It seems as if everyday there's a moment if freeze to live forever. Like this one. Me, you, our words, and love. Sometimes I can't go to sleep because I keep thinking of the moments like these with you. My heart will start beating faster, the butterflies will come to my stomach. And I question how fastly this has came upon me." He trails his fingers down my jaw and begins to run them over my collar bone." My father had told me not fall in love. That love only corrupts you and weakens you. Destroys you. But if that's what your doing to me. Corrupting, and destroying. I'm up to living that personal hell just to be able to hold you in my arms."


A tear comes down my face and he raises up to lick it off my cheek. I begin to speak when he puts his finger to my lips and lays a kiss onto it." Please don't get scared or run off when I say this." He pauses before running his hand over my hair and leaving it into the back of my neck." I know I can't pause time to make these moments forever but I do know that there's away to have moments like these forever. Asher I'm going to propose one day. I don't know what your answer will be or where. Not even when. But I want that future with you. I want to see you walking down that isle and saying our vows to each other. I want you to carry my children and go through life with me. I want to wake up beside you every morning and get to hold you for our small forevers." He kisses me into the lisp as I stare up at him in shock." And also...." He glances upward and says," Put your clothes on. We have guests."

I squint when the sound of a roaring engine comes to me, causing my eyes to widen as I jump for my dress. I begin to curse as I slip the dress on, and fix my hair to the best of my ability. I look over to see X already buttoning up his coat, somehow not having to move from his place to put any of his clothes back on." X?" He looks up at me and a warmth goes through my chest when his warm eyes meet mine, making my heart to skip a beat." I want that forever too."

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