《Save me || Jungkook ff ✔》12 - "I LOVE YOU" ✔


I sat down on the couch and played with my phone. Jungkook had blocked Namjoon and deleted all his messages. I played some games I had downloaded. It felt weird being alone. I had never been left alone before, not like this. When Namjoon went out with his friends he locked me inside my room.

I called Jungkook but he didn't answer. I went out to the kitchen to grab some food. Then I saw a note on the table.

Good Morning Y/N!

There is food ready in the fridge.

I'll be home soon. Don't do anything stupid, I trust you.

I won't be able to answer the phone, but don't worry.

I Love You


I reread the last three words over and over. "I love you". "I LOVE you". "I love YOU". Why was my heart beating so fast? Why did I feel warm and tingly? Why couldn't I understand? He loved me? Like a friend? He had never told me that. What did he mean? Why was I so eager to know? I wanted him to come home right now and tell me. ...Well at least as he didn't mean it as a friend. I wanted him to mean it as more. I hadn't realized my own feelings before. I liked him as more than a friend.


An hour later I heard the door open. I rushed from the couch to the hall. I met him as he was taking off his shoes.

"Kookie!" I said as I hurried up to him. He looked up at me with a big smile. I froze just as he looked up. tears immediately started to drip down. I buried my face in my hands. His face was bruised.

"Y/N?" I heard his voice. I started sobbing. He came up to me and lingered his arms around my back and hugged me. I put my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder. Jungkook hid his face in the crook of my neck and breathed out heavily.


"I'm sorry." He whispered. His voice was weak and a little shaky.

"Where have you been?" I asked and my voice cracked a little. His body shelved and he tightened his arms around me.

"Y/N" he whined. I pulled him closer to me. I felt his hot tears drip down against my skin. Jungkook put his weight on me. He was heavier than I had thought. I helped him to sit down against the wall. I sat up and was about to go get water for him but he grabbed my hand. His eyes were all blank. He looked so broken.

"Don't leave." He whispered. My heart fluttered a little. I sat down with my legs on each side of him and hugged him tightly.

"I won't. I promise." I whispered.

"I'm scared." He said with his shaky voice. I leaned back so I would e able to see him.

"Why?" I asked and wiped first my tears then his tears.

"I met Namjoon. He said he would kill you because you were pregnant." His voice cracked. I got scared at what he said. That was actually something Namjoon would do.


Eventually, Jungkook calmed down. I helped him to the couch. I covered him with the blanket and got him a cup of water. He suddenly chuckled.

"What?" I said and couldn't help but smile at him.

"This is what I do for you when you're sad." He said and it was true.

It was nice to see him smile. I got all warm when I saw him getting back to his old self.

"I should get some treatment for you." I said and stood up.

"It's in the bathroom. The second drawer from the right." He said and I nodded.



I sat down in front of him on the floor. I put the box beside me. I started with his hands. His knuckles were all scraped up and bloody.

Jungkook had to bend down a little so I would be able to reach his face. I gently patted his jaw with the treatment. He hissed a little. I mumbled a sorry and continued.

I could feel his constant stare at me. My heart was beating a little faster than usual and my cheeks felt a little warm.

I moved on to his lip. His lower lip had burst and it was still bleeding a little. I cleaned it with some alcohol and started to add some cream on it. Jungkook suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his face. I looked up at him a little shocked. He cupped my face in his hands and pulled me towards him. His lips crashed against mine. It wasn't our first kiss but it was definitely the best. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He grabbed me and pulled me up on the couch without breaking the kiss. He placed me down on the couch and made me lay down. He hovered above me and leaned back to look at me. He had a big smile plastered on his lips and his eyes were shimmering of happiness. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"I love you." He said with his clear voice. I felt really happy. I couldn't help but smile. He loves me. He leaned down and kissed me before saying it against my lips.

"I love you." He mumbled and kissed me.

"Please love me back." He mumbled and kissed me.

"I do." I whispered between two kisses.

I laughed so hard

He is so damn adorable

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