《Save me || Jungkook ff ✔》1 - SIX YEARS AGO ✔


"Honey!" Namjoon called for me from the bedroom.

"Yes?" I grabbed the trey with his breakfast. When I entered the bedroom he was still under the cover.

"What took you so long?" He asked and took the trey from my hands without looking at me.

"I'm sorry. I was a bit tired." I sat down at the end of the bed.

"My friends are coming over today. You have to be home to make us dinner." He said and tasted his breakfast.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked and stood up.

"It doesn't matter." He mumbled with food in his mouth. I nodded and left the bedroom.


Namjoon had dressed and came down to the living room. I was vacuuming. He sat down on the big couch and turned on the TV.

"Honey! Turn that off! I'm gonna watch TV!" He said loudly. I did as he said and sat beside him.


It knocked on the door. I quickly stood up and went to open it.

"Hello! Welcome." I said and bowed to his friends. Some of them bowed back. I followed them to the couch.

"Honey." Namjoon said and tapped beside him.

"Oh, I thought she was his maid." One of the guys whispered to another but I could still hear him. It's my first time meeting them. They usually go out somewhere.

When I sat down, Namjoon put an arm around me. The other guys also sat down.

"Sorry, what's your name?" One of them asked me. I looked at Namjoon to see if I could answer him. He smoothly signalized a yes.

"It's Y/N." I smiled at the guy who asked my name. He smiled back.

"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Hobi." He said.


"Dinner." Namjoon said almost cutting Hobi. I shrugged a little over suddenly hearing his voice so close to my ear. I nodded my head and went to the kitchen.



I didn't know a girl would be here. She was cute tho. But as usual I didn't dare to talk to her, plus, she was Namjoon-hyung's girlfriend.


She didn't eat with us. Why?

Namjoon-hyung disappeared often and I guessed that he went to her, wherever she was. I didn't see her for the rest of the evening. I noticed that I was looking for her from time to time. I wanted to see her again.



Namjoon told me to go upstairs as soon as I was done with the dinner. He came up every hour.

"Honey?" He entered the room. I turned to look at him.

"How is it going?" I asked him but he ignored my question. He came up to the desk I sat by.

"What do you think?" I asked and showed him my painting. I loved to paint. That was basically everything I did when I was in my room. Well, I had painting tools, a TV and a couch in my room, so there wasn't much I could do. I always slept in Namjoon's room but he didn't want me to be there except for when we were sleeping and he didn't want me to be downstairs when we had guests either so I had my own room.

"Looks like everything else." He said and shrugged his shoulders.


Namjoon brought me to his bedroom.

"Why are we here? You still have guests." I said as he sat me on the bed. He went back and closed and locked the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he returned to me and pushed me down on the bed. I felt a bit scared but I didn't want to tell him.

"We're gonna have some fun."


Holy damn

If only I could look like that my life would be so much better (even tho I'm a girl... but still!)

Imagine going on a trip with Jungkook....

Just kill me already

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