《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 10| Caught
I felt myself being nudged awake from the peaceful blackness around me, I was way to comfortable to wake up right now, all I want to do it sleep. My body was once again shook making a growl erupt from my throat, I heard laughing from next to me which made me even angrier as I snapped my head up and glared around the room.
Realizing it was my classroom and people were staring and laughing, a gentle heat rose to my cheeks covering them with my hands as I felt the blush spread.
"God you took ages to wake up! you were called to the principles office 5 minutes ago" Mina whispered while cackling, rocking backwards on her science school which she nearly fell off.
I groaned as I heard the teacher speak "Nice to see you had a nice nap Eleanor, maybe if you pay attention next lesson you'll know when I ask something of you" he barked at me making me roll my eyes.
"Sir I wouldn't do anything you ask even if I did hear so please shut the fuck up" I growled lowly using my alpha voice, knowing he was a werewolf from his smell. He flinched and nodded sinking down in his seat at the front before continuing to teach.
I smirked, collecting my belongings and kissing Mina on the cheek before waltzing over to the classroom door and ripping it open. Stepping forwards into the empty corridor letting the door fall from my grip and slam loudly behind me. Swinging my bag over my shoulder I began walking towards the main desk, annoyed that I'd had to leave my lesson.
"Hi how can I help" Miss Boor chirped while smiling widely.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and rested my elbows on the front desk "my teacher told me I got called to the office 5 minutes ago" I answered in a bored tone.
"Oh yes dear the principles office is down there" she said pointing to the corridor next to to the front office "it's the door at the end of the hall" she finished with a smile.
I nodded and began heading over to the corridor "thanks" I called before making my way to the door, knocking harshly.
"Enter!" Principle Sanders called from inside.
Groaning, I reached forwards and gripped the door handle before swinging the door open quickly. The room was old fashioned with original wooden flooring and light brown walls, a large wooden desk sat in the middle of the room with two uncomfortable looking chairs sat in front of it and a black chair behind it that Principle Sanders was seated in. There was a large window behind him letting in a lot of sunlight, lighting up the dark room. There was two bookshelves along one wall filled with large dusty books and along the other wall was framed pages seemingly newspaper clippings and also awards.
Looking at Principle Sanders with a glare I stepped into the office and slammed the door behind me "My teacher said you called me?" I questioned stepping closer to his desk.
"Yes Miss Jenkins, 15 minutes ago" he spat sternly with a ugly scowl plastered in his face "take a seat I'm sure you are well aware as to why you're here" he said pointing to the two nasty looking chairs.
I grimaced as I sat down in one of them "I'm not sure sir, why don't you enlighten me" I said innocently plopping my bag in the floor next to my feet.
"Dont get cocky with me Miss Jenkins or I won't be so forgiving" he said raising his voice as his face grew angry at my disrespect, I held in my want to spit on him as he spoke again "Since this is you're first week in school your punishment for fighting Miss West will be 3 days suspension. Lucky for you this goes over the weekend so you'll be back in school Monday morning".
I rolled my eyes "yeah so lucky for me" I said sarcastically "she hit me first so what's her punishment?" I questioned.
"Miss West has been given detentions for the rest of the week and a warning, Miss Jenkins. Her punishment is less because you beat her black and blue you didn't need to take it that far. It was very inappropriate on your part" he said in a calm voice.
My anger hit the roof "Are you fucking kidding me! That bitch gets 2 days of detentions when she started it! What I did was self defense and she was talking shit about my dead mother!" I screamed beginning to shake, squeezing my hands into fists I felt blood dribble down my wrists as my claws grew puncturing my skin "This is unbelievable!" I bellowed.
"Miss Jenkins control yourself and watch your language! The punishments are settled there's no debate what she did was wrong but you took it too far!-"
I cut him off by jumping up grabbing my bad from the table and storming out of the door and down the small corridor, nearing the main office where Mrs Boor smiled at me I heard Principle Sanders door re-open "Miss Jenkins come back here this instant!" He shouted which I ignored and continued into the corridor where students were stood staring as they walked to next lesson.
I needed to shift because of how angry I was so I quickly made my way to the front doors and ran down the large marble steps, reaching the familiar grit that covered the parking lot I heard a voice that gave me butterflies.
"Hey! Ellie what's wrong?" Xander asked walking from down the side of the school and standing in front of me, he bent down too look me in the eyes and pushing a piece of curly hair behind my ear "what's happened?" He asked in a concerned voice.
I pushed him away and hurried to my car which wasn't parked far away, I heard him following me which made me huff in annoyance "Go away Xander I'm too angry to talk right now I need to be on my own" I said through gritted teeth as I tore my car door open throwing my bag and phone inside , ruffling around for a big T-shirt I keep in my car in case of a shift.
"What's happened that's made you so mad?" He asked cocking his head to the side. If I wasn't so angry right now I would have stared at how beautiful he was but instead I slammed my car door closed and began sprinting across the field and towards the woods.
Hearing him running behind me I growled "That stupid fucking Principle" answering his question.
Xander growled "Tell me what he's done I'll deal with him".
I laughed sarcastically "gave me suspension and gave Mina only two detentions when she started it and talked shit about my dead mother, that stupid bitch is lucky I didn't snap her neck" i spat.
Finally reaching the clearing I ripped my uniform off and threw it to the floor behind the tree I was hiding from Xander behind, standing in my bra and thong I threw my keys to floor that had been stuffed in my bra. "I'll deal with him Elle he will give her more of a punishment then that you are his future Luna after all" Xander said frowning.
"Thanks but I won't be the Luna, anyways I need to go right now before I go back in there and finish her off" I said lowly before shifting to my wolf grabbing the big t-shirt in my mouth and took off running into the trees ahead of me.
Feeling so much better as I felt the cold wind run through my fur, my anger practically disappeared the more I ran, seeing the world go past me in a rush. Running for 15 minutes I appeared in a small clearing with a beautiful pond. It looked like something from a fairytale with lily pads lay on top of the crystal clear blue water which was completely still. There was a small amount of sand surrounding the pond which I lay my wolf body on top of. I shifted back to my human form and pulled the large T-shirt over my body before laying back down facing the water.
I lay comfortably in the sun which was bathing my body with heat, relaxing with my thoughts until I smelt an disgusted smell wafting from the line of trees behind me. Jumping onto my feet in alert my eyes darted in the trees waiting for movement. Rustling of the trees caught my attention on the right side of me, snapping my eyes towards that direction another waft of the dreadful smell rushed up my nose making me cringe. Rouge.
I growled loudly "Who's there!" I bellowed into the trees, impatiently waiting for a wolf or human to step out. "Come on pussy I haven't got all day! Show yourself!" I growled in my alpha voice.
Goosebumps traveled across my body as I heard a familiar deep laugh echoing through the trees, my knees grew weaker as panic took over my body and my head began feeling heavy. No. it couldn't be. Stupidly I walked closer to the trees feeling drawn to reach him, I walked and walked for what felt like hours but was merely seconds. Each step I took I felt my heart get heavier and my breaths getting harder to make.
"H-hello? Who-o is the-ere?" I stuttered feeling dread fill my body, having no answer I stopped walking standing still next to a tall tree which I leant against because of the sudden heaviness feeling in my body. Maybe I'm going crazy, I must have imagined it all. Turning on my heel I began walking back the way I came concluding that I was mad, until I heard it again. The voice.
"Oh how I've miss you Norie" he spoke, mocking the nickname he gave me almost 2 years before. Feeling tears cloud my eyes I squeezed them shut, not wanting to see the face that haunts my nightmares every night in real life. A waft of cold air harshly hit my side as the stench hit my nose again but stronger this time "open your eyes Norie" he spoke softly.
Counting to three I took a breath before peeling my eyes open and staring at the familiar boy stood 5 feet away from me. My breath hitched as he took two careful steps towards me with a wide smile spreading across his face as his black eyes stared into my green ones. He looked the same as before, it's like we were back home before everything happened. Light from the sun gleamed through the trees allowing me to see his features properly, although I already knew every detail of his face of by heart. Light brown hair messily plopped on top of his head without a care, dark black eyes with matching dark circles underneath, sharp jawline with an deep claw scar running down his cheek which he'd received from Kayden, he had a medium build and was tall although nothing compared with Xander.
"Have you missed me Norie" he cooed reaching his hand out towards me to stroke my cheek, I flinched away from his touch and moved backwards a few steps wanting a good distance from him making him scowl at me.
"What are you doing here Zack?" I sneered, plucking up every bit of confidence I had left. I felt as though when talking, seeing and being near him it drains every bit of happiness and bravery out of me, probably due to the abuse I faced from this vile boy.
"I'm here to see you of course" Zack said cocking his head "I've missed you".
I snorted "Why? Why would you care enough to come see me? You're endangering yourself coming here this pack is not to be messed with, Zack" I said spitting his name.
"I don't care who's pack this is im always going to be near you wherever you go Norie" he said stalking towards me, my feet were glued to the ground as I stared up at him "And you know I love you-".
"No, stop. You don't do what you did to someone you love" I said sternly letting my gaze drop "you ruined my life..and me" I whispered trailing of at the end.
Zack sighed "I never meant to hurt you Norie you just didn't listen like a good girl" he said crouching down to my level and gripping my chin forcing me to look straight into his eye. His hot breathe fanned across my face making me want to puke "I had to teach you a lesson baby".
Using my power I pushing him away from me and began walking away fast "leave here and never come back Zack" i sneered angrily "I'll get my brother and the Alpha-" I was cut of by being slammed into the same large tree from earlier making a cry leave my lips.
Zack growled lowly at me as if threatening me to speak again "Yes I've seen this Alpha is very close with you" he said his eyes darkening even more showing his rage "You will stay away from him, do you understand?" Zack demanded placing kisses along my jawline. I forcefully nodded as tears dropped from my eyes and down my cheeks knowing I was lying.
"Good girl" he mumbled against my hot skin continuing to kiss along my face until he reached my lips. He pressed our lips together hard and began moving them fast against mine as my silent tears streamed faster down my face "stop crying" he growled into the kiss forcing me down onto my knees as he began to pull down his shorts and boxers letting his erection flick out. Gripping a fistful of my hair he pulled my mouth towards it "Show me what else that mouth can do" he growled shoving it into my mouth.
Hot tears rolled down my face as he forced it all into my mouth and began ramming my head backwards and forwards. I felt him hit me twice on my face making me whimper "Suck bitch make me cum" he growled forcing my head to go faster. Disgusting groans and moans left his mouth as I began to suck and move my head on my own out of fear of being hit again "mhm that's good baby don't stop. God no slags mouth feels like yours" he moaned jolting his hips forward and throwing his head back, since this wasn't the first time he'd made me do this for him I knew this meant he was close to cumming, I forced my head to go faster desperate for this to be over.
Thankfully a few seconds passed and I felt him shake and then a disgusting salty substance ran down my throat making me gag. Zack pulled himself out of my mouth and pulled his shorts back up, gripping my hair and dragging me back to my feet. I choked on air as I was trying to prevent myself sobbing, but desperate for air I opened my mouth and inhaled making a loud sob leave my mouth. A sharp pain stung my cheek making me cry out and hold my probably now very red cheek, Zack's eyes were gazing down at me "shh stop crying you're fine" he whispered stroking my burning cheek.
A yelp left my lips as he forced my back against the tree leaning in breathing his stale breath all over my face "You're so beautiful" he murmured into my neck "and you're mine not that fucking Alphas or any of them other boys your fucking" he growled beginning to shake.
He picked me up firmly and raised me in the air "no n-no, Zack please put me down" I sobbed.
He laughed as he threw me effortlessly as if I was a ball, I glided through the air and landed hard on the ground crying out in pain. Forcing myself onto my elbows the world spun around me, I touched the back of my head and felt a warm thick liquid, pulling my hand back I saw it was blood.
"You're nothing but a passed around slag!" He screamed in my face as spit landed on my face.
He threw his fist towards my face which made contact with my nose and cheek making me fall back onto the floor, he towered over me and smirked down at my tired body which was unable to fight back. Just as he lifted his fist to deliver another hit the bushes rustled and I smelt wolves from the pack. Zack must have smelt it to because he snapped his head in their direction before backing away and looking back down at me.
"I'll see you soon Norie" he whispering, smiling mockingly before taking of running in the opposite direction and disappearing in seconds.
I wiped all my tears away and curled myself into a ball and held myself while I shook, hearing the wolves come closer until they ran in front of me. I could smell that it was 3 wolves and recognised the scents as Xander, Jack and Cole.
"Ellie what's wrong?" Xander called seconds later, probably after shifting.
I didn't respond and didn't move from my position not wanting them to see I'm upset but felt him kneel down in front of me. He grazed his fingers along my arm creating sparks along my skin making me shiver.
"Ellie" he cooed "look at me, what happened?" he asked gently.
A few seconds of silence passed until I spoke "Nothing I'm fine, I'm just waiting for my strength to come back so I can heal myself" I half lied not moving from my position, still hiding my face.
"Where are you hurt? I can smell your blood" he said as I felt his eyes look over me for injuries.
"My head" I whispered slowly pulling my head from between my hands and looking up at him, Xander immediately growled and grabbed my head in his hands.
"Who the fuck did this?" he seethed tracing the forming bruises on my face.
"Just a few rouges I was sleeping in my wolf and wasn't prepared for them to attack. They ran off after I fought back" I replied, I hated lying but I can't tell anyone about Zack. He's my burden and my problem to deal with I don't want to put it on anyone else.
Xander stared at me as if trying to determine whether Im lying or not "okay then I'll track them down and kill them" he said pecking my cheek and standing up "I'm not leave until you heal yourself though".
I sighed and brought my hand up to the back of my head and healed the split skin before healing the bruises across my face and stomach.
"Done" I mumbled, standing up and swaying a bit before catching myself.
"Are you sure you're okay angel? I can take you home if you want" Xander asked with a smile.
"No no I'm fine, I'll just shift to my wolf" I said wiping the blood of my hands "Hi Cole and Jack, how was school?" I asked plastering a fake smile onto my face.
"Shit, so boring without you" Cole said with a smirk making Xander growl possessively, which I ignored.
"What can I say" I said winking before saying my goodbyes and beginning to run of, shifting into my wolf while I ran.
Finally making it back to the tree with my cheer uniform and car keys next to it I shifted back and pulled my uniform onto my body trying not to get blood on it, I tied my shoes and grabbed my car keys before jogging it's the parking lot of the school.
My eyes widened at the lack of cars in the spaces meaning school had already finished, remembering my project with Evan that we'd planned to work on after school. I quickly hurried over to my car parked in front of the school steps with Evan leaning against the hood of the car.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I exclaimed unlocking my car and walking over to the driver door.
"It's okay don't worry about it, school only finished 10 minutes ago" Evan said smiling opening the passenger door and taking a seat, his eyes widening as he took in my bloody appearance "God what happened?" He asked sounding worried.
"Just rouges" i said brushing him off and starting the car "hope you don't mind if I shower when I get home?" I asked pulling out of the car space.
"Course not" he said smiling.
Arriving home 10 minutes later I lead him to the front door and unlocked it, letting him in first I let the door swing shut before locking it. I guided Evan to the kitchen where the maids were preparing food.
"D'ya want anything to drink Evan?" I asked walking over to the fridge.
"I'll drink whatever you're drinking" Evan replied leaning against the kitchen counter starting a conversation with the maids about food, clearly flirting.
I nodded and grabbed to ice cold cokes from the fridge and handed it to him. He thanked me and said his goodbyes to the maids before following behind me up the stairs and down the hallway to my bedroom.
"Wow your house is so nice, do you live here alone?" Evan asked in awe.
"No I share it with my brother" I answer with a laugh, opening my bedroom door "make yourself at home on my bed I need to shower off the blood quickly" I said walking over to my walk in wardrobe.
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