《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 9| Cheerleading assembly fight
I looked around in the blackness, waiting for something to happen. The silence was so still it seemed fake, something was off. My breath caught in my throats as I smelt the strong stench of blood. Looking down I realised, it was my blood. In the darkness I could just make out the dripping of the blood from my finger tips onto the wooden floor, blood gushed from everywhere. My hands, arms, legs, head. I gasped a breath in and out and saw my breath in the air. It was freezing, leaving me wondering whether I was shaking from fear or the coldness.
Suddenly there was a shift in the air causing my body to stiffen and every hair on my body stood up, adrenaline rushed through my body as I got into fight or flight mode. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement but as I snapped my eyes over to the direction the black shape leaped towards me. Their rough hands gripping my mouth shut out I let out a ear piercing scream.
"I'll see you soon my princess" Zack sneered with a nasty evil grin stretching across his face.
I jolted awake as the images faded from my vision, on the verge of a panic attack i gulped in air trying to calm my breathing. My hands curled into the blanket I was lay on, as my thumping heart began to slow in my chest. Closing my eyes I counted to 10 until I was completely calm and reopened them, glancing around my room.
My room had a very strong smell of alcohol and was explained by the numerous wine and vodka bottles scattered across my floor. I was lay sprawled out in the middle of my bed with Mina curled up above my head still soundly asleep shown by her gentle snores. Her hair was a mess and and looked very funny causing me to giggle quietly. I stretched a huge needed stretch, yawning as I looked over at the clock making my eyes widen.
"FUCK! MINA!" I screamed shaking the snoring Mina awake urgently.
Her eyes snapped open as she leaped up, she scanned the room for any danger before yawning and laying back down. "What was that for bitch?" Mina asked in a very sleepy voice.
"Bitch! We need to get up it's fucking 11:30" I exclaimed jumping up from the bed.
Minas eyes snapped back open in panic "oh my god the cheerleading assembly is at 1:30PM and we need to practice! School started 4 hours ago" she said before bursting out laughing.
"What's so funny slag" I demanded putting my hand on my hips raising one of my eyebrows.
"You're-hair-oh my god" she said in between laughs as she held her belly and almost rolled off the bed.
A blush spread accros my cheeks as I peaked in the mirror seeing my hair stuck up in random places and part of my curly hair looked straight as it was stuck harshly to the side of my face. I began laughing at my appearance realising I looked awful "yours don't look much better you stupid bitch!" I said laughing.
Mina continued to laugh as my phone beeped from the bedside table where it lay charging. Mina pulled it off charge and looked at the screen as a grin spread across her face "seems as though your mate isn't very happy with you. 50 messages and 28 missed calls, you're in trouble"
I rolled my eyes and strolled into my bathroom and turning the shower on "eh fuck him" I shouted.
"Yeah fuck him, rude bastard" Mina muttered.
She was fuming when I told her what he had said to me yesterday at the pack house, after we left the pack house we decided to buy alcohol from the nearest supermarket so I could forget about what my mate had said and have a good night with Mina.
We'd gone back to mine and ordered pizza and began drinking while we waited, we also did girly shit like face masks and fake tanning together but that was it. The rest of the night consisted of us drinking way too much and dancing all night in my living room and all around the house, I really enjoyed annoying my brother who surprisingly came home quite late last night. I'll need to talk to him later about his mate maybe that was why he was so late?
Mina waltzed out of my bedroom probably intending to shower in another bathroom. I closed the door and undressed from my big T-shirt and panties while glancing in the mirror. To be fair I did look well rested the alcohol clearly knocked me out and let me sleep well, well until my nightmare happened. But my hair looked a state and my breath was awful.
Grimacing as myself I jumped in the shower and had a quick 15 minute wash. I washed my hair, conditioned it and brushed it through as well as shaving and washing my body. I also deciding to wash my face and brush my teeth in the shower to be quicker. Once I was done I jumped out and dried my body before pulling on a red lacy bra and matching thong, I applied body butter and put my hair up in a towel before exiting into my bed room.
Mina was sat on my bed in a towel typing on her phone, she looked and smiled at me "hey Elle I don't have underwear or anything" she said putting her phone down and standing up.
I walked over to my wardrobe and Mina followed, I picked out a basic black thong which I knew would fit her "what size bra to you wear?" I asked rummaging through my draws, she looked a similar size to me.
"36 B" she replied grabbing the thong off the draw and grinning when I handed her a bra in her size which I'd surprisingly had in the back of my draw but didn't fit me as it was a bit tight.
I walked out of the wardrobe and grabbed our cheerleading uniforms which I'd thankfully remembered to get the maids to wash and dry before I became to drunk to function. I yanked the uniform on before throwing Mina hers. I looked through my sock door and handed Mina a pair of white Nike ankle socks to match her white Nike airs, whereas I pulled on a pair of black ones to match my black Nike airs.
I looked over at the clock and saw it was only 11:53 and i was starving "Lets eat first and then we will quickly do hair and makeup" I said while mind liking the cooks to make something. Mina nodded in reply grabbing her phone and heading to the door.
"Maybe you should answer Xander back?" Mina suggested "he might be worried about you not turning up to school".
"Nah, he'll see me later" I replied bluntly, i don't really care about what he thinks in fact the thought of him makes me annoyed at the moment.
We walked out of my room and down the stairs entering the kitchen as the cooks were dishing up delicious looking pasta. Licking my lips I raced over to the stools and took a seat as they placed the plate of yumminess in front of me, I immediately picked up my fork and dug in , shovelling huge amounts into my mouth. The plate of food was big but I finished it in five minutes and I waited impatiently 2 more minutes until Mina was finally finished. Shouting a thank you to the cooks for our meals we raced upstairs to continue getting ready.
I gently filled in my eyebrows, applied eyebrow gel and of course my favourite eyelashes I finally felt like I looked good. Applying moisturiser and sun screen I decided on no face makeup today except a but if blush, my face was already fake tanned so I looked good except my freckles peaking through which I hated.
I took my hair down from the towel, rubbing it dry and gently brushed through it while it was still damp before applying my curly hair products and drying it. I styled it into a high pony tail so it was suitable to the cheerleading, not forgetting to yank a few pieces out at the front. Finally done I pull on my shoes, sprayed myself and Mina with perfume and deodorant. grabbing my bag, phone and keys we both headed out of the house in a rush at 12:10 PM.
We drove my car to school and pulled into a parking space at 12:20 PM, it was currently lunch time at school and since we'd already eaten we decided to sit on the hood of my car and wait for Minas dealer to meet us and sell us some weed, since we were both running low and wanted a hit before we go in for practice with the girls before the assembly. The girls and boys kept trying to contact me and Mina by calling and mind linking us which we ignored and blocked out and eventually I turned my phone on silent and Mina did the same.
Me and Mina were in deep conversation as I saw a dark haired boy heading over to us, I could smell he was a human but from the looks of him he was a bad boy and probably Minas dealer which was backed up by Mina speaking to him in a friendly way which she didn't do often.
"Hey Charlie! Have you got the shit babe?" Mina asked in a flirty way, earning a grin and wink from this Charlie boy.
"Yes babe how much do you two want?" He asked pulling a little bag of weed "I'll give you all of it for $40?" He suggested.
I eyed the bag and assumed since it looked full that there was a decently large amount of weed in there "yes that's fine sweet" I said opening up my bag and pulling out the money needed and handing it to him and gently pulling the weed from his grasp "thanks so much you're a life saver" I said gratefully before opening the bag and beginning to make two spliffs for Mina and I.
"No problem babe it's my pleasure to supply to the prettiest girls in the school" he stated rubbing Minas leg making her giggle, turning to me he handed me a slip of paper with a number written on it "since you're new, that's my number if you ever want to buy something give me a call" he said with a wink.
He said his goodbyes to us and walked of in the direction of the school main doors as me and Mina lit our spliffs and began smoking them as my phone lit up again from a notification, I saw it was 12:30 so we'd have to go into school in about 15 minutes to begin extra practice for cheerleading. Therefore I decided to answer message now. Taking a deep inhale I lifted my phone up and called Evie putting it on speaker as it rung.
"Hello?" Evie's frantic voice yelled "where are you and Mina? Do you know what day it is? What are you-"
Blowing out my smoke I interrupted her little rant "Chill Eve, me and Mina woke up late we are in the car park. We will come in to practice in 15, okay?" I said calmly.
"What! No come in now. Xander's so worried about you-" I cut her off again by hanging up, I felt a bit rude but didn't want to talk about Xander right now.
I rolled my eyes at Mina and took a drag as she giggled, knowing why I was annoyed. When we suddenly heard the front doors to the school slam open, I immediately knew who it was from the grass and chocolate scent which blew in the wind and smacked me in the face. I watched a very angry Alpha quickly stomping over to us "Oh no you're in trouble" Mina hissed making me sigh, I ignored his presence until he came closer and growled making me glance up at him.
Every time I see him I forget how beautiful his face is, he genuinely looks like a God especially with the golden sun shining down on his face highlighting his bright eye which were now narrowed looking at me angrily. Gulping, I took another drag after noticing just how angry Xander was. He was shaking, with his fists closed so tightly his knuckles had turned white and his face was slightly red in anger.
"What the fuck are you playing at? I've been worried about you, couldn't you have picked up the fucking phone Eleanor?" Xander thundered at me growling lowly.
I kept my face still and blank not wanting to give him a reaction "sorry dad I overslept" I replied while blowing my smoke out and taking another deep drag still looking into his eyes unfazed by his Alpha growl and glare, it was irritating me more actually.
Xander dropped his gaze and closed his eyes for a few seconds before reopening them, looking more calm and his wolves eyes had disappeared. He suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace, holding me against his rock solid body and forcing his head into my neck and deeply inhaled.
"Dont do that to me again okay?" He said softly kissing my neck where my hickeys were and began stroking my hair, I enjoyed this feeling but was still mad about what he did yesterday making me push him away and nod.
Hurt flashed through his eyes as I pushed him away before quickly turning to anger again as he sniffed hard "You've been drinking? You drove under the influence of Alcohol!" Xander growled.
"No Mr Alpha I drank last night I'm not drunk anymore, but that is why I'm late" I said with a shrug taking my last drag and blunting it out and throwing it to the floor and Mina did the same seconds later.
"You call me Xander not Alpha little mate" Xander said with a grin, probably happy about calling me his mate.
I scoffed "Nah Alpha fits perfectly fine, since mates don't usually call their mate a slag?" I said with a hard glare, before standing up and beginning to walk away with Mina following close behind me.
Xander grabbed my arm and turned me around "Elle I'm sorry for what I said last night I really didn't mean it" he whispering looking at me with regret.
"Why did you say it then? Hm?" I sneered.
"I was just jealous about the boys you've touched before me" Xander said truthfully "I'm sorry Elle please forgive me angel" he begged pulling my face towards his, planting a simple kiss on my nose and cheek.
I just nodded my head in reply and looked down at my phone seeing the time was 12:40 I pulled away "we have to go to practice" I said glancing down at his hands which were holding mine tight.
He reluctantly let me go and I gave him a weak smile before walking back over to Mina, linking our arms together we headed towards the school doors. As me and Mina entered we spotted everyone stood inside the gym so we walked over to the gym doors and swung them open.
"Hi guys!" I cheered smiling at everyone, Mina and me jumping up and down.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and jogged over to us. Jack, Cole, Jordan, Anthony and Evan were also stood there along the other cheerleaders since they were all on the sports teams shown by their jackets.
"Finally you're both here! Better late than never I suppose" Evie said pulling me into a hug.
Laughing I said "Sorry me and Mina got a bit drunk last night" nudging Mina while she laughed, both of us remembering the events that happened last night, the group rolled their eyes at us while laughing.
"Hi Elle!" Cole shouted and going to give me a hug until I was roughly pulled back into a strong hard chest, from the smell, the sparkles and the deadly growl I knew automatically that it was Xander. He wrapped a possessive arms around me and kissed the top of my head while growling at Cole.
"Mine" Xander snapped, inhaling my scent.
"Jheez sorry man, chill I know she's yours" Cole said calmly rolling his eyes making Xander growl more.
Deciding to try and change the subject I turned to Evan "Hey are we still doing the project tonight?" I asked smiling at him.
"Yes of course, what time?" He asked with a grin.
"After school you can just come with me to my car and I'll drive us straight to mine and I'll drive you home after?" I suggested coming my head to the side.
"Yeah that sounds good!" He said wiggling his eyebrows at me making me giggle.
Xander growled "I'm going to go with you, you're not being on your own".
I scoffed and pushed his arms away "yes I am Mr Alpha, we are studying nothing more" I said sternly crossing my arms of my chest and staring into his eyes without breaking eye contact.
Xander growled but before he could say another word I walked off towards he bleachers and popped down my water bottle after taking a bug gulp.
"We need to get some damn new uniforms that skirts way to short for my mate to be wearing in front of everyone" Xander said sounding annoyed.
"I agree" Jack muttered eying Evie's skirt making her giggle and do him a twirl while Jack growled.
"Anyways let's get practicing girls!" Evie said cheerfully "Elle you're at front with me" She declared pulling me towards my position. I glanced over at Millie and saw her face redden in anger before she replaced it with an evil smirk as if she just had an idea. If that bitch tries something I swear to Jesus himself.
We began our basic routine which we would do at the start of the assembly followed by two other cheers/dances. The second cheer was a silly dance which was done along to the song Swagger Jagger (which personally was my fave since there was lots of flips for me and Evie to do. The third cheer was to a cheer our team had made themselves meaning we need to yell the cheer while doing some minor flips and jumps, luckily this is an older cheer and the crowd will know the words therefore they will join in and obviously there's music to every cheer being played also. We were very proud of our routine.
At the start of the ceremony the GYM teacher will read out all the football teams names and each of us will do a flip for one of the boys so we were all assigned a boy, obviously Xander was very persistant about me cheering for him so that's who I got.
We practiced the beginning of the ceremony and the first cheer perfectly and then it came to the second cheer. This involved me and Evie being lifted up by the girls in two groups and throwing us in the air and catching us after we flipped, me and Evie were very good at these so I was confident.
Evie turned the music on and ran over as we began the routine which was very basic cheering until me and Evie did a flip each and then backed into the girls where we would be lifted up and thrown. I was thrown in the air and did my flip, the world flew around me as I landed perfectly back down on the girls hands while bending my knees but someone clearly didn't catch me correctly or on time since I then fell hard on the floor with a thud.
"Ugh, fuck!" I cursed with my eyes closed.
I heard quick footsteps over to me and tingles on my hand "Elle? Are you okay? Open your eyes angel" Xander softly whispered.
I opened my eyes and groaned "yeah I'm okay, dont worry" I looked down at my knee and noticed it was split, I grimaced at the slight of blood dripping from it and put my hands towards it. I felt energy running through my hands as I aimed it at my knee. I proudly watched it quickly heal and disappear, I then smirked up at everyone.
"Wow" Xander said in awe.
I giggled just as I heard Mina shout "Why the fuck did you do that cow face? You didn't catch her on purpose you evil jealous bitch!".
I snapped my head up to see a very angry looking Mina glaring at Millie who was stood with an innocent look on her face that I just wanted to slap off.
"What? It was an accident Mina don't be silly" Millie giggled twirling her hair around her fingers "Xandy! You saw tell them it was an accident" she whined running over to Xander and holding onto him tightly.
I prevented the growl I wanted to let out from escaping my mouth, but deathly glared at Millie instead, I don't want them to think I care. And almost immediately Xander practically threw Millie off him like the piece of trash she is making me laugh loudly.
Millie scowled at me "didn't you hurt your knee? Maybe you should sit out and let me take your place" Millie said sickly sweetly.
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