《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 3| First day
"Fuck off, grrrr" I growled grabbing the alarm clock and throwing it across the room. I heard it smack and then go silent. Sitting up I saw it had smashed, I cursed to myself "I kinda need that" shrugging my shoulders, I'll just buy a new one. My bare feet met my soft carpet as I pulled myself from my warm bed, stretching out my muscles as I stepped in to my bathroom.
Looking in the mirror I flinched at my appearance. Disgusting, I thought. I tore my eyes away from the zombie looking person in the mirror and started the shower, hoping it'll fix the way I look. I undressed feeling goosebumps erupt all over my skin as I shuddered at the cold of the bathroom, quickly jumping in the shower relaxing with the warm water. The spray of the shower feels like an amazing massage on my back which is very needed this morning. I washed my body and watched the tan rinse away as the water on the floor turned skin coloured which made me giggle. I washed my body with cherry body wash and got a face wash beginning to clean my face in the water. Turning the water off I felt the cold return as I opened the shower doors and quickly lunged towards my towel, throwing it onto my body and began to dry myself. I put my wet hair up in the towel and began moisturizing with coco butter and applying oil onto my face to let it sink in during breakfast. Walking out of the bathroom I pulled on my bra and underwear and grabbed my silk robe as I left my room fancying a fried breakfast.
I made my way down the long corridor and then down the stairs, reaching the kitchen I let out a loud yawn. "Tired baby sis?" Hearing Kayden's voice I lifted my eyes to see him sitting at the kitchen island on a stool eating breakfast, there was a full plate next to him that was still steaming although there were no cooks in sight.
I attempted to climb the stool as it was a bit high for my 5'2 frame to reach easily. I responded "I hate being up this early" in my rough morning voice.
Kayden threw his head back and laughed grabbing my arms and yanking me up to sit on the stool "you've never been a morning person, or a night person actually".
I cocked my eyebrow up at him and snorted "shut your mouth you're too loud" I grumbled begging to scoff down my food. Looking at my phone my eyes widened as I saw it was 7:25 already. Shit! We need to leave at 8:15 and i have to get ready. I wolfed down the rest of my food nearly choking and hurriedly put my plate and glass in the dishwasher before turning on my heels and practically sprinting towards the stairs.
"Jesus Christ this ain't the olympics Elle" Kayden remarked, I scoffed "I'm late you idiot".
Continuing my run up the stairs as I made it to the corridor I heard him say "oh yeah you need to put your face on!" Kayden laughed to himself, what a loser I thought.
"I hate you" I muttered under my breath.
"Oi I heard that!" I heard just as I slammed my door shut, I sniggered.
I grabbed my clothes of my chair that I had put out last night and pulled them onto my body and applied deodorant, I examined myself in the mirror and nodded my head in approval I looked good I thought. Hopefully I'll be able to join the cheer squad and be able to wear the uniform tomorrow but for now this was good. I took my hair out of the towel and sprayed some oil into it before drying it with the hairdryer, I ran my hands threw it and pulled it loosely back so I could begin my makeup.
I applied primer all over my face and started with my eyebrows, I gently filled them and applied eyebrow gel not needing a lot of product since I'd had them tinted. Applying concealer onto my eyelids and powdering it I blended a matte brown colour through my crease and then added a small flick of liquid eyeliner. I grabbed my Tatti lashes and applied them immediately feeling a lot prettier. I mixed BB cream and a tiny drop of foundation together and applied it with a beauty sponge, waiting for it to dry I went on my phone and began scrolling through TikTok. I put a tiny bit of concealer under my eyes and then powdered my face, grabbing my blush I applied it on my cheeks and a little bit on my nose making me look cute. Adding some bronzer and then some mascara on my bottom eyelashes I was done. I rushed into my bath room to brush my teeth and mouthwash before applying my nude lipstick to my pouty lips. I undid my hair and let it fall down my back.
Checking the time i yanked my shoes and my denim jacket on quickly, applying some perfume I grabbed my grey on the shoulder bag and my phone and rushed out of my room and down the stairs meeting my brother at the front door. He was dressed in grey joggers a black shirt and his black coat, holding his black back pack on his shoulder. Kayden raised his eyebrow at me "wow, you're on time for once I'm shocked. Let's go before we are late".
Turning towards the door he opened it and let me out first. The sun was beaming and I smiled, today was going to be good.
After a short 5-10 minute drive, me and Kayden pulled up to a big red brick building, it looked like your average school. It had big white marble steps leading up to the main doors which looked automatic, the entire school was surrounded by fields and tracks probably for the sports, there was a huge car car park in front of the school which is where we parked.
"Elle you better behave yourself, I'm like your father now" Kayden said while laughing at my reaction.
"never say that again!" I said horrified "I'll be just fine don't you worry" I continued smiling sweetly, which he knew was sarcastic.
Kayden raised his eyebrows at me opening his door and grabbing our bags from the back. I stepped out of the car looking around at all the students, I sniffed the air. Humans. I'd say there's about 80% werewolves and 20% humans from what I can sniff out but maybe there's more inside.
Kayden handed me my bag and we started walking next to each other towards the double doors, talking quietly amongst each other. "I hope I find my mate, I've been waiting so long" Kayden said with bright eyes, excited at the thought of finding his soulmate.
I however couldn't think of anything worse, all boys were the same to me and I'll never let anyone get too close. I'm not a horrible person I just don't trust other people which is why a relationship would never work for me, i push people away and keep my walls up. But sometimes I wish I had someone that loved me as deeply as I see other mates do, but I'd never admit that to anyone. I fill the void with partying, being with boys and smoking weed on the odd occasion, although I'm not addicted since werewolves can't become addicted to anything, I just did it for the fun of it.
Glancing around I noticed all the cliques. I saw the cheerleaders and jocks (who were all werewolves) stood together smoking down the side of the school, it was weed by the smell of it. As we approached the front doors the all looked up and looked us up and down, the boys giving me approving looks as I smirked at them. They were all amazing looking and a sense of power wafted of some of the boys.
Entering the school we followed the signs down the corridor and eventually found the main office where a bright plump woman was seated with big blonde bouncy hair, clearly dyed. She flashed us a bright smile "hi there! How can I help?" Her voice instantly annoyed me.
"We are new students here, my names Kayden Jenkins and this is my sister Eleanor Jenkins" Kayden smoothly said, pulling me forward to stand next to him.
The lady looked between us "of course yes we've been expecting you, welcome to black moon school! Let me find your papers for you" I nodded back at the woman as she disappeared into the back room, returning with papers in her hand which she handed to both of us gently. "I'm Mrs boor, I hope you have a great first day! Come back here if you need any help, okay?" She gushed smiling.
Me and Kayden both nodded and quickly retreated away from the crazy blonde lady, it's too early for that.
Walking away down the corridor I read through the papers she'd given me. There was my timetable, a note to give my teacher to sign, my locker number/combination and thankfully a school map. My first class was English which pleased me since I love English, I found it so easy and always got A's at my old school. Firstly, I'd have to go to my locker which I read from the paper was locker 372, I said goodbye to Kayden and then used the map to find my locker. I found it after a minute of walking and put in my combination 7822, swinging the door open. I placed my gym kit in it as well as a few heavy books I didn't need before closing the door and walking towards my first class, again I had to use the map as this school was huge. I walked up 2 flights of stairs and found my room immediately, looking at my phone I saw class started in 5 minutes so I walked towards the door and swung it open.
The room fell silent as I entered, looking around I saw some of the cheerleaders sat in the back but the boys they were stood with earlier were not around. I could smell there were humans in the room so I had to be careful with what I said, but I knew the werewolves in the room would be able to feel my alpha power radiating of me. I walked over to the teachers desk holding my books to my chest. The teacher was an old blading human with big glasses framing his small eyes, but he wore a big smile. "Hi I'm Eleanor Jenkins, I'm new" I said cooly facing the teacher as I felt curious eyes examine me.
"Welcome Eleanor I'm Mr lee, let me sign your note for you" I nodded handing him the note muttering thank you to him watching as he signed the bottom of the paper and handed it back to me. "Take a seat anywhere that's empty Eleanor class will begin soon" I nodded at him turning towards the seats looking for an empty one.
When one of the cheerleaders put her hand up and shouted "hi Eleanor come and sit in the seat next to me" She smiled at me patting the seat next to her. I smiled back and walked over to the empty seat and sat down next to her.
The other 3 cheerleaders turned around in their seats and smiled at me as the one that shouted me over spoke up. "Hi I'm Evie" she was blonde with big brown eyes, she looked taller then me at about 5'8 and had a slim build with strong long legs, she was very pretty.
"Hi I'm Eleanor" I introduced myself giving a soft smile as Evie spoke up again.
"This is Grace" she said pointing at a beautiful dark skinned girl with long curly brown/black hair and bright honey coloured eyes, Grace waved and smiled. "And this is Mina" Evie continued pointing at a pale brunette girl who wore a red lip stick which complimented her big grey eyes, she also smiled at me.
"you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen!" Mina gushed. I laughed "thank you!" I said smiling pulling my note book and pencil case out of my bag.
"Where are you from?" Grace questioned, I looked around checking no humans were listening before speaking.
"I'm from the moon stone back nearby, my dads the alpha" I stated keeping my voice low.
Their eyes widened. "I knew I could feel power from you that's why I shouted you over" Evie said "how come you're here now?". I thought about what to say back since I didn't want to let in much of my past I prefer to keep that private.
"Me and my brother Kayden have came to stay with my uncle for a bit since my dads always too busy to spend time with us" I half lied since I am staying with my uncle but that definitely isn't the reason we came here, I didn't want to admit my dad sent me here because he was embarrassed of me. "My uncle was the beta of your pack until his son took over the role" I continued.
They gasped "your uncle is tommy!" Mina screeched looking excited.
"Shh! Mina they'll hear" Evie scalded as we all looked over at the humans who were giving us weird glances, I glared at them causing them to snap their heads away from our direction.
I laughed "yes that's him, do you know him?" I questioned.
"Oh yes he's so funny! he lives in the pack house with us. Although him and the old alpha are mostly still in the office with the new Alpha, so much for being retired" Grace said, snorting at the end. "Do you live in the pack house then?" She asked.
I shook my head "no me and my brother have our own house since we don't know anyone in the pack except tommy" I explained.
"Well you know us now! You must sit with us at lunch and meet the others" Evie said excitedly her eyes glistening "I'm sure the boys would loveee you" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"I'd love to sit with you" I giggled "I've heard the new alpha still comes to school and looks like a beautiful God" I hopefully said, I'd love to get a bit of him.
Mina laughed "he's absolutely beautiful" she drooled "he does come to this school but he's not here today he has a lot of back business, the beta told me" she said dreamily.
"That's disappointing" I said pouting "I'd love a bit of him" I laughed.
Evie shook her head smiling "Most girls do, this girl on the cheer squad called Millie is obsessed with him but he doesn't pay her any attention" she said making a disgusted face.
"I'd love a taste of him" I giggled.
"Unfortunately he pays no attention to girls he's waiting for his luna" grace explained "many girls have tried it before especially Millie" she said grimacing.
"Aw well that's just boring" I stated as they laughed agreeing with me.
I then found out that none of the girls except Evie had found their mates and her mate was the new beta of the back which would be Tommy's son. You could tell by the way she spoke about him that she was very in love. Maybe that would be me someday, maybe in 50 years though.
"Girls! Pay attention class has started" Mr lee shouted making us all turn to stare at the board, I opened my note book and began taking notes.
"Finally" I groaned, packing my belongings into my bag and stood up from my seat. The girl's stood waiting for me as I walked over to them.
"We are all buying lunch, have you brought lunch or are you buying" Evie asked smiling.
"Im buying lunch too" I replied.
"Great! Follow us then" She said excitedly, pulling me along with her.
Walking along the corridor everyone stared at me especially the boys, loving the attention I smiled and winked at a few cute boys while laughing at some of the girls who were glaring. I noticed Mina doing the same and we giggled with each other, maybe she's like me I thought.
Entering the cafeteria we walked over to the lunch line and picked up a tray and I started choosing my food. I picked up a pepperoni pizza, some chips, an orange as well as a cupcake and water bottle. I payed and waited for Mina before following Evie to a table at the far end in the corner near a window. People from other tables stared wide eyed and I guessed that it was unusual to be invited to sit with them. Evie sat down next to a blonde boy with freckles covering his nose, she leant in for a kiss which he returned so I was guessing this is the beta.
Pulling away and looking up Evie said "Everyone this is Eleanor she's new and she's our new friend. Right girls?" She questioned as Mina and Grace nodded.
Grace sat next to Evie and Mina sat across from her so I took a seat next to Mina "hi" I greeted giving a small wave to everyone at the table.
A dark skinned boy wearing a sports jacket telling me he was a jock spoke up "hi gorgeous I'm Cole the delta of black moon" he winked. "And also Graces sweet brother" he said blowing a kiss at grace making her roll her eyes.
I now saw the strong resemblance between the two. I giggled "I'm Elenor Jenkins, I'm from moon stone pack and I'm the alphas daughter".
Their expressions looked shocked whereas the beta, Evie's mate, spoke up. "You're the one Tommy's been going on about?" He questioned.
"Yeh that's me" I said popping the P, "he's my uncle" I laughed.
"Well nice to meet you then cousin, I'm Jack" he introduced, holding his hand out.
I took it and shook it "nice to meet you" I smiled.
The entire lunch was really good and I got on with everyone as they suited my vibe, I'd found my people. It was nearing the end of lunch and I suddenly remembered the cheerleading thing.
I turned to the girls "hey guys at my old school I was a cheerleader for years I was wondering if there were tryouts soon?" I asked hopefully.
They looked between each other and smiled "we actually need a new cheerleader since one moved away so if you want you can meet us in the gym hall after school and we can see what you can do?" Evie said "I'm cheer captain so I'd love to have you in the team".
The bell rang as I began picking up my bag and picking up my tray "Yes that sounds good! Thank you so much I'll see you after school".
Me and Mina walked off together to the last class since we both shared it, unfortunately it was science my least favorite. Entering the room I saw there was double desks so me and Mina sat at one together talking about boys and partying. I found out there was a party at the end of the week which of course me and Mina planned to go to. The other girls were going but me and Mina planned to get ready together at my house since Mina's mum was strict I said she could sleep at mine after so she could stay out late. I knew me and Mina were going to be very close.
School was finally over "yesss" I groaned as Mina agreed. We both made our way to my locker and collected my things before we headed to the gym. As we entered I saw a few other girls all in uniforms that I hadn't already met, Evie and Grace among them stood together talking. There was one girl who stood out to me and I immediately didn't like her. She had long ginger wavy hair which was up in a high pony, grey/blue eyes and very pale skin. She was skinny but with long legs, what is it with everyone being so much taller then me. The girl looked at me and scowled.
"Who are you?" She huffed giving me a glare.
My face stiffened as I glared at her hard "I'm Eleanor" I stated not fazed by her cute glare "And who are you?" I questioned.
Her face looked shocked "who do you think you're talking to?" She barked her face turning red.
I laughed "You? Who else is talking?" I said smirking.
She stalked forward "watch your mouth when you're talking to me bitch! Or els-"
I cut her off "or else what babe?" I said getting in her face "what are you really gonna do?" I asked in my Alpha voice.
I heard Mina laughing behind me and then shout "Millie she would beat your ass!".
She immediately ducked away her eyes wide in what I could tell was fear before she quickly covered it by laughing.
Evie walked over glaring at the girl "wind your neck in Millie, this is Eleanor. She's here from moon stone pack she's the Alpha's daughter and she's joining the cheer team!" She stated smiling "here I think this will fit you well" she said handing me a cheer uniform "Mina show her to the changing rooms" Mina nodded and I followed her through a door in the gym and began to undress.
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