《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 25: Welcome to Jamaica!
After sailing for a while, we finally docked. It was night already. Although I did my best to forget about my unborn child, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even though I couldn't be sure if I'd had a miscarriage or just a period, I felt like a piece of my heart had been taken away. Besides torturing me about my lost child, my mind wouldn't let me forget about the possible traitor among my crew. Maybe the person didn't work at Ocean Storm, but they knew me well enough to inform the British of my whereabouts. If my own family had lied to me for years, nothing stopped others from doing the same. Who could it be? No one in my vessel appeared to be communicating with the British on the previous days... I couldn't stop worrying about that matter as I observed Kenneth and his assistants fixing the damages on our galleon. What if he was the traitor? Kenneth was too kind to be real anyway... I had no idea, but I wanted to find out the truth to end my suffering once and for all. Every time I thought I'd found joy, something got in my way. Irritating, isn't it? Getting flogged by my stepmother, discovering my uncle's plan to kill dad, almost dying after a shipwreck, working for a bloodthirsty captain, facing the Navy... countless events contributed to stopping me from having some peace of mind.
"I'm starting to think you're the one who's been acting in concert with the Navy," Dirk crossed his arms and scowled as he approached me. "How else could they have found us so easily?"
"Yeah, it was me all the time! The British injured me during the fight in Tortuga just for show. I also ordered them to destroy my own ship!" I laughed loudly and raised my brows. "What a brilliant strategy, right?"
"Laugh all you want, but I know something's wrong," Dirk narrowed his eyes and sighed. "The Navy only found me once since I became captain, now they did it twice in a row? This is insane!"
"I only ran into them once before this mess as well," I bit my lower lip while wondering how many more times my vessel would be destroyed. "I think someone from either my crew or yours has been leaking information to the British."
Dirk frowned and walked from one side to another, seemingly thinking about what I'd said. If Bosch were as paranoid as me, he wouldn't rest until he found the informant. Of course, there was still the possibility that no betrayal had taken place, but I didn't want to take any risks. If Dirk and I worked together to unmask the traitor, the chances of finding out who they were would increase.
The redhead huffed, "I can't say that's impossible. Although I trust my crew, the possibility of betrayal can't be eliminated."
"Did you just agree with me, hothead?" I smiled mischievously while getting a little closer to him. "That's unexpected coming from someone who just accused me of working with the enemy!"
"Fine! Maybe I shouldn't have accused you like that," Dirk narrowed his eyes at me. "I said maybe!"
"It's all right," I gave him a pat on the back. "I know it's not easy to trust someone who pushed you out a ship."
"I almost forgot about that..." Bosch laughed softly. "I forgave you already, so don't worry."
I chuckled and nodded. We locked eyes with each other for a moment. I wondered why Bosch didn't complain that I had patted his back. My lips curled into a shy smile. Those green eyes of his... Damn! Dirk got a little closer to me, sighing and frowning slightly. He suddenly cleared his throat as if stopping himself from doing something.
"I believe I owe you a drink since that time we met in Nassau," Dirk rubbed his neck and gulped. "Would you like to grab one with me?"
Am I going crazy, or did he just ask me out?
I raised my brows and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe the man who wanted to kill me in Tortuga had asked me for a drink. What the hell was going on? Besides, how Dirk remembered I'd invited him for a drink before he attacked me in Nassau? I cocked my head, intrigued by that situation. Bosch pressed his lips together, apparently nervous, which confused me even more.
"Took you long enough!" I teased him, feeling flattered and smirking. "As long as it doesn't involve fighting the Navy, I accept your invitation."
"I suppose that's fair," Dirk gently touched my back. "After you."
"Thank you," I made a signal to Francis, who had been by my side since I left Ocean Storm that night. "Come on, buddy!"
A closed-lip smile formed on Dirk's lips, "I like your dog. He seems smart."
Francis licked the redhead's boots as if he'd understood what Bosch had said. We both laughed.
I smiled, "He likes you. That's a good sign..."
Dirk chuckled, "Good. I don't want to get on your dog's bad side."
Bosch and I walked less than a block until we found a cozy tavern with some round wooden tables. We ordered two ales and remained silent for an instant. Francis sat close to me and looked from side to side as if the noise bothered him. I was relieved to finally have some peace after arguing with Maartje and almost getting destroyed by the British. Dirk appeared to be feeling good as well despite seeming anxious.
He took a sip of ale and approached me, "Now that we're in Port Royal, I believe you owe me the story of how you became captain."
I laughed loudly, not believing he hadn't forgotten my promise. I won't lie, Dirk had a much better memory than I'd imagined. Also, I didn't expect him to still be curious about me... in fact, I didn't think he'd want to talk to me at all. Although we'd become allies, it was unlikely that his anger towards me had disappeared completely.
"You're pretty straightforward... and I like it! Stalling has never been my forte anyway," I glanced away for a moment as I remembered the crazy events that had taken place in my life. "It all started when my uncle arrived in Willemstad..."
Dirk tilted his head to the side as I spoke, apparently interested in the story. Although I'd left a lot of details out, I told Bosch almost everything that happened after The Revenger sank. I didn't tell him anything about my past in Curaçao other than I'd run from home with Maartje and uncle Ruben. Even though I mentioned my uncle was the sinking ship's captain, I didn't say he killed my father. I talked more about the shipwreck and my victory against Quartermaster Devil and Captain Monster. Bosch nodded and raised his brows, seemingly impressed.
"So, you fled from Curaçao with your pirate uncle, survived a shipwreck, and won a cutlass fight against a violent captain?" Dirk smiled broadly while getting a little closer. "You're indeed a force to be reckoned with."
I chuckled, "Is it my impression or you actually believed what I said? I swore you'd call me a liar once you heard my story!"
Dirk analyzed my expression as if he searched for signs of dishonesty... or he was just looking at me, I didn't know. He shook his head in denial and his lips curled into a lopsided grin. I cocked my head, wondering what Bosch had thought at that moment.
"Some stories are too crazy to be made up. Besides, you didn't give me any reasons to doubt your abilities so far," Bosch pushed his ale glass to the side as if he wanted to see me more clearly. "Not any person would've managed to defeat me in a fight twice."
I leaned towards him and smiled, "In your defense, you were a little drunk the second time."
We both laughed at that instant. Dirk put a hand on his forehead and blushed. I never imagined I'd have such a good time with a guy who was once my enemy. Also, I didn't think Bosch would mention our two awkward meetings without showing anger. He seemed not to be annoyed by the past anymore.
Bosch raised a brow, "Did I say anything I shouldn't have that night?"
"Nothing too weird," I laughed, almost choking with my ale. "You just drunkenly admitted that I looked stunning in man's clothes."
Dirk and I laughed again, even louder at that time. I swore Bosch was going to be furious after I'd mentioned the compliment, but he surprised me. Although I didn't feel as comfortable with him as I did with my friends, at least not yet, we got along much better than I'd thought. When I realized I was touching Dirk's hand, I felt my cheeks getting red. That probably had happened while we laughed. To my surprise, he didn't flinch, scolded me, or moved away. I won't lie, it was incredibly satisfying to feel Bosch's skin on mine... The feeling was almost as good as when I'd touched Miguel.
"I hate to admit it, Eva, but I told you the truth. You do look great in man's clothes," Dirk bit his lower lip and flushed. "By the way, did you always want to be a pirate?"
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but Bosch's behavior had changed entirely. He'd stopped being hostile since the night I apologized. His hatred towards me suddenly vanished after I'd admitted my mistakes as if an apology was all he needed. I slowly pulled my hand away as I thought of a good answer to his question.
"I wanted to be an RNN officer when I was younger, but I enjoyed too much stealing and breaking the rules," I raised my brows as I continued talking. "I believe that's why being a pirate worked well for me."
"I can't believe you wanted to join the Dutch Navy!" Dirk shook his head in denial. "You traitor!"
I giggled and felt stupid after doing it. Bosch laughed as well a few moments later. Until that night, I never thought I'd meet Dirk's fun side. He seemed so angry and sour at first, but he managed to make me smile more than once.
"I think that's enough about me for now," I wiped away some tears since I'd laughed too much. "Why don't you tell me a few things about you, Dirk?"
"Of course. First of all, I was born in 1705 in Oranjestad, Aruba. I lived there until I got my first job in a merchant ship when I was eighteen," he grinned and sighed as if a good memory had come to his mind. "My parents are from Amsterdam, but I've never been there."
I gawked, not believing we came from islands that were so close to each other. Our islands were controlled by the Dutch, our parents came from the same place, we became pirate captains at a very young age... That was so crazy! We were much more similar than I'd previously thought.
"You're from Aruba? The island right next to mine? That's so cool!" I grinned widely while blinking fast. "I arrived in Willemstad when I was four. My parents are from Amsterdam as well."
"Our parents are from the same city? That's interesting! It's nice to know we have things in common..." Dirk raised his brows. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes, I have a younger brother called Johannes. He's the definition of annoyance," I rolled my eyes once I remembered my little brother's irritating attitudes, which made Dirk laugh. "What about you?"
"I had an older brother. He worked in merchant ships and we went everywhere together," Bosch looked downward for a moment and bit his lower lip. "He was the one who helped me find a job at a commercial vessel. I would've been nothing without him."
I knit my brows, feeling sad for Dirk. He pressed the lips together as if he tried to hold tears. That was the first time I'd seen Bosch genuinely depressed.
"His name was Cornelis," the redhead downturned his lip corners. "I still can't believe that damn disease killed him! He didn't deserve it."
I caressed Dirk's back gently and sighed, "I'm so sorry about your brother."
"Thank you. I need some air..." Bosch cleared his throat, stood up, and held out his hand. "Would you like to come with me?"
I slowly took his hand. A shiver of pleasure ran through my body as we touched. Bosch gazed at me for a moment as if he'd felt the same.
Dirk gave some coins to the server, "Drinks are on me."
Francis barked, appearing to be supportive of the idea. What? My dog also appreciated kindness!
"I underestimated your generosity," I smiled sweetly. "Thank you for that."
Bosch nodded and we left the tavern with Francis. Port Royal was more crowded that night than when I went there with uncle Ruben eight years ago. Dirk and I walked to a quieter street since there were too many drunk people and hookers around. I was proud of myself for having drunk only one glass of ale. What could I do? I had to control myself in front of the cutie! When I was with my friends, I usually drank four. Dirk hadn't known me well enough yet, so I had to wait to show him my drunk self.
"When are you going to learn, stupid boy?" a familiar British voice angrily said.
Dirk's eyes widened and he pulled me to the right. Francis followed us running. He sat on my right and I hoped he wouldn't make any noises. Guess what? Dirk and I ended up alone in a narrow street again... God, why did that happen to us so often? We faced each other as two mysterious men walked where we were before. Francis whined, but I made him a signal, and he quickly stopped. I gulped since the man who spoke wore Royal Navy attire. He had light skin, hazel eyes and light-brown hair almost entirely covered by his grandma wig. It was the same guy on the ship I'd sank a few days before docking... Was he immortal? Anyway, the other one was a teenager with light skin, blue eyes and long wavy dark brown hair tied on a ponytail.
Why's that boy so familiar to me? Scarily familiar...
"I'm terribly sorry, Admiral Campbell," the boy gazed downward and sighed. "I should receive word from our informants soon. They warned us it wouldn't be easy to capture my sister and the redhead."
I gaped. It couldn't be him, not after so many years. My heart started beating quickly as I breathed faster.
"Your informants better be good, Van Acker!" the admiral glared at the teenager while baring his teeth. "I won't lose those nasty buccaneers for the third time. I want Storm and Bosch captured!"
My brother pressed his lips together, "I'm not going to disappoint you again, I promise."
"You'd better not! I'll make sure you're rewarded once I have both in custody," Admiral Campbell sighed while crossing his arms. "But don't you dare fail again! I'm running out of patience."
Johannes nodded while chewing on his lip. I blinked fast, still unable to believe my brother was in Port Royal. It wasn't unexpected that he worked for men who hunted pirates, but I'd never imagined I would see him again... at least not as part of the anti-Eva team.
Dirk scowled while pointing at Johannes, "Am I going crazy, or that's your brother?"
I nodded and bit my lower lip, "Yes, in flesh, bone and dullness."
Bosch and I looked at each other for a moment. He ground his teeth and I pressed my lips together. When I glanced back at Johannes, a headache smashed my skull inside. I hoped Francis wouldn't do anything to accidentally reveal our hiding spot. Although I had countless questions for my brother, I knew he wouldn't do anything but fight me. If Johannes still had the same stubbornness about following the rules, there was no way I could talk my way out of that situation. I gulped, wondering what Johannes would do if he saw me. The last thing I needed was facing my own brother in a fight.
Author's note: quick question
Quick question:
I dedicate this chapter to my awesome friend
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