《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 18: Storm versus Monster
People shouted, sweat ran down my face, and blood dripped from my wounds. Fletcher pressed his cutlass so firmly against mine that it was smashing my right hand. I was so focused on the fight that I could barely hear the voices around me. My friends were definitely cheering for me, but there was no way to be sure about the others. Although most of the crew had a good relationship with me, I still didn't trust anyone on that ship. My main motivation to continue that duel was to end the suffering, regardless of my popularity. While Captain Monster tried to destroy me, I thought of an escape. Unfortunately, he had the upper hand, given that I was stuck. There was only one thing I could use to my advantage: he was almost worn out. After I struck my first blows, he'd spent a lot of time trying to harm me. I spared my energy even though I'd hurt him. Uncle Ruben always taught me to use the enemy's strategy against them and that's what I intended to do. As Fletcher's blade approached my neck, close to causing my own cutlass to slice my throat, I frowned. Fast as lighting, I moved left, escaping the trap as I turned my body away from his blade. His right side was completely unprotected, so I sliced my cutlass against his waist. He winced and clenched his teeth while yelling in pain.
My eyes widened, "That was way too close!"
Captain Monster took a step closer as we moved away from the mainmast. He kept wielding his sword, trying to stab every part of me. As my uncle had taught, I let him spend a bunch of sweat with attacks for a while. All I did was defend myself and attack only when I had an opening. When the captain tried to injure my waist, I dodged and opened a massive wound on his shoulder. My opponent put his free hand on his bruise, narrowing his eyes apparently due to the pain. I went for his chest, taking advantage of the distraction, but I got blocked and pushed back.
"Go, Storm! You can do it!" Maartje shouted.
Francis barked excitedly, seeming to be cheering for me.
Fletcher attempted to stab me on the stomach while baring his teeth and glaring at me with even more wrath. I put so much strength to defend myself that a horrible pain spread through my arms. My lips curled into a nervous smile. He went for my neck again, so I put my right leg backwards. The captain's blade tore the skin on my hip as I dodged. I ground my teeth, trying to forget the burning pain. Although my body begged me to stop and surrender, my heart wouldn't let me.
Laurens knit his brows, "Come on, Eva! Please don't die..."
Captain Monster must be defeated. Whatever it takes.
Sick of only defending, I went on the offensive. To not get exhausted, I didn't quickly strike a massive number of blows like the captain, but I stopped to just receive attacks. Every time he attempted to stab me or cause a wound, I attacked him back. Our swords kept clashing. Neither of us got injured for an extended amount of time, no matter how hard we tried. I pursed my lips and scowled as my cutlass broke the skin on his right arm. I didn't realize it at first, but that gave me an advantage. The arm he'd been using to move the sword was weaker than ever.
My opponent shot me an icy glare, "You should go home and cook instead of being humiliated here!"
He aimed at my chest and I pushed his weapon away with my own, almost breaking his cutlass in two.
"I'm terrible at cooking," I smiled wickedly and raised a brow. "Besides, are you sure I'm the one who's being humiliated?"
Our swords clashed again. Fletcher fought with even more will after my provocation. After five attempts, he managed to stab my left thigh, making me flinch. I took a step back before the blade could go in entirely. Pressing my lips together, I did my best to forget that my wound burned like fire. If he'd hit my bone, I would have lost the fight at that instant.
"I want this to end. I'm terrified..." I whispered to myself as I ducked from another attack.
That was one of the few times in my life that I felt like sobbing uncontrollably, running to my friends and losing myself in their embrace. Had I made a mistake in challenging that horrible man? Would everyone have to suffer in the hands of that captain because of me? Those horrifying thoughts gave me a heartache.
"I'm going to destroy your life after I win this," my opponent grinned cruelly as our cutlasses kept clashing. "I'll flay you and your precious cousin until you're nothing but corpses and I won't spare your boyfriends!"
I knit my brows while gaping. Fletcher laughed loudly, apparently at my fear, and sliced my other arm. Tears ran down my face as I sensed the defeat approaching me. He was close to trapping me again and I could almost listen to death's voice. Captain Monster had never looked so much like the devil before. His sword was aimed at my chest as my heart pounded. Someone cried behind me and it appeared to be Maartje.
It's the end.
I took a deep breath and walked backwards, ready to stab myself before Captain Monster did so. When I looked around, mentally saying goodbye to everyone, an unbelievable rage took over me. I pursed my lips and glared so intensely at the captain that I would've turned him into stone if I could. He gulped as if I'd managed to poke a hole in his soul.
I struck him with all my might, "You shouldn't have said that."
My blade opened a massive injury on Mr. Bloodthirst's waist. Blood ran down his legs as he recoiled. Baring my teeth, I went for his chest, but he dodged. Suddenly my senses got enhanced and I no longer felt tiredness, fear, or pain. My cutlass ran through the left side of his belly, spilling blood on me. My eyes bulged as I breathed faster. Although Captain Monster winced, we kept clashing swords for a while. Since the wounds slowed him down, I managed to strike the other side of his waist. His blood spread through the wooden floor.
"Where's your toughness now?" I clenched my jaw and smiled mischievously. "They call me Storm for a reason, you know?"
Growling in rage, Fletcher left an injury on my right arm. Fortunately, it was only a scratch. Besides, I barely felt pain at that point. He attacked again, but I ducked. A small piece of his blade hit my hair, undoing my bun.
Great, now I'll have to fight with hair falling on my face...
Francis barked as if he wanted to protect me. When I stabbed my opponent's right thigh, the people celebrated. Limping, he made a few more moves with his cutlass and I blocked all of them. I pressed my lips together, still worried about dying. The air escaped my lungs since I'd made a significant effort to stop the captain from hurting me more.
Fletcher bared his teeth, "Now die, ridiculous lady!"
He aimed his cutlass at my chest. I ground my teeth and frowned, feeling the smell of death again. I could sense the tension as the crowd watched him attacking me. With all my strength, I caused his blade to twist and left a huge injury on his hand. My opponent recoiled while staring at his wound. I stabbed his right hip, making him scream. As Captain Monster fell to his knees, I cut his damaged weapon in two. With my legs trembling, I pointed my cutlass at his neck. Fletcher's eyes widened as he put both hands up and dropped his broken sword.
His hands trembled, "I surrender!"
The crew broke the silence as they celebrated my victory. At least sixty people had been watching the duel. A significant amount of pirates screamed "Storm!" repeatedly. My lips curled into a face-wide smile, I clenched my fist and rose my right arm in celebration. People cheered even louder than before. They smiled, clapped and kept saying my nickname in excitement.
Laurens' eyes gleamed, "My God! She did it!"
Francis barked excitedly and ran to me. He licked my legs as I caressed his head.
I can't believe I made it...
I held up my hands. The people slowly stopped shouting. Even though Quartermaster Devil could barely move, he attempted to attack me. Four men held him before I could react. The boatswain threw himself into the sea and the master gunner did the same. The navigator smiled at me, apparently proud. Still paying attention to my defeated opponent, I pointed at him.
"Different from what certain people made you think, this is everyone's ship. I'd like your opinion," I took a deep breath as I looked at the crew. "Should I kill or spare Captain Fletcher?"
Quick as a thunderstorm, everybody shouted "Kill!" over and over again. I gulped and pressed my lips together. The captain's chin trembled as the blood from his wounds flooded the wooden floor. Breathing fast, I took a step forward. Yes, despite everything Mr. Bloodshed did, I still didn't want to kill him.
I have to do this, or I'll be butchered.
Focusing on my rage, I bared my teeth and glared at the defeated leader. Feeling a little guilty, I stabbed him in the chest. A shiver ran down my spine as I saw the life leaving his body. With his mouth open, Fletcher's face crashed against the floor. He was unconscious and the crowd cheered again. Maartje wiped away the tears of joy from her face.
I raised a brow and pointed at Knight, "What about the quartermaster?"
The quartermaster intertwined his fingers and, before anyone could give an opinion, five men screamed while shooting Knight. I gulped, wondering if I could be next.
"I guess the problem is solved," I shrugged and sighed as I put my cutlass back into my weapon belt. "Let's assemble! It's time to elect the new captain and quartermaster."
A watchstander climbed the shrouds and rang the bell. Almost instantly, every crew member except for the navigator walked towards the main deck, surrounding me and Fletcher's corpse. The navigator would vote as well, but he couldn't leave his post so that our ship wouldn't crash. Maartje hugged me tight, appearing to be relieved and proud of me at the same time. Sven and Laurens did the same. Francis sat by my side after everyone was reunited.
"I'll start," I grinned widely. "Laurens Dixon for captain and Sven Van Hout for quartermaster!"
I was glad a new chapter of my life was about to start. Laurens would be the perfect captain and Sven would make a great quartermaster. Although killing Captain Monster made me upset, not having to put up with his cruelty anymore was a huge relief.
I can't wait to finally have some good leaders!
"Storm for captain and Dixon for quartermaster." Kenneth Smith, the carpenter, said.
I raised my brows and blinked rapidly. I controlled myself not to gawk or call that guy crazy. Captain? Me? There was no way that could work... My only goal that day was removing Fletcher and Knight from power! I'd never imagined myself as the new leader. The other crew members didn't appear surprised with Kenneth's vote, which shocked me even more. My friends turned to me while grinning, seemingly proud. I faked a smile, pretending to feel confident.
"Voting for a woman and a black man?" Trevor, the ship's powder monkey, said with his eyes bulging. "Are you crazy, Kenneth?!"
I wouldn't have put it that way, but Trevor has a point. I'm not ready to be captain!
The women and African crew members appeared to be annoyed with that comment. Kenneth took a step forward and narrowed his eyes as if he was ready to punch Trevor in the face. Some people whispered. I cocked my head and frowned, curious to find out how that would end. Deep down, I wanted to cry for help.
"Storm took a huge risk by doing something none of us ever had the guts to do. She wanted to save us, regardless of the consequences, and succeeded," Kenneth smiled at me, apparently proud. "Besides, you know that Dixon is an excellent pirate."
"I couldn't agree more. They're both great, especially Storm," a third man nodded and stepped forward. "I vote Storm for captain and Dixon for quartermaster."
"I don't give a damn if Storm's a woman and much less about Dixon's skin color. They're worth at least ten of anyone in this ship," a fourth male crewmember said. "Storm for captain and Dixon for quartermaster!"
"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to myself, grinding my teeth as my eyes bulged.
Francis licked my hands as if he tried to say that everything was going to be alright.
Maartje smiled excitedly while caressing my arm, "I think you're about to make history here."
"Van Acker has my vote to be our captain. She nearly lost her life for us and that's what true leadership looks like," Ashton, the navigator, looked at me as he spoke. "She has my full respect."
This can't be happening...
I gawked. What was wrong with those people? I was not fit for leadership! All I did was bring justice to Sea Urchin, I never intended to become captain. I raised and curved my brows, unable to believe people were voting for me.
"Dixon's one of our best pirates, so I vote him for quartermaster," Ashton added.
Laurens and I looked at each other with our eyes widened. He appeared to be as shocked as I was. Although there were many crew members left to vote, I couldn't believe I had supporters. My oldest friend scowled, seemingly feeling the same.
Trevor nodded while rubbing his chin, "You know what? You guys are right. Van Acker would make one hell of a captain and Dixon would be an excellent quartermaster."
"Does that mean you'll finally support them? Because I wouldn't think twice to do so," Sven narrowed his eyes as if he challenged Trevor. "Storm for captain and Dixon for quartermaster."
I shook my head in denial. When no one was looking, I mouthed "Change your vote!" while gazing at Sven. My friend rolled his eyes and ignored my request. Sweat wouldn't stop running down my forehead. With both hands on my face, I kept paying attention to the election.
I can't believe this...
"Of course!" Trevor raised his brows. "Both have my vote."
"Van Acker for captain. After what happened here today, there's no one else I'd rather have as my leader," a woman smiled widely. "Dixon has my vote to be the quartermaster."
As more people voted, my heart started beating faster. I didn't know if I was hallucinating, but every person had chosen me as captain and Laurens as quartermaster. I gaped and lifted my eyebrows, feeling happy and desperate at the same time. All the seventy-five people in Sea Urchin had voted for me. Not even in my wildest dreams, I'd imagined an entire crew would elect me as their captain. Laurens held Maartje's hand, appearing to be nervous.
"It's been decided then," Kenneth opened his arms as if he wanted to hug Laurens and me. "Congratulations, Captain Van Acker and Quartermaster Dixon!"
Maartje cried tears of joy, "You two earned it!"
Francis barked, apparently celebrating. I swallowed hard, trying to keep myself from puking. I had never felt so nervous until that moment.
Laurens' eyes gleamed in joy, "Thank you for choosing me as your quartermaster. You humble me."
What the hell will I do now?
The crew members clapped and celebrated. Kenneth grabbed Fletcher's black cocked hat and gave it to me as if it was a gift. Laurens couldn't stop grinning. I took a deep breath, bit my lower lip and put on the hat. The people cheered, seeming to be delighted. They shouted, "Storm!" numerous times. I was so shocked that I could barely think.
I smiled while breathing fast, "I'll never forget this day. I'm honored to be your captain!"
People encouraged me even more by shouting "Captain!" repeatedly. Everyone had a face-wide smile on their lips. Sven, Laurens and Maartje also cheered for me, but with twice as much excitement. My heart was beating so fast that it appeared to be trying to jump off my body. Although I was thrilled, the fear of disappointing my crew was tremendous. Beads of sweat flooded my back as I elevated my chin to fake confidence. I had no idea how to be a leader. Regardless of my fright and lack of experience, I was determined to be the best captain I could be.
Author's note:
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