《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 8: When my life changed forever
Twenty minutes had gone by and no sign of my uncle. With both hands on my head, I wouldn't stop walking from one side to another. Uncle Ruben was a pirate, so I wondered if he hadn't gone sailing around to search for help. The only thing I was sure about was that dad got worse at each second that went by. While uncle was out, my father threw up on the floor twice... guess who had to clean it? Besides, dad had shortness of breath three times, was sweating even more and wouldn't stop wincing. He appeared to be feeling pain everywhere. Although I had no idea what had made him so sick, I was eager to find out. My knowledge of medicine was none, so I had no way of finding out the truth without any help. Seeing my father like that made me sad, but I wondered if it wasn't a punishment from God because of everything he had done. If Calvinism was right and only some people were predestinated to go to heaven, old Govert definitely wasn't one of them. Of course, I felt terrible for dad and never wished to see him agonizing like that, but he wasn't a good man. If uncle Ruben's words were true, my father could only end up in one place after his death: hell.
"Eva... before I die... there's something you must know... it's about your mom," dad stammered, with his eyes barely open. "Hendrika is not your real mother..."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head in denial, unable to believe my father was talking about that subject. From all the matters to discuss, did he have to choose the worst? God, I wanted to vanish at that moment...
"Save it. Uncle Ruben told me everything," I downturned my head, unable to look dad in the eye. "He said you treated my real mother violently, took me from her, eloped with Hendrika... all of it."
Dad raised his brows and sighed. Biting his lower lip, he looked away. I wasn't sure if his sorrow was due to regret, embarrassment, or simply because my uncle had been faster to tell the truth.
"I won't lie, I've done everything that you mentioned... maybe more," my father coughed and gently caressed my face. "But I regret it... that's why I can't stop drinking when Hendrika beats you... it's all my fault... I'm sorry..."
My father started choking again and I moved his head forward so that he could find air more quickly. I'm a skeptical person, so I wasn't sure if I should believe him. How could I trust a man who lied to me for years and had complicity in my suffering? It would be nearly impossible.
I bared my teeth, "If you were truly sorry, you'd have stopped her from destroying every damn piece of my back!"
Breathing quickly, I crossed my arms and shot him an icy glare. Dad knit his brows and gawked. I didn't know if my attitude or his condition was the main cause of his apparent desperation.
"Please, Eva, forgive me. I don't know if I'll be alive in the next few minutes... I'm begging you!" dad clasped his hands. "Have mercy on this stupid old man."
Controlling myself not to lash out at him again, I rubbed my forehead. Although I wanted to forgive dad because he could die, the last thing I wanted was saying I was okay with the horrible things he'd done. Even though I told myself to leave him on that couch and never go back, guess what? My damn heart is soft, and I'm not made of stone, so I couldn't deny forgiveness for my own father.
"I forgive you," I said, feeling like a sword cut my throat as I spoke those words.
My father's lips curled into a weak smile. At that exact instant, uncle Ruben arrived. After that, Maartje, Hendrika, Johannes and a man entered the house. The stranger was tall, had long blond hair tied on a ponytail, blue eyes and light skin. My stepmother sobbed desperately. She hugged Johannes and covered his eyes. Why didn't she hug me as well? Oh, almost forgot! She wasn't my mother.
Why is Maartje here? I thought she was angry at my uncle... Well, maybe she wanted to help.
Hendrika glared at me, "What have you done to your father, brat?"
I usually controlled myself well, but I couldn't at that moment. Growling in anger, I clenched my fist and punched my stepmother in the face. Yes, you read that right, I did that. We had almost the same height, so it wasn't too hard. Hendrika flinched and her eyes bulged as she cleaned the blood dripping from her nose. I sighed, relieved after doing that. Uncle Ruben nodded and smiled at me, seemingly proud.
I narrowed my eyes at her, "This one was for me!"
Should I also spit on her? No, it'd be too dramatic.
I walked towards my uncle and the stranger. They cleaned my father's sweat and appeared to be in a hurry.
Uncle Ruben approached the man, "Shall we take him upstairs, Dr. Bakker?"
The physician nodded. Uncle Ruben slowly grabbed my father from behind while Dr. Bakker lifted the latter's legs. Johannes wouldn't say a word, but he didn't have to. My brother's chin trembled, and he was gaping, seemingly terrified with what was happening with our father. Besides, he probably hated me for having hit his precious mother.
"Let's lift him on three: one... two... three!" Dr. Bakker said, instantly lifting my father from the sofa with my uncle's help.
Both quickly went upstairs. I opened the door so that my uncle and the doctor could enter the master bedroom. Hendrika, Johannes and Maartje joined me. When my father was put over his bed, Dr. Bakker opened a medium-sized dark brown bag. The doctor examined my dad and asked him questions.
"We'll leave you all alone with Dr. Bakker," uncle Ruben shot an icy gaze at my father. "Only family should stay here."
Maartje approached me, "I'm so sorry about your father, Eva..."
Before I could thank my cousin, she left the room with uncle Ruben. Even though I hated myself for it, I cried. I closed my eyes for a moment, pressing my lips together as the tears ran down my face. Regardless of all my father had done, I couldn't stand seeing him like that.
Dr. Bakker approached me, Johannes and Hendrika. He bit his lower lip, making me more nervous than I already was.
"I wish I could share better news with you, but it's only a matter of time. His pulse is extremely weak, so he probably won't be here anymore after the next shortness of breath," Dr. Bakker sighed while glancing downward. "I gave him a drug to ease the pain. I am truly sorry."
The physician left. I froze, feeling as if someone had stepped on my heart and spit on it. My chin trembled as I sobbed. Johannes cried as well. I prayed Hendrika wouldn't say terrible things to me, but as the doctor had said, it was only a matter of time.
My father took a deep breath, "I need you all to come here."
Dad suddenly started having more shortness of breath. Unlike the other times, the air appeared to escape my father slowly, making him agonize more at each second. Hendrika trembled while she held his hand and wouldn't stop crying. Johannes gawked and hyperventilated. Biting my lower lip, I prayed for a miracle.
He continued, "Hendrika, I love you with everything that I am.... I want you to never forget that. Johannes, you... you have a natural talent to be a seaman, so don't give up on joining the RNN. Eva, you are... you must...."
I frowned and got closer to dad, but it was too late. Guess what? He died right when he was about to tell his last words to me! My father was gone, and I didn't even get the chance to listen to his goodbye... At that instant, Johannes and I burst into tears. We hugged each other desperately. Hendrika sobbed as well and separated us. I scowled since I didn't understand why she'd done that, but it soon got clear: it was to spare her son. She screamed and threw a chair at me. Touching, isn't it? I couldn't have asked for a better stepmother... Anyway, I was fast enough to duck, so I survived.
"You murderer! I know it was you!" Hendrika threw more things at me, but I dodged. "All that just because you couldn't stand your father's silence while I made you pay for destroying my family..."
Gawking and with my eyes bulging, I ran downstairs. Unfortunately, she reached me. I cried so much that I could no longer distinguish teardrops from sweat. Uncle Ruben, Maartje and Dr. Bakker immediately stood up from the couch. Grinding his teeth, my uncle struck a blow to Hendrika's legs, making her fall. I froze.
Uncle Ruben ran to the door, "We have to go! Now!"
Panicking, I nodded. Everyone except my stepmother followed my uncle towards an alley that was very close to the port. My heart was racing. In less than a week, my life had fallen apart. The truth about my parents and dad's death made me feel like a knife was stuck in my heart. A while later, Uncle Ruben made us a signal to stop. Maartje sighed in relief, apparently tired of running. Dr. Bakker had a mysterious expression on his face.
My uncle approached me, "What I'm about to say will sound insane, but you must listen to me."
I frowned since I felt utterly puzzled. Could my life get any crazier? I hoped not. The last thing I needed was more trouble.
Maartje widened her eyes, "What are you up to, dad?"
Uncle Ruben made his daughter a signal to calm down as if he already knew she would get anxious. Dr. Bakker pressed his lips together, glancing from side to side, and I couldn't tell if he was in a hurry or afraid.
Why's Dr. Bakker still here?
Uncle Ruben sighed, "Eva, we both know what's going to happen if you go back to that cursed place, don't we?"
He turned to my house. I gulped once I thought I'd realized what he meant. Afraid of making the wrong decision, I froze. Choosing between running away or saying a last goodbye to my father wouldn't be easy.
I raised my brows, "Wait, are you saying that I should go with you? Are you serious?"
My uncle nodded. Maartje smiled sweetly, apparently excited with her father's idea. I wanted to stay for dad's funeral, but I couldn't stand living in that horrible place anymore. My stepmother's violence had been killing me slowly, so I wondered if losing the chance to escape because of a funeral would be worthwhile. My chest ached as I remembered Hendrika treating Johannes like a king and me as a slave. I walked from one side to another as I considered my options.
"I'm dead serious. If you stay with Hendrika, she'll make your life a living hell!" uncle Ruben pointed at my home while pressing his lips together. "I assure you I'll never do anything similar to what that witch did to you. Ever!"
I stopped and gazed at him. The thought of coming back gave me the creeps. I gulped as I tried to imagine the other horrible punishments Hendrika had prepared for me.
My cousin took a step forward, "I'm still angry at my father, but I couldn't agree more with him. You must come with us so that you'll never see that woman again."
I sighed, feeling broken inside. That simple choice could change everything and set the course of my life forever... My heartbeat increased as I weighed my options. I looked from side to side, afraid that Hendrika would show up at any second. Although I'd never liked my brother so much, a part of me wanted to give him one last hug before I disappeared for good. In addition, I cried more as I thought of losing my father's burial.
Stop being silly, Eva. This is your only chance to escape. Take it!
"Once you're aboard my ship, my dear niece, you'll finally be able to be no one but yourself! If you choose to come with me, I promise your life will never lack in adventure," my uncle smiled sweetly while holding out his hand to me. "I also give you my word that you'll never, ever, feel despised or abandoned again."
I pressed my lips together, still fearing to make such a bold decision. Maartje bit her lower lip. Dr. Bakker got slightly closer, apparently curious to hear my response. A long silence took over the environment. I chuckled once I realized that choice was simple. The correct answer stood right in front of me. I glanced at the sea and took a deep breath.
I took my uncle's hand, "I want to go with you, uncle Ruben."
At that instant, he smiled widely and hugged me. Uncle Ruben appeared to be so happy that I wondered if his soul wasn't glowing. Maartje sighed, apparently relieved, and embraced me as well. My heartbeat accelerated since my life could change forever after that decision.
"Perfect! Take them to our vessel, Dr. Bakker," my uncle took a step backwards. "Keep them safe. I'll meet you in ten minutes."
The doctor nodded, "Aye, Captain!"
The physician quickly took Maartje and me to the port. After Dr. Bakker followed my uncle's orders, I realized why he'd come with us: he was part of the crew. Almost every pirate ship had a surgeon on board and that was Dr. Bakker's job.
We soon arrived at my uncle's vessel. Once we boarded, the wind blew strongly on my face. I closed my eyes to feel it. Uncle Ruben's ship was as impressive as the man-of-war; however, it had much fewer guns. I recognized it kind instantly: it was a galleon. That kind of ship was higher than a man-of-war, was commonly used to transport valuable cargo and had four masts instead of three. I grinned broadly, instantly in love with my uncle's galleon. My joy didn't last long because I remembered my deceased father.
"Welcome aboard!" Maartje said, smiling excitedly. "We call this ship The Revenger."
After that, a young boy that appeared to have the same age as me and Maartje showed up. My cousin hugged him, so they probably knew each other. He had medium-sized blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin.
"My father raised me on this ship. He was the quartermaster," the boy sighed as he looked around. "I'm Sven Van Hout, a friend of Maartje's. What's your name, miss?"
"Eva Van Acker," I shook Sven's hand and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you."
"Really? I can't believe I'm finally meeting Captain de Vries' niece!" Sven chuckled excitedly as his eyes widened. "He talks about you and Maartje all the time."
I laughed, not believing I was already famous in my uncle's ship. The Revenger had already started to feel like home to me. At that same moment, uncle Ruben returned. Once on board, he put on his cocked hat and cleaned some dirt off his black coat. My uncle talked to a man and the latter called two crewmembers. The guy and his two assistants undocked the ship. I breathed faster as the time to go was approaching. Once they finished, more people showed up to adjust the sails.
Uncle Ruben went to the navigator, "Isaak, set course to Port Royal."
Isaak instantly nodded and steered the helm. When The Revenger left the port, I walked to the forecastle deck. I knit my brows as Willemstad got farther at each moment that passed by. The smell of the ocean slowly got stronger. I didn't notice at first, but uncle Ruben had followed me.
"I'm sorry about your father. I know it wasn't easy to leave him and your brother behind, but you've made the right decision," my uncle chewed on his lip and sighed. "You didn't deserve to continue being treated so horribly by that woman."
I sighed, wondering if I'd regret my choice later. Although I was excited to live a pirate's life, I feared the possible challenges ahead. Besides, I still thought of my father and Johannes.
"I'm upset I didn't say goodbye to Johannes and dad, but I'm relieved I'll never have to see Hendrika again," I smiled with my lips closed. "Thank you for saving me from her, uncle Ruben. You're amazing."
He gave me a pat on the back, "Don't mention it. You are going to have a lot of fun here, I promise. I'll teach you to be the best pirate ever."
I grinned, excited to find out what awaited me at The Revenger. As Willemstad got smaller, it was as if a hand squeezed my heart. I felt like crying as I recalled my deceased father. At the same time, I was glad I would finally discover the true meaning of freedom and happiness.
"That's great because I want to learn everything!" I turned to uncle Ruben. "I'm curious to find out if I have what it takes to be a pirate."
Uncle Ruben smiled, "I think you have potential."
I chuckled and came back to gazing at the Caribbean Sea. That was one of the most peaceful moments I'd ever had. Although I didn't know it yet, that was the night when my life changed forever.
A couple of minutes later, uncle Ruben left and went to talk to his crew. I remained at the same place, trying to imagine what my future would look like. Even though I wanted to deny it to myself, what I felt the most was relief. By choosing to sail away with uncle Ruben and Maartje, I opened the door to my new life. That night was just the beginning.
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