《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 6: It all makes sense now!
Three days had gone by since Laurens ran away. I still couldn't stop thinking about him. I know what you're thinking: he was my first crush. Well, I hate to admit it, but that's correct. Although I was thirteen and Laurens sixteen, my heart would always beat faster when he was nearby. However, I was probably wrong about my own feelings. It often appeared that what I felt for him was much more like a friend's love than a romantic one. Luckily, my supposed feelings for Laurens weren't that powerful, so I didn't end up with a broken heart after discovering I was just a "sister" to him. The only things that really shattered me inside were mom's lack of love for me and dad's silence every time she was violent. Besides, dad always found a way to say that Johannes' necessities were more important than mine. Remember that time in the man-of-war? That was only one example, mate! There are hundreds more, but I won't talk about them since it makes me upset.
Maartje and my uncle didn't show up again at my house until that afternoon. Perhaps they had been sailing or living some pirate adventures together... God, how I wish I were there with them! At least they decided to come back on that day. I was walking near my house when I saw them. I smiled instantly, controlling myself not to run to them like a child.
My uncle's pirate clothes are dirtier and apparently older than my father's RNN outfit, but they're somehow much cooler.
I approached them cheerfully, "Hello, uncle Ruben! Hi, Maartje! What brings you here?"
My uncle had a much more serious look on his face. He pressed his lips together and sighed. I cocked my head, wondering the reason for him to be acting that way. Although uncle Ruben smiled at me, I could see he'd forced it. My cousin's head was downturned. She appeared to be upset as well.
"Are you both okay?" I knit my brows. "You two look sad..."
I tried to remember if I'd said something that could've upset them. Nothing came to my mind. Maartje and her father looked at each other, then back at me. What the hell was going on? That awkward situation gave me jitters.
She bit her lower lip, "I told dad that your mother was extremely aggressive with you when we helped Laurens escape. We also saw her dragging you towards the stairs to beat you and we were horrified."
I froze, wishing I could disappear for a second. I thought I would cry and say all the bad words I knew if someone other than my father found out about my mother's violence, but I was wrong. The words had vanished from my mouth. It was as if I'd forgotten how to talk. Uncle Ruben pulled his brows together as he took some steps closer.
I want to hide. This is so embarrassing!
"I was distraught after I saw that with Maartje," he sighed. "Besides, I'd already noticed something was off when Hendrika was rude to you at dinner."
I nodded. Sweat ran down my forehead. The terrible memories of my mom offending, flogging and punching me came back at that instant... and they hit me like a cannonball. I breathed fast as my legs trembled. I hated showing my emotions, but I couldn't help it at that moment.
"Listen, Eva, we just want to help you," my cousin gently held my hands. "What's your mother doing to you?"
I sighed. My heartbeat wouldn't stop accelerating. There was no way I could lie to them or change the subject. I had a hard time trusting people, so how could I be sure their intentions were good? Was it even possible to confide in a witch's brother? Although he seemed like a nice person, I couldn't help but be afraid.
I chewed on my lip, "It's easier if I show you. Follow me."
My uncle and his daughter nodded. I shut the door once we arrived in my bedroom. Maartje frowned as she looked around. I wondered if she regretted having followed me.
"There are some hideous scars on my back. You can open my dress partially to see them if you want," I gulped, trying not to freak out. "Mom whips me almost every day."
My cousin slowly approached me. She opened the first button, recoiled and looked at me. I nodded, trying to tell Maartje it was okay for her to see my wounds. She took a deep breath and quickly unbuttoned my dress until my back was entirely exposed. Squeezing my eyes shut, I controlled myself not to sob. I had never felt so vulnerable before. I bit my lower lip to avoid yelling in pain as she touched my scars. My uncle got closer to her, apparently wanting to see the injuries as well. Unlike Maartje, who put her hand on multiple scars of mine, he only touched one briefly. Although I couldn't see their faces, I felt them breathing faster.
"My God! Hendrika is a monster!" Maartje whispered while buttoning my dress.
My cousin walked until she was in front of me and her father did the same. Both were silent for almost a minute. Maartje was gawking. My uncle shook his head in denial multiple times and frowned. His eyes seemed to be full of anger, sadness, pity... even disgust.
My uncle's eyes bulged, "This is atrocious! I wish I knew about this before, I... I can't believe she did this to you!"
"But it's the truth," I gazed downward, "and my father never does a damn thing about it."
Uncle Ruben walked from one side to another with a hand on his head. He pursed his lips and scowled, as if ready to punch someone. If my uncle wasn't in front of me, I'm sure he would've smashed some furniture. My cousin knit her brows as she looked at me, which was understandable, but it bothered me. I needed help, not pity.
"I know your father doesn't try to stop her, but just out of curiosity..." uncle pressed his lips firmly together as if trying to contain his rage. "What exactly does he do when she flogs you?"
I sighed, "He sits on the couch, grabs a rum bottle and drinks almost everything in it."
My uncle froze. He gritted his teeth while staring at the door. I tilted my head, wondering what uncle Ruben was thinking. It appeared that my simple explanation had triggered something in him.
"Of course! It must be his guilt!" uncle Ruben narrowed his eyes. "But it's too late now."
What guilt? Too late for what?
Uncle Ruben hyperventilated, acting like he could explode at any moment. Maartje frowned, seemingly confused. When I was about to ask what he was talking about, I heard some steps and gulped. Mom opened the door and my uncle shot her an icy glare. For the first time, I saw fear in her eyes.
"Ruben? Maartje?" my mother frowned. "What are you two doing in my daughter's bedroom?"
"You witch! We know what you did to Eva!" my cousin ran towards mom while baring her teeth. "If I could, I'd send a letter to the devil to make sure you rot in hell when you die!"
Maartje appeared to be ready to take mom down. With his right arm, uncle Ruben blocked his daughter from attacking my mother. My cousin spat on her and took one step backwards. Although I thought my uncle would scold Maartje for doing that, he smiled sweetly, apparently pleased with her attitude. Weirdly calm, he removed his hand from Maartje's left shoulder.
My uncle approached mom, "We need to talk in private. Now."
Mom nodded fast as if she was afraid. She let uncle Ruben lead the way. My cousin and I followed them, but he made us a signal to go back to my room. I sighed as I watched them walking downstairs.
I turned to Maartje, "Who said I like to follow the rules? Let's listen to their conversation!"
She giggled, "Now you're speaking my language!"
I laughed since I remembered I'd told her that exact same thing recently. After that, we went downstairs and found the two in the dining room. They had already started to talk, so we'd missed some parts of the conversation. We hid behind the partially closed door that gave access to the dining room. The opening was large enough for us to see and listen to them.
"Eva showed me what you've done to her, Hendrika. Such a young and beautiful girl... with her back torn, destroyed, and full of scars!" uncle Ruben cried out, grinding his teeth. "I'd ask you to give me one good reason why you did this, but there's none!"
She narrowed her eyes at him, "You know nothing! That little brat is not even my daughter, so how can I not hate her?"
Those words were enough to break my heart in a million pieces. I gawked and breathed fast. I felt as if my entire body had been paralyzed for a moment. I blinked quickly, panicking. I had just found out that my life was based on a lie. The feeling was horrible and great at the same time. I had a hint of a smile on my face. Knowing that Hendrika wasn't my mother gave me a strange relief.
"Uncle Ruben was right when he said there was much about my family I didn't know. Hendrika isn't my real mother, that's why she wants to destroy me so badly!" I gaped and my eyes were frozen open. "She's my evil stepmother! It all makes sense now!"
There's no reason to keep trying to figure out why this woman despises me. Now I finally understand the truth!
"This is way too crazy!" Maartje's eyes bulged. "Who's your real mom then?"
I shrugged and continued listening, more attentive than ever, eager to find out the whole truth. Uncle Ruben stared at my stepmother as if she was his worst enemy. His glare was so frightening that Hendrika took a step back and tripped.
My uncle approached her, "I'm only not killing you because I don't want Johannes to be motherless."
My stepmother gulped and didn't even blink. I gawked, wondering what he meant. Maartje blinked fast, apparently surprised as well.
"You already destroyed my sister's life and now you're destroying Eva's?" he continued, baring his teeth. "When will you stop doing this?"
I frowned, more confused than I already was. What was uncle Ruben talking about? If Hendrika wasn't his real sister, then who was? I couldn't stop listening.
"It's not my fault that Govert preferred his mistress over his wife. Your sister didn't give him anything he needed, not even a son!" Hendrika laughed cruelly and raised her brows. "He was so eager to get rid of her that he took me pregnant to Curaçao. Remember?"
I could no longer hold my tears. I felt as if part of my soul was crushed after every word I heard. Although I didn't know all the stepmothers in the world, Hendrika was definitely the worst. Her heart was so cold that I wondered how she wouldn't die frozen. Uncle Ruben bit his lower lip and stared at her again. Maartje gaped, seemingly shocked.
"Don't you dare speak of Carolien like that! You and Govert deserve each other because you're both rotten! My sister told me the horrible way that drunkard treated her..." my uncle squeezed his eyes shut while shaking his head in denial. "I just... I never imagined he'd do nothing while you beat his daughter. He's even worse than I thought."
My mother's real name is Carolien and besides abandoning her, dad mistreated her? This only gets worse!
Even though I wanted to leave to avoid more pain, my will to discover the truth was tremendous. Also, my curiosity was more significant than my fear of what else I could hear.
"Eva's the one who keeps me from having a real family, so she has to suffer the consequences!" Hendrika scowled and her eyes bulged. "Govert's worst mistake was bringing her here instead of leaving her with your sister."
A part of me was relieved because I finally understood that insane lady, however, the other was devastated. More tears ran down my cheeks. Finding out the woman who pretended to be my mother saw me as an obstacle that stopped her from having an actual family wasn't exactly pleasant to hear.
"My niece didn't deserve such a wicked stepmother..." my uncle whispered with his head downturned.
Uncle Ruben seemed bothered with that conversation, to say the least. Although I couldn't see his face clearly, there was no way to deny he wanted that torture to end. Maartje appeared to be horrified with everything she heard as well. My cousin and I locked eyes for a second as if we could read each other's minds.
I raised a brow, "Did you know about all this?"
"Of course not! I thought Hendrika was dad's sister," her eyes bulged. "I can't believe he lied to me!"
I nodded, wondering if she was lying. I hadn't known my cousin well enough yet to be sure if she was trustworthy. Although I had no evidence that indicated Maartje wasn't honest, I would remain alert. If my uncle lied to me, his daughter could have done the same. I'm a little paranoid, I know. It's in my nature.
"Nothing you tell me will change the reality, Ruben. Take that girl if you want her for yourself because I'm done!" my stepmother shouted, grinding her teeth. "Every time I lay my eyes on Eva, I just want to make her disappear."
I laughed nervously, wondering what else that horrible woman wished to do to me. Would she have killed me if she had the chance? Hopefully, I'd never find out the answer to that question.
"That's flattering, mom! Or should I say ex-mom?" I whispered, staring at her.
Uncle Ruben pressed his lips together, seeming more disconcerted than me. Maartje got even closer to the door, probably to listen better to the conversation.
My uncle narrowed his eyes, "You and Govert will regret what you're doing to that poor girl. Mark my words."
Hendrika gulped and, much to my surprise, seemed afraid of him. Uncle Ruben shot her such an icy glare that I thought she'd turn into stone. No one was able to scare that woman, but Maartje's father was clearly an exception. Before my stepmother had the chance to respond, dad arrived. Maartje and I ran upstairs before anyone had the opportunity to see us. My uncle and Hendrika left the dining room and bumped into my father. My cousin and I were observing everyone from the stairs.
"Hello, Ruben. How are you?" my father said, apparently calm.
Dad had forgotten to close the door behind him, but I wasn't going to let him know since everyone would realize we were hearing them talk. Uncle had a weirdly serene look on his face, which gave me the creeps.
"Hey, Govert. I'm here just to pick up Maartje. By the way, we should meet one day to catch up, just the two of us," uncle Ruben's lips curled into a fake smile as he approached dad. "I have so much to say to you..."
At that moment, I finally understood why dad acted so weirdly around my uncle. They had a tough past, to say the least. I ground my teeth as I remembered everything I heard. My father abandoned uncle Ruben's sister Carolien in Amsterdam, cheated on her, and took his pregnant mistress and me to Curaçao... all that must have enraged uncle Ruben.
"Sure. I'm available tomorrow for a drink. Let's meet at that tavern called Flying Seagull," dad sighed, raising his brows. "I could meet you here tomorrow at five so that we can go together. What do you say?"
Dad bit his lower lip, seemingly anxious. I frowned and cocked my head. Why would a man want to talk to his abandoned wife's brother? I was eager to find out.
Uncle Ruben grinned, "You read my mind. It's settled!"
I squinted. Had I gone crazy? Why would my uncle and dad talk? My father smiled and took a step backwards. Hendrika's eyes were widened. I'll be honest: I was enjoying watching her suffer. She deserved to pay for what she did to me and so did my father.
"Maartje, let's go!" my uncle shouted.
My cousin's smile faded. I sighed, upset because I loved spending time with her. Maartje fixed her hair and took a deep breath, seemingly nervous.
"I promise there will be revenge, Eva," she hugged me quickly. "Your father and Hendrika will pay!"
I nodded and she went away before I could respond. In less than a minute, uncle Ruben and Maartje left the house. My father closed the door and an awkward silence took over.
One hour later, Johannes came back and guess what? My stepmother received him with hugs and kisses! As always, she lashed me after dinner. That probably happened because I'd shown my scars to uncle Ruben and Maartje. I took forever to sleep on that night. My head was still spinning due to the crazy things I found out that evening. Listening to so many horrifying truths hit my heart like a sword. I couldn't believe that Hendrika wasn't my mother and that dad abandoned my real mom, but a part of me always knew there was something very wrong with my family. Deep in my soul, I had a feeling that Hendrika wasn't my mom. I just never imagined that my father was even worse than her.
Author's note:
- In Serial95 Chapters
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