《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 5: A surprise and a goodbye
On the next day, it was late afternoon and I decided to observe people walking on the street. I sat on the first step that gave access to my house. At that moment, I was devastated and happy at the same time... Could that be even possible? I guess so because that's exactly how I felt. I wanted to smile and cry, laugh and scream, celebrate and curse... all at once. You must be wondering why I'm saying all these things, so I'll not stall any longer: Laurens' departure. He was my best... well, actually, my only friend. I knew my heart would shatter after I set him free, but how could I break my promise? I loved Laurens too much to watch him suffer like that just because of my loneliness. Also, I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to Laurens once I let him go. Would his new boss be worse than mom? Was he going die from starvation on the streets? How would his future look like? I had no idea how I'd get the answers to these questions... who am I kidding? I could never find out. After that day, Laurens would be gone forever and the only thing left for me would be memories.
When I stood up, two people waved while walking towards me. I waved back and smiled once I saw my uncle and Maartje. Both were dressed in the exact same clothes from the previous night. My cousin smiled widely once she got closer to me. She hugged me tightly. Neither my parents nor Johannes ever hugged me, so I had to enjoy the moment while it still lasted. Smiling broadly, I returned the embrace. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed every second of that tender moment. Although uncle Ruben also gave me a hug, it was much faster than Maartje's.
He took a step forward, "Hello, Eva. I came to drop off Maartje so that you two can talk more. One dinner is far from enough to truly get to know someone."
My eyes gleamed. I was glad I'd have the chance to know my cousin better. She grinned, also appearing to be happy with the idea.
"I'm leaving now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours," my uncle winked and smiled playfully. "Don't get in too much trouble!"
Maartje nodded and laughed. I chuckled. Even though I didn't know uncle Ruben well yet, he seemed to be a fun person. He had a mischievous look that reminded me of myself.
"Will do!" my cousin waved him goodbye. "See you later, dad."
"Wait!" I ran to uncle Ruben. "Can I ask you something before you go, uncle?"
He turned at me, frowning slightly. Although I wasn't sure, I had a feeling my uncle hadn't been completely honest on the previous night.
My uncle approached me, "Of course! I like your questions."
I took a deep breath and pressed my lips together. I feared I would upset him. One of the things I hated the most was when people kept secrets from me and I thought that was exactly what my uncle had done. We only knew each other for a day, but I had a feeling he had lied to me.
"I think you weren't honest yesterday about your job. You're not a privateer, are you?" I whispered, afraid that Maartje would listen.
I know, I had made a serious accusation. Breathing faster, I was sure my uncle was going to get angry at me. If I were him, I would've gotten furious. To my surprise, he just laughed. I gawked and sighed in relief.
Great! He still doesn't hate me... at least apparently.
"Really?" his lips curled into a lopsided grin. "What made you think that?"
I sighed, wondering if I had made a big mistake. I had no idea how uncle Ruben would react once I spoke my mind. He was my mom's brother after all, so what if he hit me? I needed to take that risk because my curiosity was more significant than my fear at that moment.
"When you said I'd be both a good pirate and privateer... and that I could thrive especially in the 'more rule-breaking' one of the two... I had a feeling that you know what it's like to be a pirate," I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath. "Also, you mentioned that you're an adventurer... I'm not very familiar with pirates, but if there's one thing I know about them is that they love adventure."
I looked deep into his eyes, trying not to appear insecure. I was almost sure of my assumption about uncle Ruben, but what if I was wrong? The thought of saying something that wasn't true about him freaked me out. My uncle smiled and nodded as if he was proud of me. I raised a brow, wondering why he did that.
"You're very smart and attentive, aren't you? It's good that you have both of these qualities," he smiled broadly. "What's your conclusion about me then? I want to hear all of it."
That's so weird! Is he testing me?
I gulped, wondering if something was wrong. No adult had ever given me that much attention before. Why was my uncle so eager to listen to what I had to say? Did he want to humiliate me somehow? Since my mom was his sister, there was a good chance he was evil like her.
I bit my lower lip, "I'm going to take a big guess here: I think you're a pirate... or at least used to be one."
My uncle nodded and gazed at the ground as if he absorbed the information. His expression became stern for a moment. I swallowed hard. Uncle Ruben could lash out at me at any second. I couldn't tell if he was upset or just thinking about what I had said.
"You're right. I lied yesterday because your father still thinks I'm a privateer," uncle sighed and decreased his tone of voice. "I might not know you for long, Eva, but I trust you and that's why I'm telling you who I really am."
I raised my brows and gawked, flattered. Uncle Ruben was the first person who ever told me that. Not even Laurens said he trusted me regardless of our long-term friendship.
"Who are you then? I want to hear all of it..." I demanded, imitating his voice and smiling mischievously.
My uncle laughed so much that his cocked hat fell. I chuckled as well, grabbed the hat and he placed it back on his head.
"I was a privateer for five years. One day, my coworkers and I got sick of giving the government everything we stole," he got closer to me while continuing. "We took some government ships, the crew elected me captain, and we sailed to the Caribbean since it's the best place to plunder vessels. That's what I am until today: a pirate captain."
I gaped. Although I had suspected my uncle was a pirate, I didn't imagine I was right. For a moment, I thought I'd burst out in excitement. Even though my father hated pirates and said they lived an empty life, I disagreed completely. Being part of the RNN appeared fantastic, but being free and living a life of adventure sounded much better. God, I can't even describe how happy I was to find out that one of my relatives was a pirate... and not just any pirate, a captain!
"That's awesome! I can't believe I have a pirate captain in my family!" my eyes gleamed and I grinned broadly. "Does Maartje like your job?"
He chuckled, "My little girl? She loves it! That's probably why she told you yesterday that she wants to be a pirate with you."
I raised a brow, "What about her mother?"
Uncle Ruben's expression suddenly hardened. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. I took a step backwards. What if I had hurt his feelings? I'd hate to know I had upset the first adult who ever liked me. He chewed on his lip, apparently nervous. I swallowed hard, more worried than before.
"Her mother? She died in Amsterdam a week after Maartje was born. We got married fourteen years ago and her name was Grietje," he downturned his head and appeared to be holding tears. "Honestly, I'm still not over her."
I knit my brows, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned your wife..."
My uncle shook his head in denial, "Don't worry. It was a long time ago."
I nodded. Uncle Ruben and I remained quiet for a while. He sighed, gazing at my cousin. Maartje was still waiting for me in front of the house and didn't seem annoyed at all. I wasn't very patient, but apparently, she was different.
"There are so many things I want to tell you, Eva. One of the reasons I left the Netherlands is because you deserve to know the truth about your family," he took a deep breath while biting his lower lip. "I can't hide it any longer."
I frowned and tilted my head to the side. Was it possible for my family to become any crazier? My father wasn't only a drunken RNN officer and mom not just a sadistic freak? I couldn't imagine anything more terrible.
My eyes widened, "What do you know about them?"
Although I thought my family couldn't be any worse, I feared to listen to what my uncle had to say. He pressed his lips together, seemingly distressed.
"I won't talk about this subject now because I need to leave. I promise you'll soon know what I mean," uncle Ruben walked backwards. "See you later!"
He turned right and disappeared into an alley. I huffed and scowled, not believing my uncle didn't answer my question. I hated it when people hid things, but what could I do? Chase uncle Ruben? I wasn't going to embarrass myself, so I walked towards Maartje and tried to forget what I'd heard.
My cousin approached me, "I don't know if you're into this kind of stuff, but... do you want to steal something together?"
I smiled instantly. The sensation of stealing things and running as if there was no tomorrow was magical to me. My uncle had spoken the truth, I was an adventurer. I know you want to tell me that it's wrong to be a thief, but what else would I do? That's what I was good at, one of the few things that made me happy and... well, it helped me to forget that my mother hated me.
I grinned widely, "Now you're speaking my language!"
We took off running and couldn't stop laughing. I wished that moment would last forever, but unfortunately, it didn't. Our robbery was quick and the two of us went back to my home in less than ten minutes. I thought I'd die of boredom while spending the day with Maartje; however, the opposite turned out to be true. She was the nicest girl I had ever met. My cousin told me about her dreams, I talked about mine, we laughed at our fathers... It was one of the best days of my life.
The day went by fast. I watched the sunset with Maartje and Laurens. I introduced them and both got along instantly. He gazed at her frequently and I couldn't understand why. My mom and Johannes weren't home, so that would be the perfect opportunity to set Laurens free. My cousin had no idea yet about my plans of letting him go, but she was about to find out. The three of us were at the beach as we observed the orange sky along with the shining sun touching the ocean.
I turned to my cousin, "I don't want to ruin the moment, but mom will come back home at any moment and there's something I must do... I'll need your cooperation, Maartje."
She frowned slightly and cocked her head. I gulped, hoping I could trust my cousin. Maartje was a blood relative from my crazy mom, so there was no way to be sure. As if he knew what I would say, Laurens pressed his lips together.
"I'm going to set Laurens free tonight. I already told him to put some food and beverages inside a brown bag I sewed before you arrived," I took a deep breath while looking deep into her eyes. "I need you to promise me you won't tell my parents that I'm the one who let Laurens go."
I hope she isn't like my mom...
"Of course! I promise I won't tell them anything," she glanced at Laurens briefly and smiled. "In fact, I'm happy you shared this with me because I hate slavery and I'd love to help you free Laurens."
Laurens sighed and smiled at both of us. He breathed fast while cleaning the tears from his eyes. I caressed him, controlling myself not to sob.
He embraced Maartje and me, "Thank you immensely, my dear friends. I'll never forget what you're doing for me."
I smiled and blushed. My eye begged me to let the tears flow, but I wouldn't let them. I had to be strong for Laurens. There was no way I'd break.
I'm never going to forget you, Laurens.
Although I knew how much I'd miss my friend, how could I keep him in such a horrible place? The answer was simple: I liked him too much to do that.
Five minutes later, we returned to my home. While Maartje watched the door, I was in the kitchen. I helped Laurens put more items inside the bag. He ground his teeth and wouldn't stop sweating. His hands trembled as he added clothes to the container and I sighed. My heart was racing, but I had to show confidence to calm him down.
I gently took his hands, "Don't worry. This will be good for you. You'll find a place to work with a boss that treats you right."
He nodded, caressing my hands. Laurens hyperventilated, apparently still in shock with what was happening. I was sure he had never even dreamed that he would be able to escape someday. With my head downturned, I swallowed my tears again.
"Thank you, Eva, but I need to ask you something first," he took a deep breath while getting closer. "Why don't you come with me?"
I couldn't help but gape. Laurens left me speechless for a moment. Despite the fact that we were good friends, I never imagined he considered running away with me. That was the last thing I expected to hear from him.
"I appreciate it, but I can't. When I told you to run away with me that day, I wasn't serious," I chuckled nervously. "You have to go because you're not attached to my parents. I'm stuck with them forever and there's nothing I can do about it."
At that exact instant, I started sobbing. I couldn't control myself anymore. The tears ran down my cheeks like a waterfall. Although my friend hugged me, I kept crying uncontrollably.
"Please, think about it! I saw the way your mom treats you and your dad does nothing about it," he wiped my tears away with his thumbs, "You're alone here, but with me you'll never be. Besides, I'll miss you immensely."
I shook my head in denial. There was no way I would do something like that. I wasn't ready to run away from home since my fear was much bigger than my will of eloping... at least at that moment.
"I'm sorry, Laurens, but you must understand that I simply can't. I'll miss you too and I swear not to forget about you," I sighed and cried more. "I hope you can do the same for me."
Laurens hugged me for a second time and grabbed the bag. I glanced away, trying to forget I'd never see him again.
He smiled sweetly, "Even if I spend a thousand years without seeing your beautiful face, I promise I'll never forget you. You'll always be my little sister."
When I was about to speak, Maartje came running. Her eyes bulged as if she had seen a ghost... and I had a feeling I knew exactly who the "ghost" in question was.
Maartje glanced at the main entrance, "Hurry! She's going to come in at any instant!"
I won't fail. Not when I've come this far.
I took Laurens by the hand, "Change of plans. Let's go to the back door!"
He nodded and we ran. I prayed that nothing fell from his bag because I wouldn't sleep that night if Laurens lacked supplies. Once we reached the back door, unfortunately, my father was standing there. I froze and my heart started beating faster.
Dad crossed his arms, "What the hell are you two doing here?"
I ignored the question, grabbed Laurens again and the two of us rushed to the front door. Luckily, we were out of my mom's sight. It was dark already, so the streets were empty and Laurens should escape with relative easiness. Mom turned to me and started running. Johannes froze, apparently confused. With her eyes widened, Maartje chased my mother.
"Come here now, brat!" mom pursed her lips and stared at me. "Why isn't my slave working?"
She got angrier at every second, I could feel it. I tried not to panic. When mom was about to grab me from behind, Maartje struck a blow to her legs. She fell and flinched. My cousin kept her on the ground by immobilizing her arms. I had no idea how Maartje could fight like that, but that wasn't the moment to ask.
I hugged Laurens quickly, "Goodbye, my friend. Now, run!"
He nodded as he took some steps backwards. I bit my lower lip so sharply that I tasted my own blood. I had a hard time accepting that was going to be the last time Laurens and I would see each other.
Laurens cried as he walked away, "I promise we'll see each other again, my dear Eva!"
Seemingly hesitant, he took off running. I couldn't help but sob. My heart shattered more as he got farther. I cried almost until my body lost every drop of water in it. Unfortunately, Maartje set my mom free. She pulled me by the hair, and I screamed in pain. My cousin gawked, apparently alarmed. Mom clenched her fist and punched me in the face. I winced and fell flat on the floor as blood dripped from my nose.
Maartje scowled and made mom fall again, "Stop hitting her!"
That wasn't enough to stop the witch and guess what? She dragged me towards the house violently, clearly eager to hit me more! When mom threw me on the ground, my uncle showed up. My lips curled into a weak smile and I sighed in relief. I didn't know who had sent uncle Ruben there, but I was sure it had been an angel. He gaped, walking fast towards my mother.
"Are you insane, Hendrika?!" my uncle's eyes bulged and he breathed fast, apparently terrified with mom's actions. "You're going to hurt her!"
He helped me to stand up. I could barely feel my legs. Although my mother pushed him violently, he barely moved and glared at her. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Mind your own business, Ruben! This disgraceful girl helped my slave run away!" my mother pointed at me while baring her teeth. "Hurting her is exactly my intention."
She threw me inside the house and slammed the door. My eyes bulged as I started trembling. There was nothing else my uncle could do. I cried more, wishing I had escaped with Laurens. As my mother pulled me by the neck towards my bedroom, uncle Ruben and Maartje watched in horror through a window. While my mom flogged me, I felt two things at the same time: sadness and relief. Although I sobbed because Laurens left, I smiled since he'd finally escaped from that hell. On that night, he received something that I never had at home: freedom.
Author's note:
- In Serial37 Chapters
Daddy Is The Big Boss
No one would expect that the cruel and ruthless Xiao Daiyu had once longed for a loving family. After transmigrating into the only novel she ever read, Xiao Daiyu found herself with one. She was willing to do anything, even acting shamelessly cute, as long as she wasn’t thrown away by the big boss of the novel.
8 1017 - In Serial48 Chapters
Magician Endeavour
In a world that is coming to an end by the hands of destruction, one surviving magician remained. He, who is an old mage that had lived a very long time, entered into battle against the forces of evil in order to stop their destruction of his world. However, he fails and the world ends, but he makes one final contract with a great entity for a chance to save his world. Thus, his spirit is transported into the past to reborn in a time when the end of everything had yet to began.
8 130 - In Serial21 Chapters
Handcuffs and stripper heels
"So tell me whats a cop doing at a strip club...Or have you come to shut us down?" I ask smirking. "Whats a girl like YOU doing here?" He ask confusing clouding his dark green eyes. "A girl like me?" And he chuckles it wasnt ment to be funny. "A beautiful intelligent-" i cut him off with a laugh.
8 110 - In Serial27 Chapters
Dimensions Collide: Destiny Bond
An old character, a new beginning. An old task, a new world. An old storyline, a new twist. The world of many awaits, but our attention will be on a select few. An anomaly will be thrown into a world in which it never should have been. A mistake will be made in the shape of a human, created to do something that never should have been done. The two will find each other, and a connection will be tied that can never be broken. The world will try to break the bond, but will never defeat what was tied by destiny. A new adventure awaits.
8 201 - In Serial33 Chapters
Rooms of the Desolate
Rooms of the Desolate is a collection of short stories designed to guide the reader through the many rooms and mysteries of the bleak and greyscale labyrinth of the Desolate. The first entry, "The Forever Tower" follows an unnamed wanderer climbing an endless, colourless tower; the only world they have ever known. As they slowly ascend alongside the masses, they consider the nature of their world and look to the corridors as temptation beckons. The second entry, "Production Line", follows an engineer in a boundless factory, who encounters a product that does not wish to bow to the overseers and makes them question their belief in the truth and duties they were made to believe. Content guidelines: Current entries do not include explicit profanity, but future entries may do so, hence the presence of that tag. Some entries do include gore and violence, though not currently to particularly extreme degrees. The Desolate is exactly that: a desolate world; as such, it is bleak, downtrodden, and may deal with mental struggles. Cover art credit: Adam Borkowski on Pexels.
8 133 - In Serial31 Chapters
Future untold
Nora has always bent the truth to get her way or to complete a mission, but this lie could ultimately erase Carry from existence.-Artwork custom made by me.-#1's dcuniversecaitlinsnowDcuoFlashfrost#2'sBarryAllenSnowbarry#3'sArrowverse
8 401