《The Man Without Fear [Daredevil Male Reader X MCU]》The Man Without Fear: Devil's Reign (Part 1)
[I'M BACK! I, uh...I didn't mean to be away for so long, I just hope there are people still eager to read this book because I'm back and with an awesome chapter I hope you all will enjoy. I mean, it's not like I could stay away after everything in Hawkeye and No Way Home, am I right? Nevertheless, I'm back now and pumped up to bring you another chapter. So enough talking, let's get into it.]
"So, uh...I went on a date the other day."
Pathetic. That's the one word I'd use right now to describe my situation. Here I was, gathered in a room filled with other pathetic people who thought talking about their problems would help them get over everything that happened five years ago. But no...
Now, normally, I'd just try to block out their words. But after being blessed with all these abilities I find the 'blocking' out part hard to do. Pfft. What am I saying? Blessed? More like cursed. And even when I get a ray of sunshine in my life it just gets taken away as well.
Man: "So I'm sitting at dinner. I didn't even know what to talk about."
See. This man here is currently talking about a recent experience he had that involved him going on his first date since the blip. Something about crying when he felt too sad to hold it in. And you know what these people in this room tell him? 'Cheer up.' 'You'll get through this.' 'There will be brighter days.' Lies. All of them. I realize now that saying these things just to make people feel better is far worse than any lie.
If it was me talking to him I'd say right to his face that it would be better for him to expect everything to get worse instead of better. At least then he'd be somewhat prepared for whatever crap came his way. A part of me wished I was like that. That my blindness was kept to my ears, and not to my soul and the world around me. Maybe if I wasn't that blind...Wanda may still be here.
Man: "He cried around when they served the salad."
Man #2: "And what about you?"
Man: "I cried..." [Thinking] "I cried about around desert. B-But I'm seeing him tomorrow night, and things look pretty good."
For now. But as the saying goes, the calm before the storm. I don't know how much more time passed by as I sat in that rickety chair listening to everyone go on about their own lives. I don't really listen. Heck, I wouldn't even be here if Cap didn't make me...Speaking of which.
Steve: "(Y/n)? What about you?"
(Y/n)'s head slowly rises from between his legs. The movement of his red-tinted glasses slides down the hinge of his nose, allowing his bleak (E/c) eyes to look aimlessly in the direction of Captain America's voice.
(Y/n): "What about me, Cap?"
Steve: "How have you been coping?"
(Y/n): "How have I been coping...?"
He repeated as flashes of blood filling the concrete floor of a subway tunnel deep underneath New York city appear before him. A lone man, wearing a black hoodie covered in blood slowly crawls across the hard surface. A mere five meters away from his outstretched hand is a gun. A painful groan slips passed his lips as he reaches out to grab it.
But just as his hand comes within inches of touching the handle his hand was stomped to the ground underneath the hard boot of a black foot. A new kind of expression covers the man's face...Fear. It runs rampage over his face as he slowly looks up, passed the black boot, to see the gaze of an angry man. A Man Without Fear...
(Y/n): "Where do you think you're going, Shamus?"
His voice was cold, deep, and full of hidden anger. But (Y/n) did not relent on the pressure he applied to the man named Shamus' hand, in fact, he pressed down harder on it.
(Y/n): "Did you think you could run from me, Shamus?"
Slowly Shamus spun his body and looked down at his hand that was still underneath the Daredevil's foot. But as a sudden jolt of pain coursed through his body once more, he was quick to return his gaze back.
Shamus: "P-Please, man! Please! I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
(Y/n): "You're sorry? Ha...So am I."
Shamus was only given a split second to even take in (Y/n)'s words. But even then it was too late. Because without even a warning (Y/n) gripped the handle of his weapon and swung it down full force.
Shamus' loud scream echo's through that subway tunnel as the blade of Hofund slices his hand clean up. But soon enough his cry for pain is overcome by another cry, one from (Y/n), who drops to his knees and cries endless tears as he continues to repeat the words...
"I'm sorry..."
Those same words continue to repeat themselves to (Y/n) at that very moment as he looks in the direction of Steve.
(Y/n): "How am I coping...? I'm not."
Those were probably the truest words (Y/n) had spoken in a very long time. And Steve felt a sense of proudness in (Y/n). After all, the man frozen in time had been asking the Daredevil to come to these meetings he's held for a good 6 months now. But not once did (Y/n) show up...Until now.
Then again he didn't really have much of a choice. Because when he was caught outside his church with the trio of Captain America, Black Widow, and Ant-Man blocking him off and telling him they had a plan to save everyone they lost, including Wanda, he didn't expect them to come to one of these stupid meetings, yet here he was.
Thankfully it didn't last too much longer. Eventually, everyone got up from their seats and began leaving, and when it was time for (Y/n) and Steve to leave, it wasn't long before words once more filled the air.
Steve: "Look, (Y/n), I know coming here was ha--"
(Y/n): "Don't, Cap. Don't say coming here was hard. This..."
He looks around at the surrounding building, the lights doing little to shield the pair from the dark night sky.
(Y/n): "This is nothing compared to the hardships I've been through these last few years."
Steve: "I know, I--"
(Y/n): "No. Steve! I don't think you do!"
The voice of (Y/n) echoed deep into the night as the pair stared off from one another. However, Steve kept his cool. Enough so that he was able to speak in a much calmer tone the next time he turned to face Captain America.
(Y/n): "Look...I came here as you wanted. Now, you said you had a plan to bring Wanda back. So, tell me so I can hurry up and get out of here."
Steve: "Well...It's not actually my plan."
(Y/n): "Then whose plan is it?"
A look of uncertainty immediately crossed Steve's face as he turned to the ground. The facial movements only made (Y/n) tilt his head in curiosity.
(Y/n): "So basically you want to Back to the Future this shit?"
(Y/n) said without any sense of a joke in his voice as he looked to the front seat in the direction he sensed Scott Lang. The Ant-Man, as he would like to be known as, only responded to (Y/n)'s sentence with a blank expression as he nodded his head. The group of (Y/n), Steve, Natasha, and Scott could be seen seated in a van in the parking lot just outside the building Steve and (Y/n) had just come from. Steve and Scott sat in the front whilst (Y/n) and Natasha sat in the back, though that didn't stop (Y/n)'s confused look to reach either of the duo ahead.
Scott: "Look, I know it sounds confusing. Uh...Alright, does anyone in this truck know anything about Quantum Physics?"
Natasha: "Only to make conversation."
Scott: "Great. All right, so..."
Natasha gives a quick roll of her eyes as she had done many times before. However, a few things had changed since she had last done so, one such thing being Natasha and (Y/n) were no longer together. So when her eyes unconsciously turned to the man across from her, a smile sporting her lips, she immediately came to a standstill as she remembered that she wasn't with (Y/n) anymore.
Quickly Natasha dropped the smile, giving a quick awkward cough, before turning her gaze back towards Scott in hopes (Y/n) hadn't noticed. But the small smile that crept slightly onto his lips suggested otherwise.
Scott: "Think of it like this. Fives Years Ago, right before...Thanos, the end of the world...I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is like its own microscopic universe. To get in there, you have to be incredibly small. Hope, she's my... She was my... [struggling to not tell the entire truth about their relationship] She was supposed to pull me out. And then Thanos happened, and I got stuck in there."
(Y/n): "You got...Stuck? As in, stuck, stuck?"
Scott: "Yes. Of course. I mean, what other type of stuck is there?"
Natasha: "Being stuck in line."
(Y/n): "Exactly."
Unconsciously the pair spoke these separate parts, but when they came together to form this one sentence, both came to a standstill. It showed that it wasn't just Natasha who was still trying to get her head around things. Thankfully Steve managed to get things into order.
Steve: "So you were stuck in this Quantum Realm for five years? That must have been terrible."
Scott: "Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was just five hours."
A wave of confusion quickly lit over the others, with Steve turning to Natasha.
Scott: "See, the rules of the Quantum Realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable."
(Y/n): "Mr. Lang--"
Scott: "Scott."
(Y/n): "Alright...Scott. I'm as hopeful as the person next to me, but...what are you talking about?"
Scott: [Sighs] "What I'm saying is, time works differently in the Quantum Realm. The only problem is right now, we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did?"
(Y/n): "Navigate?"
Scott: "I can't stop thinking about it. What if, we could somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it? What if there was a way to enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point in time but then exit at another point in time? Like... Like before Thanos."
Immediate silence suddenly fell after the mention of the Mad Titans name, something that caused the trio to sharpen their emotions. But whereas Steve and Natasha felt sad, (Y/n) felt angry. So much so that not a single word exited his mouth before (Y/n) suddenly pushed open the door to the back of the van and jumped out. Everyone watched as (Y/n) walked off into the parking lot, but no one moved. That was until Steve slowly turned to face Natasha, who already had an idea of what the man out of time was about to say.
Natasha: "Wha--No. No, Steve, that's not my job anymore."
Steve: "Job or not, we need to do something, Nat. And like it or not, we cannot do that without (Y/n)'s help."
No reply came at first, leaving Natasha to desperately think of something to say in order to get out of walking after her ex, but eventually she realized there was no point and got out of her seat.
Natasha: "You owe me one, Cap."
Was all the Black Widow said as she unhooked her seat belt and took after her former lover, in hopes, she still had some charm over him in order to get him back. This left only Steve and Scott in the van, with the latter slowly turning to face the former in confusion.
Scott: "Was it something I said?"
But all Steve did was give Scott and equally confused look with no reply. Meanwhile with (Y/n), the blind lawyer could be seen pacing back and forth underneath a lamp post when the sound of someone else's footsteps entered his ears. Immediately causing him to turn to face them.
(Y/n): "You know you don't have to go after me anymore."
Natasha: "I know"
Sporting a look that clearly showed she didn't want to be there right now, Natasha merely gives a flick of her hair as she leans against the front of some random car. With her arms crossed the redhead with blonde streaks slowly turns her gaze back to her former boyfriend.
Natasha: "...But Steve seems to think I can get you to come back."
(Y/n): "Come back? Come on, Natasha, you know what he's talking about back there is complete crap. Time travel? That's not real."
Natasha: "I know."
(Y/n): "That's not going to save Wanda."
Natasha: "I know!"
The sudden mention of (Y/n)'s other lover caused Natasha to snap, her eyes now wide in anger and annoyance as she turns to the Man without Fear.
Natasha: "I know, (Y/n)! I always know! I've known for the last five years! Because for the last five years Wanda seems to be the only person you think about!"
(Y/n): "Natasha...Don't."
Natasha: "No! I think I will (Y/n)! Because I think you don't realize that Wanda was not the only person we lost!... It wasn't the only thing we lost."
As if a switch had suddenly gone off Natasha immediately dropped any sense of anger, instead replacing it with sadness that quickly spread across her face.
Natasha: "After everything that happened, after we...failed. I-I was broken, (Y/n). I lost everything. Yet..." [Looks at you] "I thought I'd still be able to make it through because I had you. But no. You left..."
(Y/n): "What do you expect me to do, Nat? I loved Wanda--"
Natasha: "But didn't you love me too? I mean, that's what you said, isn't it? That you loved me just as much as her? Yet...When I needed you, you were off somewhere taking out your anger on whatever thug you came across. While you were out there turning the streets red, I was left alone, left to lie there in my broken shell with no one to comfort me."
(Y/n): "Nat, you weren't the only broken person though."
Natasha: "I know. I-I know."
She said as she wiped a tear from her eye and remained as strong as she possibly could as she turned her gaze back to her former lover.
Natasha: "But I needed you, (Y/n). As much as you needed Wanda, I needed you. I needed to know that everything was going to be alright."
(Y/n): "But that's the thing, Nat, everything's not always going to be right. This world we live in, it's a hell. Filled with pain and agony. Darkness only responds to Darkness...That's why I've become what I am."
With his own mentality starting to crumble (Y/n) took this as his opportunity to turn around and walk away, once more leaving Natasha alone, where she did nothing but watch the man she loved vanish into the darkness.
Later that night atop a church in the heart of Hell's Kitchen, the Daredevil sits perched atop an empty church, the dead of the night around him singing its sweet silent song as he takes the opportunity to think over everything that had transpired that day. It just came out of nowhere, there was so much coming (Y/n)'s way that he didn't know what to do. But whenever the inner thoughts of his mind would strike, (Y/n) would often bring himself to the spot he was now.
From up there, he was able to hear everything from all over the city. But for some strange reason, it would also bring him a sense of peace. Like a cool breeze brushing against his face in a hot summer day. As (Y/n) continued to sit there, his back resting against an old cross behind him, he softly turned his head to the side where Hofund could be seen lying down, the former weapon of Heimdall glimmering in the reflection of the moon above.
Not a single word escaped (Y/n)'s sealed lips as he reached for the weapon and pulled it into his grasp. For as Heimdall's weapon touched his fingers, a strange feeling crept through (Y/n)'s body. Enough so that the Man without Fear slowly proceeded to shut his eyes and allowed the voice of the sword to speak out to him. But, of course, this was nothing but a weapon, crafted by the gods, sure, but still...It was an object without a voice, yet it still sung out in a way only (Y/n) could understand.
(Y/n): "...Please, I-I don't know what to do. I just...I just need to know what I should do."
He finally spoke, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he turned his head towards the sharp edges of the sword before him. For a moment nothing happened, but just when (Y/n) was about to return to willow in his own misery, a familiar voice crept out of the shadows.
(???): "Know what you should do? You already know what to do, friend Devil."
Immediately as that familiar voice entered his ears (Y/n)'s eyes burst open and he turned to his left. And though he could not see, he didn't need to see to know who was next to him. The sound of the voice, the smell of battle, and the vibrations of another standing next to him were enough to confirm that the person standing beside him...Was Heimdall.
Heimdall: "You do not need one such as myself to show you the way, (Y/n). For despite your lack of sight, you know well enough what direction you should take."
(Y/n): [Sighs] "Come on, Heimdall. You know what they're saying...Time Travel...It's ridiculous."
Heimdall: "Yet it seems to be the only option you have."
(Y/n): "So what? I just waste my time and go along with this crazy attempt at going back in time? Something that is clearly impossible?!"
Anger and frustration filled (Y/n)'s vocals on a wave no one ever expected to hear. But it failed to strike the spirit of Heimdall even a little. Instead, the Norse god proceeded to sit down on the church roof next to (Y/n) and offered the man without fear a grin.
Heimdall: "The same could be said about you."
That one statement was enough to catch (Y/n) off-guard. Because despite having the ability to sense even the slightest sound miles away, not even (Y/n) could have prepared himself for such a remark. Such a thing only caused (Y/n) to remain silent for a moment as he processed what had been spoken, allowing Heimdall to cast his gaze towards the stars above.
Heimdall: "Take the stars up high for one. Millions upon millions of balls of light, traveling through the night in search of what? Hmm?"
Again, (Y/n) remained silent. Though this time (Y/n) was held back by surprise, but pure lack of an answer. Nonetheless, Heimdall was ready with yet another one.
Heimdall: "They merely allow the pull of the world to take them in whatever direction they need to be taken--" [Turns to you] "And that's what you must allow yourself to do, (Y/n)."
(Y/n): "What? Go on some crazy mission of false hope?"
Heimdall: "But hope, nonetheless. Look, this may be crazy as you claim, but could that be said for the entire world you live in?"
Once more (Y/n) was stumped, as he lowered his head in silence.
Heimdall: "A world where a weak man became a super soldier; a simple scientist becoming the strongest man alive...And a humble boy losing his sight, only to regain so much more. There are many things in this universe that can only be explained as out of the ordinary...Yet they are true."
(Y/n): "But what's if I do this? What if they somehow create time travel? But I only end up going back in time and lose all over once more?"
Heimdall: "Well, that's simple...Don't lose."
(Y/n): [Scoffs] "...How did I know you were going to say that?"
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