《The Man Without Fear [Daredevil Male Reader X MCU]》The Man Without Fear: Civil War
[Hey everyone and welcome back to another chapter of 'The Man Without Fear'. I'm really excited to be back with this book, for those who don't know I was sick last week so I was unable to get this chapter out then, but do not worry! For I have returned with a chapter filled with love and excitement, in an effort to make up for my absence last week. So here we have it, I hope you all enjoy.]
[I also tried to change things up in a way whereas the story can continue, yet it's not the exact same as the movie...so hope you guys find that good.]
[3rd Person POV]
The smell of ashes and smoke resignation with (Y/n)'s nose as his almost lifeless body knelled on the ground below him. Powerful intakes of breath forced their way through (Y/n)'s mouth as blood ran down one side of his cracked Daredevil helmet as an approaching figure shadowed over (Y/n)'s beaten body.
"In time you will know what it's like to lose."
A dark voice spoke from in front of (Y/n) as he slowly lifted his head. He knew that wouldn't help him see the person who had dealt the Avengers such a defeat, and for once...(Y/n) didn't know how to get out of this situation.
"To feel so desperately that you're right, that to fail all the same."
He could feel it, the fear, coursing through his veins. He had gone up against countless villains, gods, robots, kingpins, a clan of ninja's and then gods again, but none of those prepared him for the Mad Titan.
"Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives."
The cries of Wanda filled (Y/n)'s ears as she helplessly watched the love of her life prepare for death. Blood slowly began to quicken from his wounds as the tall figure knelled in front of (Y/n) until his face was inches away from the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
"They call you the man without fear, yet here you are...afraid."
The deep chuckle ran through (Y/n)'s ears before suddenly something stabbed it's way through (Y/n)'s chest before a different type of black void surrounded his body. But just as that happened (Y/n)'s eyes burst opened, fear running rampant through his brain.
(Y/n): "Ah! I-I can't see...I can't see!"
Wanda, who sat next to (Y/n) in the van, now driving it, immediately turned her attention to (Y/n) which caused her to slightly swerve the van onto the opposite side of the road.
(???): "Hey! Watch it will ya?"
A male voice said in the back of the van as Wanda pulled over in an airport parking lot where she immediately turned her full attention to (Y/n).
Wanda: "(Y/n). (Y/n), are you alright? Calm down, okay, just breath."
Though his heart was pumping (Y/n) still found Wanda's voice calming, especially when she began to slowly stroke her hand through his hair. A distant memory of his father doing the same when he first became blind quickly struck his mind, causing a smile to form. With his heartbeat lowering he turned his head in the direct Wanda was and nodded while smiling. Wanda, too, returned this gesture, but did not move, instead enjoying the closeness she currently had with The Man without Fear...Unfortunately they weren't alone in the van.
(???): "Um...I don't know about you guys, but I feel very out of place right now. Could we-and I'm sorry for ruining your moment-but maybe we can rain check this for a later time, I did just wake up in the back of this van after all and my neck is killing me."
Wanda looked into the back of the van and slightly signaled for their 'passenger' to not say that right now, while (Y/n) just groaned. Wanda turned back to (Y/n) who just smiled.
(Y/n): "We best keep moving."
Wanda: "Uh, right...Yeah."
Reluctantly she pulled away from (Y/n), freeing her hand from his hair, and repositioning in her seat before restarting the van and continuing to drive towards the location Cap had given them. A few minutes later they arrived at the 6th level parking garage of the German airport where a blue Volkswagen Beetle which currently held, Steve; Sam; Bucky. The trio proceeded to jump out of their car and approach the van as Wanda parked it, allowing herself and (Y/n) to step out.
Steve: "Glad to see you two could make it in one piece." [Looks at You] "How'd everything with your friend go?"
(Y/n): "Oh, Frank was Frank. Thankfully everything turned out alright, though he did tell me to tell you he's a big fan."
Steve: "Uh, well...That's good to know then?" [Looks to Wanda] "Thanks for coming here."
Wanda: "It's fine. What you're doing is right, besides...whatever side (Y/n) is on automatically gets my vote."
Steve chuckles as (Y/n) just smiles at him, his red tinted glasses reflecting the sun.
Steve: "How about our other recruit?"
(Y/n): "Oh, he's rarin' to go. Had to put something in his coffee to quiet him down, but beside's that...it's all good."
Just then the side to the van slides open and out steps Scott Lang, the Ant-Man blinly rapidly at the bright sun.
Scott: "Uh. Please, if anyone is ever going to drive me anywhere, please don't let it be her."
He points at Wanda, which causes raised eyebrows everywhere.
Wanda: "Hey. I'm not a bad driver, right (Y/n)?"
She turns to her friend hoping for support, but (Y/n) just looks around before somehow knowing exactly where Wanda was looking at and just smiled innocently.
(Y/n): "Oh, I can't help, sorry....I'm blind."
Wanda: [Glares slightly and crosses arms] "Don't play the blind card with me, mister."
Bucky: [Leans over to Sam] "Are like..."
Sam: "Dating? No. But for some reasons hero girls seem to have a thing for the blind guy here."
Steve: "Anyway! Perhaps we should move onto things?"
Scott: [Finally takes notice of Steve and widens his eyes] "Captain America."
Steve: "Mr. Lang."
Scott: "It's an honor." [Begins shaking his hand] "I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America."
Scott looks Steve up and down in pure amazement before turning around to Wanda, to excited to even care about anything else right now.
Scott: "This is Captain America. The Captain America."
Wanda: [Smiles half-heartedly] "Yeah, I noticed."
Scott: "I know you, too. You're...alright."
Wanda's eyes go wide before she turns to (Y/n), who of course is blind so he doesn't notice anything.
Scott: "[Admiring Steve's muscles] "Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so...thinks for thanking of me. [Glances over at Sam] "Hey, man!"
Sam: "What's up, Tic Tac?"
Scott: "Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I..."
Sam: "It was a great audition, but it'll... it'll never happen again."
(Y/n): "Audition? Sam, from what Scott said...You couldn't take out an ant sized man. How did you ever keep up the super hero game after such a defeat?"
(Y/n) smiles as Wanda joins in along with everyone else. Sam, irritated, mutters something under his breath before nudging Bucky next to him who was currently not-so-secretly snickering.
Sam: "Shut up."
Steve: [Smiles] "They tell you what we're up against?"
Scott: "Something about some... psycho-assassins?"
Steve: "We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man... all of you."
He looks over to Wanda and (Y/n), the latter just smiling softly.
(Y/n): "I'm a vigilante in New York, I'm use to being a wanted man, Cap."
Wanda:[ looking at the ground] "And... you already know why I'm here."
Bucky: We should get moving. We got a--"
(Y/n): "Wait."
He stops everyone from speaking by lifting his hand before tilting his head in the direction of the main building for the airport. Everyone looks to (Y/n) who keeps on listening.
Wanda: "What is it?"
(Y/n): "They're evacuating the airport."
Scott: "Wait, how do you know that?"
Sam: "Stark?"
(Y/n): "By the sounds of it."
Scott: "Stark? How is he hearing all this?"
Steve: "Suit up."
Everyone begins disbanding as Scott looks around, drastically looking for answers to his questions, but to no avail. About a minute later while Wanda is getting her outfit out the back of the van, (Y/n) walks over to the boot of the car Steve arrived in.
Steve: "You know, if you're going up against fellow heroes and assassins, you might as well look the part."
He smiles happily as he opens the boot for (Y/n) who proceeds to smile himself as he reaches into the back of the car and freely graze his hand over the rough material that was his Daredevil suit.
(Y/n): "Here I thought I was going to have to go out there in a black mask and ripped suit, but how did you get it?"
Steve: "Thank Sharon for that. She was able to get it for you."
(Y/n): "Well, I definitely will remember to do that."
He proceeds to pull the duffel bag out of the trunk of the car before turning to stand in front of Steve, he just looks over (Y/n)'s shoulder to look at Wanda who's patiently waiting for (Y/n) to be ready to go and change.
Steve: "You two best get along and change, don't know how long until Stark drops in on us."
(Y/n) turns his head around to Wanda who smiles at him before slowly wrapping her arms around his own, not because she liked him or anything, but because she had to direct him to a place where he could change. (Wink...You guys see that? I-I winked, that's because she actually is doing it because she likes him. Ha! I am so original with that and all my jokes.) Wanda proceeded to blush slightly at the close proximity between herself and (Y/n) once more, but (Y/n) just smiled like a total chad as he walked away with quite the attractive lady.
(Y/n), now in his attire, strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper as (Y/n) comes to stop and tilts his head, a smile forming on his face as Tony and Rhodey land in front of him, the former removing his helmet.
Tony: "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Though I'll admit, I was expecting Cap would be out here."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, you know, we were originally thinking that, but then I thought; wait, Tony's a douche, and douche's go for low blows, so you probably have-[thinks]-I don't know...four other guys around here ready fight." [Grows serious] "Best believe Stark, I'll sense any of them before they even step out of their hiding place. So you best warn all your little team to come out now."
Tony remains silent, his ego going down a meter as he reluctantly spoke up.
Tony: "...Everyone come out."
A few seconds later every single member of Tony"s team steps out with Black Panther the first to jump over a truck and land near (Y/n), before being followed by Vision, Natasha and newcomer, Spider-Man. The latter of which lands next to Tony.
Peter: "Mr. Stark, I thought you said I was suppose to wait for the signa-[Notices you]-HOLY SHI..You're the...You're the Daredevil. Man, dude, you are so cool, you like...inspired me to become a hero."
Tony: "Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."
(Y/n): [Smiles at Peter's fanboying.] "Seriously Tony? Kids? Has he even hit puberty yet?"
Tony: [Groans as you grin] "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. So can I borrow your help?"
(Y/n): "The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives."
Tony: "Seriously? Bible verses again?"
(Y/n): "I'll give you something Tony, advice. Walk away, because if any of you try to stop us... I will stop you."
Tony: "Enough of the self belief, (Y/n). You're just a man, and I'm sorry to say this, a weakling compared to any of us."
(Y/n): "I think everyone here, whether religious or not, know's the story of David and Goliath, Tony, and everyone know's the outcome of that story."
Tony: "No God, or whoever you put you faith in, will save you, kid."
(Y/n) tilts his head, whether in aggression, or for being hurt by the words. Meanwhile Rhodey glances over at Natasha, while Peter looks around at everyone, all worried about what could brew from this.
Natasha: [Stern look] "Tony...Don't say something you'll come to regret."
Tony flicks over to Natasha before looking back to (Y/n). He remains hesitant for a moment before finally speaking up; the words he are about to rely will change the course of the future forever.
Tony: "Every word I say today...I will never regret."
Peter: "Uh, Mr. Stark, I think you should listen to Miss Romanoff. I mean, I've seen Daredevil's fights on Youtube and, well, they can get pretty bloody."
Tony: "I can handle bloody."
Peter: "Yeah, but what if he...kills you?"
Tony: [Smiles] "He won't kill me...his God forbids it."
The snarky look grew on Tony's face as he finally found the nerve that struck (Y/n), but (Y/n) still stood tall.
(Y/n): "I don't need to kill you to stop you."
Tony: "In this case, you will. What then...?"
(Y/n) remains silent as his head faces every single person currently surrounding him, but not once does he feel fear, he merely bides his time until finally receiving word from Sam.
Sam: [Through earpiece] "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."
(Y/n): [Looks up and smirks] "Well, would you look at that, times gone by so quickly. Lang?"
Stark: "Who?"
(Y/n): "Oh, what, your big brain didn't even guess to think that I was only distracting you long enough so the rest of my team could get in place? Honestly Tony, without your brain... What then?"
With a return of Tony's own words (Y/n) grins as suddenly out of nowhere Scott, now small, crawls along (Y/n)'s helmet before throwing a minute truck. But while it was still in the air (Y/n) threw a blue dart which Scott gave him, using his enhanced senses to strike the truck before it suddenly grew back to normal size and proceeded to blow up right in front of Rhodey.
Rhodey: "Oh, come on!"
Everyone member of Team Iron Man gets blown back some distance as Scott returns to normal size, his eyes wide from the explosion, obviously not expecting that.
Scott: "Man, I thought that was a water truck. My bad."
(Y/n) just gives Scott a skeptical look as Tony slowly rises from the explosion, immediately scanning the surrounding area.
Tony: "Alright, Maximoff is on the parking deck, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?"
This instantly catches (Y/n) who begins running off after Tony as he flies away. This was probably the fastest (Y/n) had ever ran before, and it was known that he wouldn't be able to keep it up for much longer. Knowing this, however, (Y/n) quickly jumped from box to box before landing on the roof of a truck and jumping through the air and grabbing onto Tony's shoulders, gripping onto his armor tightly as he began getting dragging around.
Tony: "Get off, (Y/n)."
(Y/n): [Struggles to speak] "N-Not a chance."
Tony: "...I warned you. F.R.I.D.A.Y. engage defensive maneuvers."
Now, when you hear something like 'engage defensive maneuvers' from someone like Tony you'd probably think of something showy, instead he was merely pulling an Anakin and proceeded to repeatedly spin at extra speeds forcing (Y/n) to eventually drop off and roll along the ground. But he was eventually stopped by Wanda who quickly rushed to (Y/n)'s side and helped him to his feet.
Tony: [Hovering above the ground.] "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings."
Wanda: "You locked me in my room."
Tony: "Okay. First, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you."
(Y/n): "Protect her? Tony, you made her think people are scared of her...How's that protecting?"
Tony: "Clearly your teenage, hormone fueled, mind is to focused on your attraction for Wanda to realize anything sane right now, (Y/n). So get back to me when you get a few brain cells."
(Y/n) grinds his teeth together before suddenly throwing his Billy club at Tony, however, in a surprised moment, (Y/n) misses his shot.
Tony: "You missed? First time for everything, I guess."
(Y/n): [Grins] "Did I?"
Suddenly (Y/n) Billy club ricochets off a pole and slams into the back of Tony's head. He turns around and looks at the piece of metal on the ground, amused at how little damage it actually did. He turns back to (Y/n) and Wanda and is about to continue speaking when suddenly a car slams past Tony. He looks up as dozens more come crashing down. Wanda flows her glowing hands through the air until Iron Man is buried under a pile of cars.
FRIDAY: "Multiple contusions detected."
Tony: "Yeah, I detected that too."
As Tony struggles to move (Y/n) grabs at his rib, the impact from hitting the ground now playing it's affections on the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. The two proceeded to rush off towards the Quinjet, all the while around them countless other fights were taking place.
The two groups face off, each marked off against their opposite. While (Y/n) stood across from T'Challa he looked to his left to see that Nat and Wanda were facing off as well, both clearly not in a good mood as they glared at one another. (Y/n) could only guess what was about to happen.
Vision: "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."
(Y/n): "We seriously about to fight this out?"
Steve: "We have too."
Natasha: "This is gonna end well.
The two teams stride towards each other with grim determination etched on their faces.
Peter: "They're not stopping."
Tony: "Neither are we."
Everyone breaks into a sprint as the fight begins. (Y/n) launches into the air and begins exchanging punches with T'Challa as the pair stand evenly matched. Around (Y/n), Steve blocks a punch as Iron Man lands. Bucky fires bullets at Vision. War Machine flies after Falcon. Natasha sprints at Wanda and lands a punch, she goes to apply another one but is stopped by Wanda blocking the attack with her powers.
Wanda: "You just keep getting in the way."
Natasha: "You took my boyfriend from me."
Wanda: "He left himself."
Natasha growls and further brawls with Wanda. Back with (Y/n) he could be seen getting thrown into the side of an airport travel car, denting the vehicle as he grumbles on the ground as T'Challa approaches him.
T'Challa: "Why do you keep getting in my way?"
(Y/n): "Because...You're after the wrong man."
T'Challa: "Liar!"
T'Challa launches forward and scratches (Y/n)'s suit twice in the chest. Sparks go flying at the contact as Daredevil's back pushes up against a truck. T'Challa goes to punch (Y/n) in the face but narrowly dodges, but that was the only thing going his way currently as T'Challa grabbed (Y/n)'s helmet and proceeded to repeatedly slam the Devil of Hell's Kitchen into the side of the truck before doing the same but into the front windscreen of the car opposite them. (Y/n) groans as he staggers off the car and rolls to the ground. As he lifts to his knee's he feels his lip as the cool sensation of blood runs along the tip of his gloved fingers, but to T'Challa's surprise he doesn't phased by the pain, instead the Devil smiles.
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