《The Man Without Fear [Daredevil Male Reader X MCU]》The Man Without Fear: Age of Ultron
[Hey everyone and welcome back to another chapter of 'The Man Without Fear, and let me just say how grateful and happy I am to see this book going well. You guys seem to enjoy it and that's really cool. So I hope to continue that trend with this chapter, and what better way to find out if you liked it... then writing it. So without further ado, I give you today's chapter.]
[3rd Person POV]
Groans and grunts were the only thing to be heard coming from (Y/n)'s mouth as he struggled to hang onto the back of the moving truck. It also didn't help that Ultron decided to blast the door he was currently hanging onto, causing the door to swing to the side and slam (Y/n) in the side of the tray that was attached to the truck. Thankfully with enough upper body strength (Y/n) was able to push against the gravity that followed with the door and swung back towards the entrance of the tray where the piece of flimsy medal was once again met with a red seismic blast from Ultron, causing (Y/n) to jump into the air before coming crashing down on the broken door frame scrapping against the ground.
(Y/n): "Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep him that way."
Clint: "You're no match for him, (Y/n)."
Nat: "As much as I hate to admit it, (Y/n), Clint's right. Maybe you should pull back."
(Y/n): [Snickers] "Ye of little faith."
As (Y/n) struggles to remain on the door-frame, Ultron could be seen unplugging himself from the Cradle once more, the percent stopping at 86%. As (Y/n) finally gets some upper footing he goes to enter the back of the truck only for Ultron to greet him with a seismic blast sending the Daredevil backwards and smashing into the front mirror of a car behind him. The car doesn't stop however, instead, it continues to move at a gradual pace allowing (Y/n) to jump from the car to a green van opposite it. With enough support he's able to swing off the side mirror and onto the roof of the lab truck where Ultron hovers to a stop in front of him. The two having a stand-off on the roof of the moving vehicle.
Ultron: [He sends a blast towards (Y/n), who blocks it with his Billy clubs]"The power to make real change."
(Y/n): "You know who you remind me of, Cain."
Ultron: "Ah, yes, the Bible's first murderer. Now, how exactly do I remind you of him?"
(Y/n): "Cain wasn't happy when God favored his brother's offering over his. Even after being rebuked by God, Cain let his jealousy take over, killed Abel and then lied to God about it. I believe you are the same. You wish to 'help' humanity, but I think you're jealous of the good we have already done. You have been rebuked by humanity and now you kill, and lie about it. Saying it is for the better."
Ultron: [Chuckles]
(Y/n): "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalms 23:4."
A small smile forms on (Y/n)'s lips before suddenly throwing a Billy club directly at Ultron. With a quick combo of attacks Ultron takes to the air, shooting (Y/n) but always missing as he easily uses his super senses to avoid and deflect the blasts from the superior robot. After throwing another Billy club (Y/n) jumps into the air and kicks it back into the chest of Ultron after the robot knocks it back towards (Y/n). It didn't do much, but it was enough for (Y/n) to get a direct hit on the person who wishes to destroy the world.
Ultron: "Stop it."
As one of his Billy clubs roll down the street (Y/n) is distracted enough that Ultron gets a clear shot on Daredevil, sending him tumbling down the front of the truck, narrowly avoiding going under, but barely grabs onto the roof. But he doesn't even get a second to rest as his senses immediately pick up the movement of a robot fist inches away from crashing through the front mirror of the truck. This ended up forcing (Y/n) to spin around the side of the truck in a hurry, all the while Natasha drops out of the Quinjet on a motorcycle. Along the way to arriving at (Y/n)'s location, she spots his Billy Club rolling along the ground.
Nat: [Sighs] "What do I tell you boys about cleaning up your toys?"
She mutters before leaning to the side and continuing on her way to (Y/n)'s current location.
Clint: "Their heading under the overpass. I don't have a shot."
Nat: "Which way?"
Clint: "Hard right... Now."
Taking that hard right Natasha goes down a narrow alleyway to arrive at (Y/n) much sooner, and sooner the better. As currently the Daredevil was hanging off the back of Ultron, the robot being held in some sort of choke hold. Eventually Ultron maneuvers enough that he is able to grasp (Y/n) by the neck and hold him over the edge of the truck, thankfully Natasha arrives just in time and throws up (Y/n)'s Billy club, allowing the man without fear to stab Ultron in the neck and kick to the roof of the tray. As he lies their he tries blasting Nat with a seismic blast but she stops her motorcycle in time forcing herself to travel behind the truck where she's clearly on target for the robots in the back to open fire on her.
As she takes a detour up a flight of stares, (Y/n) is once again knocked off the roof of the truck and into the front scree mirror of an upcoming car. But instead of letting (Y/n) go free this time Ultron instead uses his vast abilities to lift up a piece of the road, turning the car (Y/n) was on, over and, thanks to his senses, narrowly avoided getting hit by another flying above him. But not one to be undone he continues to give chase before jumping back onto the roof of the truck where the fight resumes.
As (Y/n) and Ultron return to their fist fight, Natasha is now driving along an empty side walk to the side of the fight scene.
Nat: "Clint, can you draw out the guards?"
Clint: "Let's find out."
Just as he says that Clint comes flying around the corner and immediately opens fire on Ultron using the Quinjet's weapon systems. This works according to plan, the robots guarding the Cradle take off from the interior of the truck and go after Clint in the Quinjet. Elsewhere in the city a small TV on a market stall showcases the current video of (Y/n) fighting Ultron. Both Wanda and Pietro stop and turn to one another when they see this, turning back in the direction of where the fight was currently happening.
As for (Y/n) and Ultron, the two continue to brute it out before the former is able to get a good enough shot that he sends Ultron crashing into a nearby pillar. But with a new feeling of rage Ultron charges back at (Y/n) and spear tackles him off the roof of the truck and sends the both of them smashing through the side of an ongoing train across from them. The sound of people screaming quickly alert (Y/n) that there are people on board, he also gets the sense that the two robots following after Clint were now returning to their creator.
Clint: "Their coming back your way. So whatever you're gonna do (Y/n), do it now."
(Y/n): "Yeah, I know."
Lifting his gaze (Y/n) raises his Billy clubs as all the people currently in the cart (Y/n) was in stood behind the Daredevil for protection. Him being the only thing protecting them from Ultron, and he wasn't going to pull any punches this time. Throwing both Billy clubs at Ultron only proves to irritate the machine who darts at (Y/n), but he narrowly jumps over Ultron and landing behind him. But this proved all a part of Ultron's plan, because as soon as (Y/n)'s feet hit the ground he was blasted straight to the chest, sending him falling to the ground.
Nat: "(Y/n), I'm going to get the Cradle. can you keep him occupied?"
(Y/n): [Panting] "What do you think I've been doing?"
Nat: "You're doing a great job, babe. I love you."
(Y/n): "U-Uh, um... Yeah, y-you too."
Quickly jumping back to his feet, hoping to avoid the conversation with Natasha, (Y/n) returns to 'occupying' Ultron as Nat jumps into the back of the truck just as her bike crashes seconds later. Getting to her feet Natasha looks at the body beginning to grow inside of the Cradle strangely, but she caught do so for much longer as the two guards return and attach onto each side of the tray, slowly lifting it into the air. This causes Natasha to stumble backwards as she fails to override the Cradle on the first attempt.
Clint: "Okay, package is air born. I have a clean shot."
Nat: "Negative. I'm still in the trunk."
Clint: "What the hell are you..."
Nat: "Just be ready. I'm sending the package to you."
Clint: "How do you want me to do it?"
Nat: "You may have wished you hadn't had asked that."
Back on the train (Y/n) is seen holding Ultron off narrowly, using his Billy clubs as shields, but they soon give way allowing Ultron access at punching (Y/n) in the rib.
Ultron: "I'm surprised. For a man who can see things with his ears, I thought you would have seen this coming."
daredevil was about to respond when suddenly something catches (Y/n)'s senses and he smirks, looking up at Ultron who stops the onslaught of attacks and raises a metallic eyebrow.
Ultron: "What is it?"
(Y/n): "You didn't see this coming."
Suddenly however a blue blur comes out of nowhere and knocks Ultron off (Y/n). As the blur comes to a stop to reveal Pietro, Ultron goes to approach the male Sokovian, but is stopped when two pieces of metal reached out from the inside of the cart and blocks his path, red chaotic energy forming around them. (Y/n) looks up in a hurry at Wanda, as Ultron looks upon her with regret.
Ultron: "Please, don't do this."
Wanda: "What choice do we have?"
Ultron says nothing and goes to blast a distracted Pietro, who narrowly dodges it but not the driver of the train. Ultron proceeds to smash the door open and flies away as (Y/n) leaps into action, running passed both Wanda and Pietro when they try to talk to him, (Y/n)'s focus set on the driver of the train.
(Y/n): "I lost him! He's headed your way!"
The sound of an alarm blares throughout the train as (Y/n) checks on the unconscious driver. Slightly tilting his head to the side (Y/n) senses the end of the railtracks fastly approaching.
Clint: "Nat, we gotta go."
Nat doesn't respond, instead she slices the final restraint holding the Cradle in place and places a explosive onto the wall of the truck before jumping onto the Cradle and sliding out of the back of the truck, falling through the air before just landing in the hanger bay of the Quinjet. But before she gets completely in she grabbed by the ankle by Ultron who pulls her out of the Quinjet just as the truck explodes behind her. Clint calls her name but gets no response. Meanwhile back with (Y/n) the train slams off the rails and continues to race along the rough concrete ground below.
Clint: "Cap, do you have eyes on Nat?"
Elsewhere Cap can be seen standing atop a building.
Steve: "if you have the package, get it to Stark."
Clint: "Cap, do you have eyes on Nat?!"
Cap: "Go!"
Grunting and slamming his fists on the dashboard Clint obeys his orders and takes off for Tony. Meanwhile with (Y/n) he's breathing heavily but turns to the twins who look at him silently.
(Y/n): "If you guys want to make a difference, I suggest doing it now." [To Pietro] "Civilians in our path, clear them."
Pietro nods and goes off to do exactly that, leaving Wanda alone with (Y/n). He doesn't face her eyes but does face his left ear in her direction.
(Y/n): "Can you stop this thing?"
Wanda doesn't anything before suddenly the train goes crashing through a wall, (Y/n) getting struck by a burst of rubble sending him flying backwards. Wanda looks in distress at him but instead focuses on stopping the train. Aiming her hands towards the bottom of the train a wave of chaotic energy forms around her hands before forming around the wheels, working as a break of sorts. It proved successful enough that the train came to a slow stop in the middle of the street. (Y/n) was panting heavily as he leaned against the wall of the stopped train as the passengers rushed outside while Wanda rushes outside to a tired Pietro.
Pietro: "I'm fine. I just need a minute."
(Y/n): "I'm very tempted to not give you one."
(Y/n) says as he steps off the train and approaches the twins.
Wanda: "Clint, did we get the Cradle?"
(Y/n): "Tony will take care of it."
A sudden raise in Wanda's heartbeat alters (Y/n).
(Y/n): "But you don't want that to happen, do you?"
Wanda: "Stark will not take care of it."
(Y/n): "You don't know what you're talking about. Tony's not crazy."
Wanda: "He will do anything to make things right."
He doesn't respond straight away, instead he merely leans at Wanda before turning away and tries to contact Tony.
(Y/n): "Tony, come in. Tony?.. Anyone on comms?"
Cap: "...I am."
(Y/n): [Sighs] "Cap, I may need you to get down here."
Wanda: "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"
(Y/n) slowly tilts his head in Wanda's direction.
Wanda: "Listen, I know you hate me and you--"
(Y/n): "I don't hate you."
Wanda: "Really?"
Pietro: "Yeah, because we've done some messed up stuff."
Wanda: "...What my brother is trying to say is, we know we have done wrong, and we want to ask for you to forgive us."
(Y/n): "Why do you think I'll forgive you?"
Wanda: [Slowly approaches you] "Because, I heard you and Ultron talk about God. You seem like a spiritual man, you have to forgive, right?"
(Y/n): "...*Sighs*...Sometimes I wish I didn't."
Slowly (Y/n) rubs the forehead of his mask before taking a deep breath and pulling it off, finally revealing his true identity to the twins.
(Y/n): "Do you want to truly make amends for what you have done?"
Wanda: "Ye-"
(Y/n): "And don't lie. Because I can tell."
Wanda and Pietro look to each other before the latter nods at his sister who turns her attention back to (Y/n).
Wanda: "Yes. We never realized what Ultron' true intentions were, but that's not an excuse. You were right, we left our rage towards Tony Stark get out of control and innocent people died because of us. We want to try and... reclaim some humanity, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could see it in your heart to forgive us."
He continues to pant but doesn't respond just yet, instead he turns to glance down at Pietro.
(Y/n): "That go for you too?"
Pietro: [Stares blankly at you] "...I'm sorry, but I don't think I can take you seriously--"
Wanda: "Pietro!"
Pietro snaps towards Wanda to see actual anger in her eyes which were addressed to him, she had never been angry like this to him ever before. He knew that this was a serious matter.
Pietro: "I'm... I'm sorry as well."
(Y/n): "...Good. Now, don't expect me to trust you completely, I'm stepping out in a great immense of faith to let alone allow you to help us, so please... Don't make me regret this."
Wanda gently smiles at (Y/n), glad he can't see the small blush on her face. [But he can] Unfortunately Pietro did, and he proceeded to get to his feet and grin at his sister playfully.
Pietro: "Well, I'm going to leave you two to get a little more acquainted. Call me when our rides here." [Whispers to Wanda] "You're really into red, huh?"
Wanda proceeds to whack Pietro who chuckles as he walks away leaving her alone with with (Y/n). The two remain in silence momentarily, Wanda blushing even more now, until (Y/n) chuckles a little, deciding to loosen up a little on Wanda.
(Y/n): "it must be nice, to have a brother."
Wanda: "Oh, uh, sometimes... Other times he can be hell on earth."
(Y/n) chuckles at this slightly. Whether if it was to do with his religious beliefs or otherwise was unknown, but what was known was that Wanda really liked that (Y/n) was laughing, and she didn't necessarily hate the cute expression his face made when he laughed. Upon realizing that her eyes widen and she shakes her head rapidly, hoping to clear her mind of such thoughts.
Wanda: [Thoughts] "Seriously, Wanda? You've done so much to this guy, and he's only forgiven you 2 minutes ago, and you're already checking how hot-cute! How... cute he is-Argh! Forget it!" [Out loud] "Um... Do you have any brothers? I-I mean, I know what you said about your dad, a-and I understand if you want to not mention-Auh. I'll just shut up now."
(Y/n): [Smiles] "It's fine. Um, no. I'm an only child, probably best that way. I don't think a single dad like my own could have looked after two kids."
Wanda: "Well, what about your mum?"
(Y/n): "Uh, she... She left after I was born. I-I don't know where she is."
Immediately Wanda covered her mouth in sadness, and the realization that perhaps out of everyone beside her own brother, (Y/n) was the only person that could actually relate to her.
Wanda: "I'm, uh... I'm sorry to hear that."
(Y/n): "It's fine. Everything's worked ou-Wait. Oh, Cap's here."
Wanda was confused. No sign of Captain America or a Quinjet could be seen anywhere. But sure enough, 20 seconds later a Quinjet proceeded to land in front of the pair, the door opening to reveal Steve who approached (Y/n). He glanced at Wanda and Pietro before turning to (Y/n) with a serious look.
Steve: "(Y/n), I'm sorry. But... Ultron has Nat."
No words are able to escape (Y/n)'s mouth as looks in Steve's direction in horror. Without a word (Y/n) approaches Steve and clenches his fist. Cap already knew what was coming his way, and but he didn't bother to block (Y/n)'s punch as it collided with his cheek. Both Wanda and Pietro glance at one another before turning to (Y/n) who begins walking away.
Steve: "(Y/n)."
(Y/n): "I'm going to find Nat."
Steve: "(Y/n)! I didn't want to abandon her, but we had no choice, we couldn't let Ultron capture the Cradle."
(Y/n): [Stops and looks back at Steve] "So, what? We leave people behind now?"
Steve: "We will never do that. We'll be back for Natasha, she know's this... You need to understand this as well."
Wanda: "(Y/n), you know what I said was true, we cannot let Stark awake whatever is inside of that machine, and we can't do it without you."
Tilting his head towards Wanda (Y/n) closed his eyes and sighed, knowing that what she was saying was true. He knew that Nat could handle herself, but that still made it hard to hold the idea that she was currently in the clutches of Ultron.
(Y/n): "...Fine."
Nothing else escaped the lips of the Daredevil for the rest of the flight home to New York. He quietly sat in the corner of the ship muttering to himself with his head lowered, Wanda presumed he was praying, though she felt a slight pain when she remembered who he was praying for.
-An Hour and a Half later- -Avengers Tower-
The trio of Tony, Bruce, and Clint could be seen busy at work uploading the AI of JARVIS into the Cradle, hoping to finish off the download and creature a new hero to take out Ultron.
Tony: "This framework isn't compatible."
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