《affection - quackityhq》three


-your pov-

i let a small yet noticeable red blush grace over my cheeks as soon as i heard alex call me "precious."

i walked over and sat down on the bed and looked at him. "you know, we have like a couple hours until check-in, right?" he told me. i totally forgot and told us she was gonna take a nap. "yeah, i know," i lied, "what do you wanna do till then?" i asked him as i let a small smile tug at my lips, my eyes locking with his as he looked back to me.

"well we can watch a movie or something, just to pass the time. or we can play a game like twenty question?" he suggested.

"both of those sound like really good ideas, but i think the twenty questions is a better option." i told the boy next to me. he nodded and laid down on the bed, patting the spot next to him as i got up to lay down next to him. we both turned on our sides to face each other, locking gazes once again. i couldn't help the light red blush spreading across my face as i looked into his eyes, a moment like this was always something that I've dreamt of.

"you first, y/n." he said, his voice soft and quiet as he spoke to me.

"hmm, well," i thought for a moment, "what was your first impression of me?" i asked.

-alexs pov-

"what was your first impression of me?" y/n asked.

my first thought was to tell her i thought she was gorgeous, even prettier than how i pictured her from ani's description.

but thats not what i said.

"well i liked how you dress, and how you spoke. i also thought you were kinda cute." i told her, not breaking eye contact with her as i spoke with her. i noticed her little blush growing into a brighter, more vibrant shade of red, which only made me smile.


"now reverse uno card," i said with a small laugh, "your first impression of me." i said, flipping the question onto her, curious to see what she'd say.

"well, alex. I've already seen your videos before, and if I'm being honest, i think you're pretty cute. not only that though, theres a lot of other things about you i like too. but i think that all kinda intensified after i met you in person, like, an hour or two ago." she said with a little giggle.

i felt my face heat up as i heard her words, letting a little "aw." escape from my lips as i heard what she said. "you made my first impression sound so lame. thats not fair." i said and laughed softly, continuing to gaze into her eyes.

-time skip to a bit after-

y/n and i continued to share laughs and experiences, asking each other questions and getting to know each other better. in all honesty, i don't even know how she exists, she's like the girl of my dreams.

"no, you can't say that about me! thats so mean, alex!" she told me as our laughs combined and filled the air. i heard my phone go off a couple times, reaching over for it as i wiped my eyes of my tears of laughter and calmed down. i sat up and adjusted my beanie, "hey, y/n, you ready to go?" i asked her, looking over at her as she laid down beside me. "yeah, I'm ready. am i gonna be like, walking around with you guys?" she asked me, biting down at her lip. "well, i mean yeah. who else are you gonna walk around with?" i asked her, smiling at her.

we both got up, and i waited at the door for her as she fixed her hair and sprayed some body spray on herself, smelling the sweet scent in the air as she did so.


- your pov -

I've been having the best time so far with alex, i didnt really ever think there was a possibility of us ever even becoming friends.

we both walked out of the room, him opening the door for me as we did so. we walked over to the elevators as we saw the rest of the group waiting for us.

"oh, guys, this is y/n, i didnt introduce her to you guys yet." ani said with a smile as alex and i approached the rest of them.

"hey, everyone." i said with a smile as they all smiled and we exchanged hellos. "is everyone ready?" ani asked. she was like the mom friend , always checking up on everybody and keeping people together whenever things got out of hand.

everybody nodded and scrambled to fit into the elevator. "help, I'm gonna get squished!" i laughed as i was almost trampled on as i tried to find a place to fit in the elevator amongst everyone else.

"here, theres space next to me, y/n." alex said as he reached out his hand for me to take.

i took his hand, feeling his soft skin against mine.

i held onto it and managed to squeeze in next to him, giggling softly.

"thank you." i looked up to him and mouthed.

"its no problem, hermosa." he mouthed back.

"what?" i mouthed back, not being able to understand the last part of his sentence.

"nothing." he mouthed and shook his head, disregarding what he said.

i nodded and let go of his hand, biting at my lip nervously as we stood in the elevator.

"you know, its a wonder how we all managed to fit in here without this elevator fucking falling into the floor." aksel commented, which made us all laugh.

i was close to alex since we were all bunched up, so i rested my head against his arm as we waited for the elevator to finally come to a stop.

once the elevator stopped, we all flooded out and made our way over to the convention center, which wasn't that long of a walk. i made sure to stay close to alex to save myself from getting lost.

"mind if i kinda stay with you? i don't wanna get lost." i asked, looking up at him with a smile.

"not at all. id probably be scared too. you'll be alright though, we're gonna have fun!" he said with a little laugh, only making me smile more.

"come on, we need to catch up with everyone else." he told me as he took my hand in his again.

i immediately felt the same butterflies as the first time i took his hand.

he intertwined our fingers and guided me over to the rest of the group as i followed him aimlessly, only being able to focus on how he held my hand.


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