《Affection》Chapter 20
Sage POV
It's been a week since Bee's mom was found dead at Bailey's party and it's still the talk of the town.
I still can't believe I missed it
Yeh, coz u were too busy upstairs fuckin' Angel
Kay's just jealous bcoz she ain't fuckin' anyone
For your information, I actually am...
But they never last long
WHAT?!!!! My own twin keeping things from me. I need deets!!
But not now, I'm with A and he needs to recover b4 we go another round.
Sage, how are things with you and Kree? His face was foul when I just saw him.
I'm still irritated with him. We've been texting but we haven't really resolved anything from last week. He called me his girl, uno as in girlfriend.
The girls all reply to my message at the same time.
Kayla: WHAT?
Kerrys: WTF?!!
Theia: Don't know why you're so surprised at that
Use are constantly eye-fuckin' each other
Are we?
Anyway, do you think I should come round Ker?
Pls do. He's ruining the mood
Okay. On my way!
When has the mood ever stopped you Ker?
True. I'll tell him you're coming over
Brb, just eating a hotdog.
An actual hotdog?
Typical Theia. Leaving her on read, I get ready and rush downstairs. 'Bye mom, I'm going out.'
'Hold on just a minute honey.' She stops me before I leave.
'Is everything okay?' I ask.
'Yeah. I just noticed you haven't been spending much time with Kree this week and you've been a bit... wound up.' Is this going the way I think it is? Not knowing how to respond to that, she carries on. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm the same when your father and I haven't-' Yep. It's going that way.
'Mom, mom. Kree's just been busy.' I lie. 'It's got nothing to do with whatever you think it has to do with.'
'Right.' She blushes. 'Well, if and when you feel like you're at that stage, I hope you know you can come and talk to me, about anything.' This talk needs to end. 'Never feel pressured into doing something you don't want to do.' If only she knew. 'You hold all the cards.' She's still talking.
'Mom, I get it. I am the prize, the cherry on top, blah blah blah, don't feel rushed. I've had this talk in sex ed at school.' And I never want to experience the talk again.
'Oh, good.' She seems relieved. 'There are a lot of diseases out there: Hep A, Hep B, herpes, crabs, gonorrhoea-' And she goes on and on listing infections. For what reason I don't know. 'Just to let you know.' By the end of her speech, I want the ground to swallow me up whole.
'Thank you for that mom. Please do me a favour?' I ask, still disturbed.
'Anything, my love.' She questions.
'Let's never have this talk again.' I plead.
'Sounds great. Have fun with Kree, dear.' She says with a smile on her face, which uneases me, like she knows what I'm going to do.
I knock on his door and Kerrys answers straight away. 'Sage, what a surprise to see you here. Come in.' She says quite loudly, looking back as if she hasn't told Kree I was coming over.
'You didn't tell him, did you? I whisper to her.
'Nope.' She smiles. I am going to kill her.
'Why is your girl shoutin-' Kree stops and looks at me standing in the living room.
'Babe, I think I need to show you something,' Kerrys says to Angel, already heading up the stairs.
'What?' He mumbles, engrossed in whatever is on the TV.
'Something.' She responds.
'Show me here.' His eyes never leaving the tv.
'Upstairs!' She grits out.
'What is it?' He huffs out, annoyed he's being interrupted.
'MY BODY, ANGEL!' She shouts.
Angel jumps over the couch and runs up the stairs after her and I hear Kerrys' giggling all the way until the bedroom door slams shut.
We're stood staring at each other when I decide to break the silence. 'Hey.'
'Hi,' He says.
'So we-'
'How have you-'
'You first.' He says.
'So we should talk. Like properly talking.' I say.
'Yeah, we should.' He replies.
We both sit down on opposite sides the couch.
'I may have overreacted the other night. But in my defence, you lied and said you weren't going to Bailey's party and then you called me your girl and then the end of the night happened, with Bee's mom and blood everywhere-' I ramble on. 'I'm just confused as to where we are.' I finish.
He takes a moment before replying. 'I meant what I said at the party. You're my girl. I don't share.' He glares at me, like I'm in the wrong.
'Okay.' I narrow my eyes at him.
He blinks at me, shocked.
'What? Were you expecting me to argue back?' I ask.
He shakes his head. 'Well-yeah. That's what you normally do.' I go to argue but he moves down to where I'm sat and pulls me down to lay on his chest. 'You look beautiful. And you looked beautiful the other night at Bailey's party.' I snuggle into him, knowing that he knows it's a thank you. 'I've missed you.'
'I've missed you too.' I breathe out, pressing my face into his neck.
Its been two weeks since Kree and I made it official and might I say I'm completely ecstatic about it. We've been hanging out mostly at his because whenever we are at my house, my dad keeps giving Kree these weird looks. Anyway, we're all sat in Kree and Angel's living room talking about my birthday plans.
'So, are we having a party at yours, seeing as your parents aren't gonna be there for your birthday, which I think is weird by the way,' Theia says, as she sits down with a slice of pizza.
'It's fine, they have an important conference they can't miss. Plus, they gave me my birthday present early.' I say, as I snuggle up close to Kree.
'Oooo, what is it?' Kayla asks as she finally takes her attention away from the tv.
I sit forward and hold out my wrist, showing the girls my gift.
'Is that what I think it is?' Theia asks, with her mouth full of the pizza she just bit into.
'It is, OMG! That's Cartier babe. Four diamonds, yellow gold bracelet.' The twins say at the same time, both of them leaning forward.
'Yep, I screamed when they gave it to me, so you know it doesn't really bother me that they have to leave.' I say, as I bring my body back to Kree.
'It's nice babe.' Kree says as he puts his arm back around me.
'Yeah nice.' Angel says uninterested. 'Babe, how good do I have to be for you to get me something nice like that.' Angel ask as he puts his hand on Kerrys's thigh and gives it a squeeze making Kerrys smile.
'To be honest baby, I prefer you to be bad that way I can punish you.' Kerrys answers, failing to whisper, as she gets closer to Angel.
'Bad huh?' Angel wiggles his eyebrows, moving in closer to Kerrys.
"Yeah. Real bad.' Kerrys says as Angel grabs her face with his hand and smashes his lips on hers.
'Oh, good God, seriously? It's not just you two in the room you know.' Kayla rolls her eyes.
'Come on bro, we'd all still like to have the ability to see.' Kree says as he tries to shield my eyes from the sight. I can't help but laugh into his chest.
'Sorry we're late, Theia and Luca forgot their socks for bowling so we had to go back.' I say as I grab my jacket out of the car.
'It's fine, Kree and Angel already went inside to sort out the shoes and the lanes.' Kayla says as she walks up and links arms with me.
'Kerrys, are you ready to get your ass beat?' Theia smugly asks, as she and Luca walk hand in hand. Well then.
'Bitch please! I wiped the floor with you last time and I will again this time.' Kerrys snaps back.
'Not this time I have my lucky charm.' Theia says as she sits down at the table and leans her head on Luca.
'Luca... he's your luck charm.' Kerrys says as she puts her bowling shoes on.
'Yeah I use to bowl a lot with my dad before he died.' Luca say as he stands up to get one of the balls.
The group goes silent. 'Shit sorry man.. you about your dad.' Kree says as he takes a sip of his drink.
'How long ago?' Angel asks as he fidgets closer to Kerrys.
'It's fine and its been about four years now.' Luca says as he gets ready to bowl.
'Alright, enough sad talk. It's time to bowl.' Luca says as he flings the ball down the lane which resulted in a strike. We all just stare at him in shock, besides Theia of course. She just sits there and claps with a sort of evil smirk on her face.
'You ready to get beat?' I look back at Kree.
'Not a chance.' He says.
'I can't believe you lost.' I tease him as we give our bowling shoes back to the attendant and swap them for our own.
'I must have been having a bad day.' He shrugs.
'Bro, some day you're having. You're the king of bowling. Is everything alright?' Angel asks.
Kree glares at him, causing Angel to smirk and walk off.
'You let me win.' I point out.
'And Why would I do that?' He doesn't deny.
'Because I was terrible in the beginning and somehow managed to turn it around.' I say. 'You did see me nearly run that woman down with my loose ball?' I chuckle.
'Must be birthday luck.' He smiles, putting his arm around me.
'Well, thank you.' I say, even though he won't admit to it. 'I've had such a great time with everyone.' I put my arm around his waist. 'With you.' I add.
'Good. I'm glad.' He kisses my temple, as we make our way outside to catch up with the others.
'Thanks for today guys. I've had the best time.' I say to everyone in the parking lot.
'It was our pleasure birthday girl. Hope you like your presents.' Kerrys gestures to the gift bags I'm holding. Soon, I'm pulled into our regular birthday group hug we do whenever it's someone's birthday.
'Have you had a look inside the gift bags yet?' Kerrys whispers.
'No. I was gonna look through them all when I got home.' I raise a brow at her.
'Well, amongst other things, I've add some condoms into the present from me.' I lean back and look into the pink gift. There's at least ten condoms in here.
'They're flavoured too.' She winks.
'I've put a bottle of lube in my gift to you.' Theia says nonchalantly.
'Could use be any more predictable.' Kayla rolls her eyes. 'My gift is a green lace underwear set. Wear that and he'll die.'
'Guys, what the hell? Why would you get me this stuff? I'm not planning on doing anything tonight. He's going home.' I rush out in hushed tones, looking over my shoulder to make sure Kree can't hear me. 'And also Kayla, GREEN? Who gets green?!!!.'
'Trust me, it's sexy.' Kayla says.
'You have a free house.' Kerrys states.
'Yeah, but-'
'And you want to right? Invite him over?' Kerrys asks.
'Yes.' I reply.
'So, what better way to spend time with your man than home alone with no distractions.' The girls nod. Kerrys continues. 'Look, we're not saying you have to do anything now, but we bought you this stuff because you're happy and in love and we want you to be prepared.'
'I'm not in love-' I start but Kayla cuts me off.
'You can deny it all you want but we're your friends and can see it. Whether it's tonight, tomorrow or another time, we just wanted you to know we've got you.'
If I'm honest, I've been thinking about going all the way with Kree but have been so nervous to tell the girls. So, I'm glad they can see right through me.
'Guys, I really want to.' I finally admit out loud.
Kerrys squeals. 'Okay, so invite him over, shave if you can, but most guys don't mind as long as they're getting the kitty. Dim the lights. You know how to put the condom on right? 'She rambles, 'It's like how we did it on the cucumber in sex ed but bigger, or smaller if you're unlucky. Although Angel is big so I'm assuming it runs in the family.' She finishes.
'We get it.' Kayla and I say.
'Thanks girls, use are the best.' I hug the twins once more before Theia calls over Luca and we start walking towards her car.
'I think I'm gonna ask him now.' I say to Theia. 'Otherwise I'll chicken out if I get in the car and go home with you.'
'Okay.' She stops me, puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me dead in the eye. 'Don't feel pressured to do something you don't want to do. If it happens, great. If it doesn't, that's fine too.'
'Wow. I wasn't expecting serious Theia.' I chuckle. 'I thought you'd tell me to jump his bones or something.
'Yeah well, serious Theia comes out every now and then. And as much as I would love to hear about you jumping his bones tonight, you're piece of mind is important to me. Also, I'll kill him if he hurts you. After I've had something to eat of course.'
'There's my girl.' I smile, hugging her as she walks off to the car with Luca arm in arm. I must remember to ask her about him.
I walk towards Kree's car and see him leaning against it. 'Where is she going? I thought she was your ride.' He asks, seeing Theia reverse out the parking lot.'
'I told her I had a ride.' I move into him, moving my hands up his chest. 'Do you wanna, maybe, come back to my place tonight?' I wait nervously for his reply.
He looks at me, his stare making me all tingly. Without breaking eye contact, he shouts, 'Angel!'
'Don't worry bro, Kerrys is waiting for me.' He's already walking towards the twins' car.
I look round and see the twins are still sat in the parking lot. I thought they had gone. They must have known what I was going to do.
Kree opens the door for me and I get in, shooting a quick text to Kerrys.
Thank you
Girl!!!! Go ride your man.
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