《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Epilogue
Raine hums a tune trying to comfort her baby boy who has been fussing a lot from last night, she sighs tiredly when he starts to fidget in her arms so she puts him back on the bed before she lies on it as well.
When she offers him some milk from her breast, he turns his head away, which just makes her want to cry from exhaustion.
"I swear to God Darien you are the worst son ever," she cries pulling him closer to her as he tries to move out of the bed.
Raine gasps startled as her son gurgles before slowly smoke comes out of his body and one by one his body disappears.
"Darien, don't you dare" Devilin's stern voice halts his son who stares at his father with wide eyes before snuggling to his mother's side for protection.
"What just happened?" Raine asks as she stares widely at her mate who smiles her way reassuringly.
"It seems our son here has been gifted with the power of shadow"
"What does that even mean?"
"It means he can disappear in to thin air if he wants"
"Devil he is barely a year old" Raine shouts before she winces as her son pulls her hair.
"You think I do not know? I have been trying to tell him the same thing for the last few weeks" he sighs picking up his son who smiles at his father sweetly but Devilin just does not buy it at all.
"It will not work on me the way your smile works for your sisters and mother, Darien. If you pull that trick again, I will take away all of your powers and you know I can" he warns the boy who pouts before crying out loudly.
As soon as his first cry hits the roof both of his sisters comes running to his rescue.
"Papa, what did you do now?" Adero asks as she rushes to her little brother's side who cries even louder seeing both of his over-protective sisters.
"Your father warned him not to use his powers" Raine yawns closing her eyes.
"And the cheeky little monster..."
"Papa, he is no monster" Adero interrupts Devlin before pulling her brother away from his arms.
"Happy now?" Devilin sighs shaking his head at his son who sniffs a bit.
"And no Videl I am not going to eat him" Devilin replies back as his daughter signs with her hands wanting to know if he was going to eat Darien.
"No, I do not know how babies taste as I have never eaten one" he replies once again tiredly before pulling his daughter on to his lap.
"I have no idea where this is all coming from, why are you asking me these things?" he asks finally as his little girl has been bugging him all week long if he was going to eat them.
"You what?" Devilin asks wide-eyed before he turns towards his mate who was sound asleep.
"No, I...girls both of you, just because I am half vampire do not mean I eat people especially kids okay...
And Videl stop hanging out with your grandpapa, he is not good company" he talks to them as he knows most of the nonsense his kids ask comes from his own dad, who loves roasting him.
"Darien, that's your sister's food" Devilin states pulling the bowl away from his son and letting Videl eat it who giggles as Darien folds his arms and huffs.
"Da, food yuck" the boy replies pointing at his own bowl.
"If you finish that before mommy wakes up, I will take all of you for an ice-cream treat" he bargains and in no time his son stuffs food in his mouth.
"Hey there sleepy head, wake up" Devilin whispers in his mate's ear but she just waves her hand and pushes him away.
"Come on, I prepared a warm bath for you it will help"
"But I do not want a bath but sleep"
"Come on now," Devilin chuckles picking her up and walking towards their bathroom.
"Where are kids?"
"You left them alone" now she is wide-awake and struggles in his arms.
"No, I got my eyes on them"
"What did you do now?" she asks yawning as he settles her down and unbuttons her dress.
"Something you do not need to worry about"
"Now I am worried"
"Well right now they are flying"
"You know what happens if the three of them are left all alone on their feet so I may have tricked them and now they are glued to the ceiling"
"All of them?" she asks amused.
"Why are they not yelling or screaming bloody murder then?"
"Because they are enjoying it," he sighs picking her up once again and joining her in the tub.
"Weird" she sighs happily and closes her eyes, as she was not done sleeping.
"Mommy Papa" Adero's voice startles them both as they look up to find all three of their kids flying.
"Dare" Devilin growls at his son who giggles and flies to his mother's side and hugs her.
"Put the girls down Dare" Devilin warns, as he cannot seem to do so because his son was smart enough to do his own magic.
"Nice up there" he grins towards his father's way who closes his eyes counting to ten not knowing if he should strangle his own son for the troubles the guy brings everyday to his life.
"You really are trying Papa's patience Dare, put us down we want a bath too" Adero talks to her brother who shrugs his shoulder before putting both his sisters down.
"Woo-hoo" Videl sings as she finds herself on the ground at once and looks up at the ceiling as she was enjoying being there.
Devilin shakes his head as he helps Adero to pull off her dress before he goes to pick Videl up who pleads to make her fly once again but Devilin refuses and she refuses to join them in the bathtub.
Devilin plays along and shrugs his shoulder as he once again goes to join in the tub but Videl runs ahead of him and jumps in with her clothes on.
He laughs as he ruffles his girl's beautiful red-hair before helping her out of her wet dress and they all relax in the tub.
It was a good thing both he and Raine were covering the important parts of their body, knowing his kids he knows they could barge through any door and at anytime without any notice and being naked in the tub was not much of a good idea when the kids were home.
"Dare stop it" Raine scolds him as he throws one of his shoes at his sister.
"Mommy, Videl is saying something" Adero points out as she picks up her brother's shoe and hit his head lightly.
"What is it baby?" Raine asks as she stares at her daughter who signs something her way.
Raine laughs at her daughter's question before she replies.
"No, we cannot leave Darien alone here even if he gets naughty. I will talk to him about not pulling your hair again or better we can tell grandpa about him harming the precious family hair okay" Raine winks her daughter's way who nods her head seriously before poking her tongue out to show her brother who grumbles folding his arms.
"You guys ready?" Devilin asks as he walks inside of the room buttoning his shirt and looks around to find everyone except his son yet to get ready.
"Come on sport hurry up" Devilin calls as he picks Videl up in his arms, who starts to complain to her father about what Darien did.
"Lie" Darien shouts as he takes his shoes and runs out of the room.
"Dare get back in here," Devilin laughs as he runs behind his son while Adero shouts for her brother to save his life.
"She pulled my hair first" Darien accuses as he stands near the couch.
Videl gasps closing her mouth and shaking her head vigorously no at the accusation before she adds he hit her with his shoe as well.
"I could not control my powers" Darien states looking shocked.
"Okay both of you shut it, Dare, come here" Devilin calls as he sits on the step with his daughter on his lap.
"She was not hurt," he mumbles as he slowing makes his way towards his father.
"I heard that and it's not about whether she got hurt or not, you should not have pulled her hair or thrown your shoe in her way in the first place...
A real man never hurts a woman no matter what the age okay?" he sternly talks with his son who kicks something on the ground staring at his father's foot.
"I did not hear anything" Devilin speaks making the boy sigh and stare at his father's eyes.
"But she annoys me"
"I do not understand what she is saying"
"That's because she cannot speak"
"But everyone can"
"But your sister is not like everyone she is special"
"Well sucks to be her if she cannot"
"Then make a way to understand her, she is your sister after all"
"I rather not" Darien replies as he glares at his sister who pouts.
"Tell her to use her brains, she can think and I will read her thoughts," he grumbles as Devilin pulls the boy near him.
"Our powers are not the answer to everything Darien, there will be a situation when our powers will have no use...
Don't depend too much on the power that's inside of you"
"Is that why you always stop me from using my powers?" the boy asks with a frown.
"No, it's because when the time is right I will give you training on how to use it all but right now you are not strong enough"
"I can pick up Videl"
"I did not mean that strong, well forget it. Back to the topic no bullying your sister" he warns and Darien nods his head.
"Okay" Darien agrees as he pulls his sister by her hair and hugs her.
"It was by mistake" Darien grins before he asks Devilin to help him wear the shoes.
"It sounds fun" Adero speaks as she listens to both her cousin talk and brag about their adventure.
"Of course it is dad lets us do it all the time. Those mandrakes are so cool to hang around...
Last time Dan totally fell down the cliff as he was racing one of the mandrakes but I saved him"
"Shut up, it was of no sort you were the one who distracted me, Diego" Dan pushes his twin away who grins his way.
"Stop it, why can you two not stay for a while without fighting?" Adero asks looking from Dan to Diego.
"We are not fighting little cousin, it's just our way to communicate you should know being a twin as well" Dan speaks before he looks around the grounds to see his mother walking out of the house with tray filled with donuts.
"Come on, mom is out with donuts it should be fun" Diego speaks as he gives his brother a high-five before laughing while Adero narrows her eyes at them and rushes to her aunt's side.
"Aunt Ariel" she calls and the boys curse before running behind her.
"No don't" the boys shouts as they try to stop Adero but it was too late.
"What is it princess?" Ariel asks as she puts the tray down.
"Aunt, it seems Dan and Diego did something in the donuts," she points towards the boys who just smiles.
"We don't know what she is talking about mom" they speak at once and knowing her sons well Ariel smiles sweetly before she picks two sweets and hands them.
"Then do the honor of eating them first" she asks and her sons stares at the donut painfully.
"What did you two do now?" Devon asks as he walks from behind Ariel.
"Ask your sons" Ariel points out as she holds Adero's hands.
"Boys" Devon asks looking from one to another for answer.
"We just thought it would be fun if we put some toothpaste inside of the donuts instead of cream" the grumble.
"Damn it would have been fun but you got caught, better luck next time" Devon laughs wholeheartedly.
"Devon, you are supposed to scold them for their behavior and pranks," Ariel shouts at her man who smiles her way sheepishly.
"Okay, sorry. Boys, that is bad, you should be ashamed of yourselves how could you get caught on such a small trick, you should have consulted with me first before doing anything...
You two are dismissed now" Devon tries to sound stern but the smile on his face gives him away.
"Forget it, let's go Adero your uncle can never be serious" Ariel rolls her eyes as she picks the tray up once again to throw it away.
"Hey there little mud princess," Devon calls as he picks Videl up and throws her in the air before catching her in his arms.
"Oops my bad, today you are squeaky clean" Devon laughs as she signs to him she has not played in mud at all.
"Want to dance with me princess?" he asks as they make their way to where the music was blasting.
Videl happily claps her hands, as she loves to dance before she throws her hands up in the air and shakes her body left to right and Devon joins her.
Both of them start doing stupid steps before Adero and Darien joins them they laughs enjoying themselves while Devilin, Raine, Ariel along with her two sons laugh at the moves Devon teaches the kids.
"Everything going well in here" Devilin asks as he looks away from his kids dance off.
"Yes, I was scared at first but after knowing the mandrakes it's not so bad and with Uncle Tony and Aunt Emma around it's quiet helpful" Ariel replies as she passes a cup of tea to Devilin.
"That's good. I heard about the cliff incident" he smiles as he winks towards the boys who wink back.
"Talk to your twin about it, he is the one who comes up with all these crazy ideas" Ariel states shaking her head not happy about the fact that she was about to loose one of her son.
"Mistakes happen if not how will they grow up?"
"Are you saying its okay for both Adero and Videl to have a race near the cliff with the mandrakes?" Ariel challenges with a raise of a brow.
"Okay, okay you got me there," Devilin raises both of his hands in surrender.
"I will talk with him," he adds with a charming smile.
"Oh please do" Ariel sarcastically replies knowing well Devilin will come up with more dangerous ideas than Devon.
"Hey it's part of growing up" Devilin laughs as both his nephews hugs their mother who was too weak hearted at times.
"Yeah mom, don't worry we will be fine" Diego states smiling at his mother who takes a deep breath.
"Okay fine, now go get your father and cousins in here as they have learned enough humiliating dance moves" she pushes her sons away who laughingly make their way towards the dance floor and instead joins their father.
"Good night, love you little stalker" Devilin whispers as he kisses his daughter's hair and slowly walks out of the room.
He picks his son's shoe up on the way before he makes his way to Darien's room to find the boy asleep. Kissing Darien's forehead Devilin walks out of the room and towards his room to find Adero on the verge of falling down.
"Hey missy, time for bed" Devilin states as he takes her from Raine's arms.
"Umm" Adero hums wrapping her little arms around her father's neck while he walks out of the room once again to tuck her in the bed.
Once all of the kids are safely inside of their blankets Devilin makes his way back to his room to find his mate waiting for him in the bed.
"All of them asleep"
"Yeah, are you not sleepy?"
"Nope, not until I get into your arms" she grins as she snuggles closer to him.
"Today was fun"
"Everyday is fun with you"
"Hopefully little master Darien will not throw some tantrums today and wake us up" Devilin chuckles as he plays with his mate's hair.
"He is too tired, played with his cousins for a while"
"Yeah saw them lurking out when they thought no one was watching"
"Why did you let them?" she asks looking up in his eyes.
"They are boys, they will sneak out but I am his father and I will know each of his moves but sometimes letting him think he has the upper hand will make our lives easier"
"He is not even a year old"
"A year old you say? In our world there is no such thing as age baby; he is already using his powers so"
"I just feel he is growing so fast, it's no fun and he won't even let me dress him up" she pouts.
Devilin holds her chin up and smiles lovingly her way as he kisses her forehead and stays like that for a while.
"You want to try again?" he asks softly and she looks his way in confusion.
"Try what?"
"You know, maybe we should give Darien a baby brother or sister" he wiggles his brow suggestively.
"Oh you naughty man" Raine laughs as she at once straddles him.
"Oh look, who is getting naughty now" Devilin laughs pushing her hair away from her face.
"I love you Devil thank you for being in my life and giving me such wonderful kids to run after everyday"
"You are welcome Stalker, love you right back for hacking into my heart and leaving the viruses of your love in it" he grins pulling her face closer to his.
"I have never loved any computer systems as much as I love you all"
"And my life has never been same after meeting you in that elevator"
Adriana laughs as she remembers that day before she kisses Devilin fully on the lips, the way she wanted to, the first time they met.
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Last Turn Home
Carly Atwood always remembered the man that used to live in the loft above the barn when she was a little girl. John was her childhood crush, he was the guy she wrote about in her diary, and when he left her in his army greens, he was the first man she ever cried for. Nine years later, Carly isn't the eleven year-old girl John left behind. She grew up and moved on with her life, taking over the Atwood Ranch following her father's death. John isn't the man he used to be either; physically and emotionally scarred following his last deployment in Afghanistan, John is returning to the only place he ever called home, back to the loft above the barn and to the pretty blonde girl that's been holding onto his dog tags for all these years.-----Title inspired by the song of the same name by Tim McGraw.
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The Devil's den; a notorious hangout for high school seniors, computer geniuses and competitive gamers. And a home to the most feared hacker between the students. Not the place for an innocent young highschooler to find themselves in. Francy's oldest brother is one to be a regular and he made her swear neither she nor his other siblings would ever under any circumstances come near that place. But when Francy's cat gets into a painting accident, she rushes to her nearest brother for help, straight into the Devil's den. Only instead of her brother, she meets the Devil himself. And just so it happens he has a soft spot for cats.
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Having a childhood enemy and then falling in love with each other runs in my family. So, when I ended up in a similar hateful situation, why did it excite me? Because Althea Coleman has been mine since the moment a three year old me held her in my arms.Yes, her bratty attitude is a pain in my ass and she loathes me but that won't stop me from marrying her. And that's fucking final.I ain't a prince charming like my father or grandfather. And I wasn't stupid enough to stay in denial like them about what I want. And I want her and no one is going to stop me. Because I am fucking obsessed with her.______________________________________________"Why are you so obsessed with me?" "Honestly, I don't fucking know, Althea. And it's maddening but at the same time so fucking addicting."
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Password Incorrect
I can't keep the smile off my face as I take my seat on the plane. I slide my bag under the seat and lean back. I close my eyes and let a blissful smile grace my face.He said I wouldn't be able to run. As if.I'm vaguely aware of someone taking the seat next to mine, but I pay no attention to said person."So where we headed?"I choke on my own spit as my eyes fly open and whirl around to face the owner of the familiar voice.His eyes are hidden behind those damn sunglasses and a rather smug smile graces his face.I continue choking and he does nothing other than flip through a magazine. That smug smile never leaving his face."You still haven't answered the question.""To hell." I finally manage to choke out."Awesome," He flips a page in the magazine, "It's about time I returned home. You know, bodies to burn, lost souls to torture, I've missed it. It'll be fun."***Nicolette Moore. A name law enforcement agencies across the world know. Though no one's ever seen the face of the world's greatest thief and hacker, everyone knows who she is by name.Nicky. She's an absolute genius. Once upon a time she wasn't the best person in the world. When her family was struggling she made some bad choices to help them through it, but when she tried to get out she got pulled in deeper.Ryder Stevenson. He's the son of the director of the FBI, and an FBI Agent himself. He's the one who brings in Nicky to get her protection from the people chasing after her. He's also the one, who gets assigned to protect her.Neither one of them like each other, and they can't go five minutes without getting in a full blown argument. She's constantly ditching him only for him to show up later and prove to her he's not that easy to get rid of. They're stuck with each other whether they like it or not.But he doesn't know who she really is. What will he do when he finds out?An FBI Agent protecting THE Hacker. The one the FBI have been after for years...this just screams chaos.
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