《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Chapter 44
"Grandpa" Adero calls her grandfather in anger as she stomps to where her grandfather was hiding.
"Hey little doll" Dante smiles innocently but she does not buy it.
"How many times have I and Papa asked you not to do so?" she asks with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot.
"About what?"
"Do not act innocent grandpa, I will not buy it. It's your entire fault" the girl scolds him before pointing behind her.
"Oh my God who did this?" Dante gasps in horror.
"Videl who else, and it's all your fault letting her go in garden all alone, now you will clean this mess" she warns him.
"No problem my doll" Dante grins as he goes to flick his finger and use his powers but she once again steps in front of him with her hands on her hips.
"No magic allowed" she scolds him before passing him a wet cloth.
"Now get on your knees and clean and when I come back after bringing Videl out of wherever she is hiding you better bath her" the girl warns before she rushes to find her little sister.
"Give a man hands and he will use magic all around the house," she mutters while she walks.
Dante just sighs and gets on his knees to clean the floor even if he wants to use magic he cannot, not if he does not want to anger his grand daughter who he knows if she got too angry will end up crying which was something he did not agree with.
"Hey little Stalker" Devilin whispers as he holds his daughter up in his arms.
Videl squeals as she struggles in her father's arms but he does not let her go.
"What are you doing behind the door?" he asks once she settles in his arms.
"Rooo" she answers making him frown.
"You went to the garden obviously" he sighs as he walks out of his room where his little angel was hiding.
"Did you eat any worms?" he asks with a grimace as he sees her dirty hands.
"Ah...umm...bur" she smiles shyly.
"I cannot..." he stops mid talk seeing his father wiping the floor.
"Now, what are you doing?" Devilin asks with a sigh as both he and his daughter stares at Dante.
"Your daughter is so bossy," Dante grumbles before he smiles at his youngest grand daughter.
"Hey there little Red, your evil sister will kill you when she finds you but I will come to rescue you okay?" he talks with her making baby voices while the girl giggles.
"Dad, do not call my daughter names," Devilin warns him.
"Whatever your daughter is so bossy, just like Raine" Dante comments before wincing as Devilin stiffens.
Videl stares from Dante to Devilin before she sniffs and her sniffs turns into a loud wail.
"What did you two do now?" Adero shouts hearing her sister's loud cry.
"I got her," Devilin sighs as he sways side-to-side trying to soothe his little angel but not before glaring at his father for bringing up his mate's name.
"No you did not and Videl stop crying" Adero scolds her sister who shuts up at once.
"How could you?" Adero adds before she does some signs with her hands and Videl signs back defending her.
Yet, Videl finally gives in promising she will not dig in the garden with her bare hands and not search for any worms again.
"Now, both of you clean her up" Adero orders next as she goes to pick some clean clothes out for Videl who sighs.
"Bur...Rooo, arghh, um...ba...uh...ga..." Videl giggles as she tries to communicate with both her father and grandfather who laugh along with her knowing well what she was talking about, that her sister was bossy.
"I am going to choose the flowers this time for mommy and no Videl you are not going anywhere near any mud" Adero warns her sister who pouts as she looks on the ground now clean.
"Papa, can you tell us the story about how you met mommy once again?" Adero requests as she walks back with freshly picked flowers.
"Don't you all hear it everyday and night?"
"Bur...meh...uh...un" Videl protests making Devilin sighs.
"Okay fine, but you two will not fight on the way else mommy will think Papa is not doing a good job to look after you two. So on your best behavior alright?" he asks the girls who nod their heads obediently and Devilin presses a soft kiss on both of their foreheads.
"Are you sure you do not want to join us?" Devilin asks his father as he puts the safety belt on the girls.
"Nah, I do not want to interrupt you all while you see her, but do say hi to her. I will visit her later," Dante smiles as he waves them good-bye and enters his own car while his precious waves him good-bye.
"Papa, Videl is asking if she can run behind butterflies when we reach the place"
"The answer is no, you have run behind worms and butterflies for far too much for my liking" Devilin states as he stares at his daughters through the rear-view mirror.
"Ah...uh" Videl grumbles as she folds her arms around her chest and pouts.
"But if you behave may be I will catch a butterfly for you" Devilin adds seeing his daughter's pout they were his weaknesses.
Videl's eyes glow at that and she shows two thumbs up towards her father before giving him a big smile.
"Ah...woooo" she tries to form words but all it comes out are jumbled voices.
"I love you too baby girl" Devilin replies knowing too well each of those jumbled words his daughter tried to speak with them.
Videl smiles widely hearing his reply happy her father understood and not letting her down just because she could not talk like them.
"And I love you two, too" Adero replies holding her sister's hand and smiling towards her father.
"Love you more," Devilin replies as they quietly drive towards their destination.
Devilin slowly stops the car before he walks out and opens the door for his girls to walk out; he smiles when both of them kiss his cheek one by one, as he opens their seatbelt and they jump out.
He smiles as Videl jumps up and down to carry the bouquet of flower so he passes it to her and holds Adero's hand but before he could hold it tightly, she runs away along with her sister.
"Girls wait" Devilin cries worried they will fall down and get hurt but they both run away giggling.
He sighs before following his little monsters as he knows it will be of no use to shout or call them, he smiles when he finds both of them turning back to watch him make his way towards them before once again running.
He checks on his watch when he finally reaches the place to find both of his girls happily waiting on him behaving properly so they can greet their mother together.
"What, no hurry to give her the flowers all alone?" he teases as he picks both of them up easily in his arms and they laugh.
"We know mommy will love it if we give it to her together Papa, after all you love her the most" Adero replies and Videl nods in agreement.
"That's not true, I love all of you equally," he states kissing their forehead and letting them down.
"We love you too Papa" Adero answers holding her sister hand and then her father's.
"But I do not love your Papa"
"Mommy" the girls shout at once as they rush towards their mother's side leaving their father.
"Aww...my little babies, did you miss mommy," Raine coos as she kneels to get to her daughter's size who hugs her tightly before starting to sniff.
"Look what you have done now" Devilin scolds his mate teasingly as he ruffles both of his daughter's hair.
"Me?" Raine huffs with narrow eyes.
"Who else? It's always you," Devilin whispers as he closes both his daughter's eyes and kisses his mate.
"Papa don't get naughty" Adero warns as she pushes her father's hands away from her eyes while Videl claps her hands thinking it was a peek-a-boo game.
"Go greet your cousins" Devilin chuckles as he pushes his daughters away so he can be with his mate, alone.
Both Devilin and Raine watch their daughters happily running to greet their cousins before Devilin pulls his mate closer to him.
"This is the last time I am letting you away from me," He warns as soon as his daughters are out of hearing distance.
"Then you need to stop riling me" Raine giggles as she flicks his nose.
"And I am also warning Devon to stop giving you easy access to this dimension especially in this condition" he adds as he slowly rubs her swollen belly.
"That's not fair," Raine frowns not liking it at all.
"I am letting the girl's stay here for a few days so I can show you the proper way to fair and unfair in our alone time...
You have tested my patience for far too long mate and coming in here even when I warned you, was the last call," he growls at her in anger.
"Then you should stop teasing me to my limits especially in this condition you know my hormones are all over the place"
"Don't play the hormones card with me, did you even once think about the girls when you made the decision to just come here...
You did not just hurt me but them as well. Every time your name came up they would be on the verge of tears and all because of you"
"I was just angry"
"With me, I know. Even so, you should know that the girls heard us fight and you walking out of the house without any info would affect them just as much as me"
"I am sorry"
"You will be sorry, when we get alone and you will have no mercy from me" Devilin smiles evilly while Raine glares him.
"You were the one who started the fight anyway" she accuses at him.
"I just asked you if I can fuck you on the wall," he hisses in her ear.
"And I said my feet were sore"
"Your legs would have been wrapped around me anyway, I did not see the problem" he shrugs his shoulder uncaringly and she rolls her eyes.
"You just get too needy when I am pregnant" she pushes his away from her side.
"I so hate you"
"Scream that when I pin you tonight," he whispers in her ear hotly as a shriek leaves her mouth when he picks her up at once.
Seven years ago...
Devilin stares as if stuck in time watching no movement coming from his mate's body, but the cry coming from his daughter shakes him up, so he stares from the newly born to the one he lost.
He is in dilemma about what he should do; console his daughter who has no idea what was on going around her or take his mate in his arms and mourn for his greatest loss.
"Devilin" UT calls as she slowly touches the man's arm and shakes him a bit but he just cannot make himself move an inch from where he stands.
"Devilin please, the girls need you" she tries once again but he just ignores her calls and walks towards his mate.
His hands shakes as he slowly runs a finger on the side of her cheek which he loved to caress all the time.
Before tracing his finger and slowly running his hands on the top of her head, where many nights he spent playing with her beautiful dark hair, which would tangle around his naked chest each morning he woke up.
Biting on his lip, he bows his head down not believing the fact that she would so easily leave him, just like that.
As if just moment ago she did not make him the happiest man alive giving birth to the two most beautiful girls, he could ever ask for but now even after that he could not believe she left his side.
"You cannot do this to me, Stalker. How am I going to survive?" he mutters pulling her head closer to his chest and letting his tears flow.
"Please come back to me," he whispers brokenly as he cannot take the pain.
"I cannot breathe," Raine replies as she struggles in his arms and at once, he let go of her.
Devilin stares widely blinking his eyes a few times as his mate coughs a bit before taking huge breathes and then she starts to laugh.
"Oh my God, acting to be dead is dangerous for your health sometimes" she grins cheekily and Devilin just stares her way before he stutters.
"You...you were pretending?" he questions in disbelief.
"Serves you right for fooling me last time while we were going to kill Thomas, let's die together shit and all" she pokes her tongue out and Devilin looses his cool.
"You...God-dammit I cannot even curse you. I swear to God Raine you will be death of me. How could you joke about this matter...?
Fuck" he curses running his shaky hands through his hair.
"Aww, sorry baby" Raine grins before wincing a bit.
"I swear you..." Devilin sighs before he grabs and hugs her tightly.
"You scared me shitless," he murmurs in her ears.
"Sorry" she smiles as she waves at UT who cannot help the tears from slowing down.
"There you go, your two little gems" UT proudly states as she passes the babies to Raine.
"Everything okay with them" Devilin asks as he holds his younger daughter who was soundly asleep.
"The first one is named Adero right?" UT smiles as she watches the new parents and when Devilin nods, she just stays quiet.
"I think I know a perfect name for the next one, she will be known as Videl," Devilin whispers as he rubs his daughter's rosy cheeks.
"Adero mean life, I get that but Videl?" UT questions curiously.
"If you rearrange it, it will be spelled as Devil, something wrong for the world but right for us...
Devil may mean evil but for me it's the new word for love as the love of my life calls me by that name" Devilin smiles as he kisses Raine's forehead lovingly.
"I love it" Raine whispers giving her consent to the name.
"And I love you" Devilin whispers back.
"Well that is interesting but I need to inform you two of some very important things" UT interrupts their moment.
"What is it?"
"Well as we all know Videl was a big surprise for all of us and I still do not know what tomorrow will bring in for them but...
What I know now is Videl's vocal cords are not fully developed, she may have some problems when she grows up"
"What does that mean?" Raine asks scared.
"Well she did give a loud cry but I cannot be 100% sure she will be able to speak but, but miracles happen all the time especially with you two so fingers crossed...
I will try my best on everything regarding your kids so, you know anything can happen"
"UT, it's okay, you must be tired just go rest we will worry about all of this tomorrow. I just want to be with my girls for now okay?" Devilin states
He walks towards the door and opening it for UT, while holding his baby girl carefully in his arm.
"What are we going to do now?" Raine worries as she stares at Videl.
"Now we are going to feed them first and then love them endlessly, as I said we will worry about everything tomorrow and as UT says miracles happen especially when it comes to us...
So, let us enjoy the fact we get to hold them in our arms and love them the way they are. Let me worry about all the wrongs in my girls' life and turn them into the right ones okay?" he replies as he passes Videl to Raine before taking Adero from her when he finds his younger daughter was wide awake and staring at him with her mesmerizing eyes.
"You are right, we will love her so much that she will never have to worry about her weakness," Raine agrees opening a few buttons of her dress to feed her girl some milk while Devilin just smiles at the beautiful image in front of him.
The three gems of his life, which he vows to love and protect no matter what and until the very end of his own life.
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