《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Chapter 06


"What is it?" Reese asks as once again Devilin opens his eyes.

"I don't know something is wrong I cannot find the girl nor can I see any new light" Devilin states as he gets up from the bed.

For the past few hours, he has been trying to go to the past but it was empty he does not know how he knows it but he does, something was wrong and he does not know what it was.

"May be we over did it, the progress has been going good and you have been spending many hours...

I think we should take a break for a little while, it could be dangerous let's not over do it" Reese suggests to him quietly as she does not want to harm him in any way.

"Okay, I think I should go back home anyway, it's been a while" he sighs getting off the bed before he walks towards the door but halts when Reese calls him.

"Devilin, I know you don't fully trust us but can I ask you something?" Reese asks and he turns to face her, with his nod she continues.

"What are you exactly searching for through the past?" she asks him softly watching his facial expression, which gives no answer to her.

"I wish I could answer that but even I don't know what I am looking for through the past," he honestly answers before walking out of the door.


Devilin stops his car at once, as he gets a familiar scent, opening his door he walks out and waits for his aunt to show up.

"Why are you following me, aunt?" Devilin asks as the woman appears in front of him.

"I have been waiting for you to walk out of that coven for weeks, we need to talk" Emma speaks seriously making him frown.


"About the return of Thomas and real Eric"

"What do you mean?"

"Well if you have kept your bond link open then you would have been able to know that Thomas was pretending to be Eric all along and that somehow he has opened the portal to that place where the original mandrakes are and with the help of Ariel"

"What the fuck" Devilin explodes.

"Relax; if you will calm down, I want to make an offer. I want you to talk with your father about the return of specials back on the grounds we want to help...

It seems we all have been fooled enough by Thomas, even some of our own betrayed us and us going rogue is of no use anymore, we want to come back home" Emma informs him which brings another frown on his face.

"So why wait on me, you could have done that easily by talking with dad" he comments but she shakes her head no.

"We have long ago parted our ways, lots of things happened between each of us to act friendly and with the truth out I don't think anyone wants us special kids anymore as their ally"

"What do you mean? What truth?" Devilin asks, as he cannot get his head through what she was talking about.

"It seems some of the special kids were working for Thomas and all this time we kept on blaming each other for his mistakes"

"Fuck him"

"Okay, get in we will go talk with dad this instant"

"No, this is not the right time to go meet him, he is angry enough that he cannot get hold of you and if I am with you he will lose his fuse you go take his wrath then I will meet him when he has cooled off" she grins before disappearing into thin air.


"Fuck" he curses as he gets in his car and drives to meet his father.


"Dante" Jean shouts as she finds her mate on top of her son punching him.

"Have you lost your mind?" she shouts pushing him away.

"Ask your son that question, what the fuck was he thinking disappearing all of a sudden without any information while chaos was going on here"

"But that does not mean you can beat him up, for goodness sake he is an adult now. How would you feel if your father beats you up for every time you did something he disliked" Jean scolds him as she wipes the blood off her son's cheek.


"Sorry is the right word" she sighs staring his way.

"I am not going to say sorry to him," Dante grumbles folding his arms and pouting.

"Apology accepted" Devilin grins before he winces as his cheeks throbs.

"I did not mean it," Dante shouts stomping his foot like a kid.

"I did hear you say the word sorry Dante, no use to hide" Jean laughs winking at her mate before she pulls both the father and son duo inside the house.

"I met Aunt Emma," Devilin announces as his mother tends to his wounds.

"Oh how is she?" Jean asks as she comes to a halt before she puts the first aid box away.

"She wants to come back home" he states as he looks at his father's way.

"No one is stopping her," he grumbles as he gulps the drink in his hand at once.


"Fine, fine I will go see her and her troops of rebellions and welcome all of them back with open arms, happy," he snaps as he glares at his son's way before he grins.

"I have a mean right hook" he proudly stretches his arms while Devilin scoffs.

"Did you take the return of Devon back nicely?" Devilin asks as he turns towards his mother.

"Not really, your father was on the couch for a week but I have all of my memories regarding him back so it's not as weird as it was before"

"Good" he smiles before kissing her on the forehead.

"Stop kissing my mate, son. Get your own" Dante comments and Devilin stiffens at those words.

"I will get mine when I get her," he answers as he suspiciously watches his father's way.

"I think it's time you settle down" he replies.

"Is there something I need to worry about?" Devilin asks as he has a gut feeling his father knows something.

"Well, all these years I thought it was you that will be Ariel's mate and I always tried to push you towards her but I forgot I had two sons it's just that when I got visions she was calling your name and I....

Anyway, I am sorry" he clears his throat before turning his back to his son.

"Its okay dad" Devilin grins enjoying his father feeling uncomfortable.


"Did you check the reports?" Ethan asks as he enters Raine's den.

"Yes, well hopefully their blood can go back to normal" she sighs turning to face him.

"Thomas really is getting under my nerves, all these years we had no clue. The number of traitors we have inside the faculty...

I don not even know who I can trust anymore" he sighs shaking his head.

"Well at least we know who they are right?" she smiles hoping to cheer him.

"Yes, and all thanks to your brain, now is there anything you want?" he asks smiling her way.


"What do you mean?"

"Well, you helped us so much that I think you must be rewarded so tell me what you want and I will grant your wish"



"Can I take a mini vacation?"


"You just said anything"

"Your mini vacations are scary Raine" he laughs before giving in.

"Okay where do you want to go, I will talk with Dante when it comes to your vacation he is the one in charge"

"Yay...I want to go to the Martin pack"

"Martin pack? May I know the reason?"

"The twins they invited me to stay at there house for a few days and I want to meet Jasmine too, do you know she named her daughter after me that's so cool" she grins happy and proud.

"Let me check with Dante, I will try my best so you get this mini vacation" he chuckles seeing her excitement before he walks out.

"Yes, if everything goes well. I will be able to know the truth and prove that Thomas is a liar my Papa can never abandon me, I will prove my worth to them and let them know I am un-abandon-able" she grins happily planning how she will impress them all.


"A book for dummies, 101 ways to impress 'The parents'" Dante reads aloud as he picks up the book lying on the table.

"What the fuck is this?" Dante asks as he turns to find Raine walking out of the room.

"What are you doing here?" she gasps holding the door handle tightly.

"I heard the rumor that you wanted a mini vacation I just came to prove that it's not true," he answers as he suspiciously stares at her hand.

"What are you hiding?" he asks as he slowly makes his way towards where she stands.

"No, you cannot go in there" she shouts at him standing between him and the door.

"Why not?"

"I just pooped and it smells bad," she announces and Dante jumps away from her.

"Ugly" he grumbles before pointing at the book.

"Oh that, I am going to meet the twins parents and I want to make a good impression" she laughs it off before taking hold of the book.

"I thought Rom's daughter was their mate" he frowns not understanding her relation with them.

"Oh no, no we don't have any romantic relation," she laughs waving her hands around.

"Who said anything about romance, seeing you I am sure anyone will loose a hard on, don't forget it ugly" he snaps before taking a seat.

"Well, did you just come to hurl insults at me?" she asks putting the book away not wanting to snap back at him then her chances of a vacation will be none.


"Well, I wanted to visit soon after you helped us catching the culprits but Devilin is back home and we had a father-son moment, bonding time so I was late" he grins and Raine turns her back to him at once not wanting to show him how she was affected with his name.

"Oh, well that's good"

"Anyway, I never thought I would say this but I am proud of you, after all these years you finally proved that it was not a mistake bringing you in here...

If it was not for you we would have never been able to catch those bastards, smart of you to separate the names of the warrior's who were infected and who were not...

Even if I don't like the idea of you leaving these grounds, I will grant you the wish to go meet Adrian the fucker and my sweet Scar, have some fun kiddo" Dante laughs as he gets up and ruffles her hair as she still has her back turned to him.

"Thank you" she grins as she turns around and hugs him tightly.

"Your welcome" Dante pats on her back awkwardly before trying to push her away but stops as she does not let him go.

"Thank you Dante, for not leaving me alone that day. Thank you for everything, I am just so happy that I make you proud and I just....thank you so much Dante" she sniffs a bit melting his heart.

"Oh come on, ugly don't get emotional on me. I am going to miss you being around here, just go have fun and meet Jasmine as well...

Be back home in time" he smiles kissing her hair while he hugs her back.

"I will miss you too Dante, thank you for everything" she whispers back.

"Raine" Dante calls as he pushes her away and stares at her face.


"Is it that time of the month?" he whisper asks her and she frowns not understanding what he was on about.


"You know you have been getting all emotional for quiet a few weeks so just wondering if it was that time of the month"

"God, no...we are so not talking about that and please leave before I turn into a pudding with embarrassment" she jerks away from him in disgust.

"What I was..."


"Oh come on, I have two women in my life and many more before that well not a good thing to say, but I know what women goes through you don't..."

"I was just trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin! God, how can me thanking you turn into this topic" she shouts at him and for once he shuts up before grinning.

"Go have fun ugly, see you soon" he waves her good bye and Raine rolls her eyes before waving him goodbye as well.

"Until next time" she shouts as the door closes.


"Who is joining us on the trip to our home?" Sirus shouts as he gets out of the car they will be driving.

"Me, me, me" Adriana shouts as she throws both of her hands up in the air and jumps up and down.

"This is going to be the best trip to home ever" Sirus shouts as he holds Raine's bag and throws it in the back before they all walk towards the car.

"Raine" her name is shouted from the speaker of the building making her turn around only to gasp.

As there is a big banner covering the building which has words 'We will miss our Raine' in big bold letters.

"Aww guys' thank you, I will miss you all terribly," she shouts at the tops of her lungs.

Few of the men walk out of the building while some stand near the widow, before they all throw their shirts away from their body and give her a synchronized salute.

"Awe guys I need to hop over to Facebook for a second to change my status to 'I am feeling lucky.' You all auto-complete me" she hollers as she waves them good-bye before she makes her way to one place she wishes she will be accepted.

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