《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Chapter 03
"Not again" Raine groans as she throws the papers in her hands as it is of no use, she was dreaming.
"I am sick and tired of hearing that word. How many times do I have to flush to get rid of you?"
"What's a flush?"
"Why are you terrorizing my dreams go away, haunt someone else?"
"But this is not dream"
"Huh?" Raine frowns before looking around to watch all of the warriors stopping to watch her talk to herself and making weird hands movement as well faces.
"I get that you cannot see the little girl I am talking to right?" she slowly asks and they all nod.
"Its okay, we can understand my daughter always talks with her imaginary friends so it's okay" one of the warriors speaks making me cringe.
"I don't...no...I don't have any imaginary friends" she defends herself.
"Oh my bad, I forgot you have no friends" the man smirks and she just fists her hands trying to control her anger.
"Ha-ha, move along men before I put something up for you all to regret for the rest of your life, like the video of you jerking off and moaning UT's name...
I am sure then Rom will like to be all of yours best friend" she shouts warning the men who throw evil eyes her way while she just smiles their way tightly.
"Go on don't be shy, show me how many middle fingers you have boys" she taunts them and the men are way smarter than they let on they quietly walks away while she laughs her ass off and then starts to sob.
"I hate my life, leave me the hell alone" she glares at the girl who just stands staring at her.
"You really should"
"I get it, I need to follow you, I know, but I don't want to. I am not interested in anything that you want to how me, just go and show it to someone who is interested to look at the sorry state of your life" she snaps at the girl who frowns.
"Oh...okay then, I do have someone who is interested," she murmurs but Raine just ignores her and runs out of there.
Holding her breathe Raine slowly pokes her head out to see if that little girl was around and she sighs in relief as she does not see the girl.
"Damn, that was easy," she grins pumping her fist in the air before she turns to crash into someone's chest.
"Fucking Raine, what the fuck are you doing in here?" Rom's hard voice makes her wince and she slowly looks up to stare at the man and the men behind him.
"I was just..."
"You missed your calls" Ryan speaks as he smiles her way making her cringe as she remembers that she was supposed to help them on the upcoming meeting held all around the planet earth with every living Alphas to talk about a few very secrets things even she was not allowed to speak.
"I was on a bathroom break"
"Oh ya? And which part of these walls reminds you of a bathroom?" Rom asks raising his brow perfectly.
"She was busy talking with her imaginary friend actually" one of the guards snickers and she grits her teeth planning to take revenge on him but when she looks his way she frowns.
"Who are you?" she asks the man.
"Beta Warren from Martin packs on the duty my lady" Warren winks her way and her breathe stuck in her throat.
Raine stumbles back as something hits her hard in her chest; a flash of something passes by through her eyes so fast that her headaches.
"Raine" Rom shouts holding the girl who cannot keep her wide eyes away from the beta.
"Please don't tell me he is your mate and you are feeling the bond," Rom grumbles as he helps the girl to stand straight.
"I don't think he is over his mate, and still mourning her," she mutters wiping the smile off Warren's face.
"How did you know about it?" Warren asks through gritted teeth.
"Well give me few seconds and I will even know the name of the great grandparents of the girl you lost your virginity with" she sighs pushing Rom away as he pinches her side.
"You embarrass me" he scolds her before taking a deep breath.
"Warren, this here is the brain of our HP. Meet Raine and Raine well you know Warren and please don't announce about the girl he lost his v card with, not interested" Rom grumbles making the introduction.
"Hello" Warren smiles back to his normal form as he brings his hand out to shake.
"I still am not ready to spit on it," she announces trying to move away but is held by Dante as he wraps his arms around her neck.
"Did you not see me, ugly" he grins pressuring his hold as she chokes.
"Oh my master, please forgive my ignorance, these old eyes cannot see the parasites looming around" she chokes trying to push him off but fails.
"You dare insult me"
"Sorry, I was just trying to imagine you with a personality but I totally failed," she grumbles just as Ethan pushes them apart.
"I think I am abused enough for the day, can I leave now?" she asks hiding behind Connor.
"Get your ass out of their ugly, I swear you were supposed to check the line connecting everyone" Dante warns the girl.
Raine slowly pokes her ass out a little before she whispers.
"Is this much ass enough?"
The men around them laugh loudly at her antics wile Dante shoots lasers through his eyes towards her ass.
"Enough of the jokes lets go and be done with the work we are here for" Connor's booming voice makes Raine come out and stare at his god-like feature.
"Forget hydrogen you are my number one element," she whispers holding Connor's hands.
"He is twice the age of your father, come on" Enzo chuckles as he ruffles the girl's hair before pulling her away from Connor and walking towards their meeting area.
"I don't care, I am broke and he can be my sugar daddy. I need some answers to my math homework, quick what's your number?" she shouts turning back towards Connor as Enzo drags her away.
"Are you blushing?" Rom asks as he pokes Connor's cheeks as the man walks quickly ahead of them.
"Oh man, he is" Rom laughs as he teases Connor.
"So, you mean that Thomas is still alive?" one of the Alphas speaks as they are done explaining the new progress on the grounds.
"Yes, he is. It seems he knows a formula to change appearances and we have yet to figure out how it does it" Enzo speaks, as he is the one responsible to answer any question raised.
"I thought we already knew about him being able to change his appearances for a few years back so why do not we have any solutions yet?"
"We are on him" Enzo sighs, as he knows no one wanted to hear that answer.
"I think we have been hearing the same answer from you all along Enzo don't you think we would like to see the results to it, what exactly are you doing anyway?
If this is the way the council and this organization is working, I think we need to have some changes around there...
We did not form a council just for...what are you doing?" the Alpha stops mid sentence as something else gains his attention.
All of the men in the room frown not knowing what the Alpha was talking about.
"That girl behind Ryan, who is making bunny ears with her fingers what, is she doing in this meeting?" the man points and every eye zooms in Raine who cringes as she is caught in the act.
"Fucking Raine" Dante sighs shaking his head as she slowly puts her hand down, where she was busy making bunny ears above Ryan's head.
"Wait she is Raine?" the Alpha asks in disbelief and Raine waves at the big screen where almost all of the Alphas around were connect in the big live chat.
"Was not Raine a boy?" another Alpha voices.
"Do you want me to go back and come wearing baggy clothes?" she asks looking at Enzo who shakes his head no.
"Sorry gentle men, this here is our Raine, she is helping us with the meeting so nothing goes wrong technically and she is a girl" Enzo clears up while Raine happily waves her hands as if she is the queen of the world.
"You chose a girl against my son as your successor?"
"I am your successor?" Raine gasps in delight as this is the first time she is hearing about it.
"Yes to both and I never said my successor will be a boy and...
"Will I get all of your property after your death?" Raine asks as she jumps in front of Enzo dismissing all of the others.
"No, that is not what my successor means"
"Well, do I at least get a check every month or like some kind of shareholder anything that will gain me money?" she asks him hopefully and Enzo slowly shakes his head no.
"Do, I get any benefit for the title of your successor?"
"I refuse to be your successor then, it's already bad enough Rom makes me work in here for free and to be your successor without a payment nope, never going to happen" she rolls her eyes before going back to where Ryan was sitting as she was not done making bunny ears above his head.
"I do not make you work here for free, what about all of that food you eat and clothes you wear?" Rom defends himself and Raine looks his way with a blank face.
"If wearing the clothes from lost and found department or from the left over of every warrior that trained here is what you call giving me clothes than I am speechless" she counters and Rom shuts up as she was right.
"Well, you never protest about it"
"Rom, admit it. I am working here for free my entire life" she seriously asks him and Rom pretends to read the file in front of him.
"Hello Raine" a different voice from before calls her and her snaps towards the big man.
"Hi" she squeaks and suddenly she finds herself sitting on the chair Ryan vacated for her.
"My name is Blake Forrest; I am the Alpha of Forrest pack"
"Nice to meet you"
"Enzo, I think we are done with the meeting with the council. I also think we have been asking for answers to the wrong person in here," Blake points before Raine gains every eye of the Alphas on her.
"Tell us the truth Raine, I think you know the answers to our questions more than anyone sitting and acting the role of a council" Blake speaks and Raine slowly looks from her left to right before staring back at Alpha Blake.
"I think you have mistaken me as Google, I don't have answers to every question you want answers to"
"But I know you are better than Google at the time, I would like to appoint you, as of now the only person to handle this case of Thomas...
If what I have heard about you from my kids is true than you are the better person to catch Thomas than anyone in this room...
Now the real question is can we trust you enough to be sure you will catch the guy?" he asks to her so sweetly that she is afraid she will get diabetes.
"Blake that is not needed we are on him," Enzo protests, as this was not how things were supposed to turn.
"That may be true but zero multiplies by two is still zero" Raine comments feeling offended that Enzo was having doubts on her talents.
"I think we all have given the council and you Enzo enough time and we have no results in hand and you did say she is your successor so let's see if she truly is...
Raine, your answer" Blake smiles her way.
"Blake, I understand you all want results but there is no need to put her in charge of it, we..."
"Dante, I think I speak on behalf of everyone present, we all know the only reason for the council to be formed is to make all of the Alphas in the world work easier...
I do not think anyone of us can handle to watch over our pack's safety as well as the outside world that is the only reason we trust that the council will be able to fight off the threat outside of our pack grounds...
And if they cannot even do so then what's the use, the threat of Thomas has been dragged on for far too long you all have more than enough warrior's to your aid so we need results and make us believe that the council is not around just for show...
That is why Raine will be calling the shots from now on to anything regarding Thomas, I hope you all understand" Blake finalizes and when other Alpha's nods their consent Dante and the council members have no choice but to do as they are asked of.
As he knows if he protested nothing but conflict will occur and this is not something they need right now, fighting between themselves.
"Now if you will excuse us, we would like to talk with Raine here alone" Blake requests asking the men to leave.
The council along with Connor and Enzo looks Raine's way uncertainly before they all leave her alone with the video chat still on going with the Alphas.
"This is not good," Dante grumbles as the men stand outside of the door they just got kicked out of.
"I am sure she will be fine" Ethan speaks but shuts his mouth as Dante glares his way.
"That is not what worries me"
"Then what does?"
"That all of the Alphas will like her instantly and will be seeking her company," Dante hisses and the men nod their head, as it was true, no one can ignore Raine when she is herself.
"So tell us Raine, have you ever been in love?" Blake asks the first question, as she is alone with the Alphas.
"I am not rushing into being in love, humanity is hard enough"
"Well in that case, let me tell you none of us in here wants our loved ones to get hurt that is the whole reason we are what we are...
It seems Thomas is out there to do exactly what we will dislike, so I want to hear what your thoughts are for the man, as I have heard you two seemed a bit close when he was in the faculty"
"If you are pointing fingers at me for something I did not do then let me tell you I have a four middle fingers salute ready for you and yes I am counting my feet as well"
"I am not pointing anything at you; we just want to know more about the guy who has successfully made us doubt the current council's abilities" Blake smiles amusingly at the girl's response.
"In that case I need more than 140 characters to describe my thoughts on the man. Then again, I have to start somewhere, I cannot tell you anything about him before I myself know about him and for that I will need some time"
"How much?"
"About a week at the most"
"You got it"
"Am I dismissed?" she asks as they say no more and when Blake nods she slowly stands up from the chair and walks out.
"I guess nothing I say will make you change your mind"
"Why is a girl with no scent on her roaming around freely with such control of the HP?" Blake asks instead angrily.
"I take full responsibility for her"
"I don't care who takes responsibility Dante, what is she?" Blake asks again and Dante sighs taking a seat.
"I have yet to get answers on it, I found her accidentally and from then on she is here, I thought as she grows up she will eventually show any sign of any species but nothing of the sort has happened...
I have tried to get anything on her but have got nothing, so that is why she is staying inside HP under strict watch"
"Yet, she succeeded in disappearing without any clue twice already" Blake response making Dante rubs his face.
"I said the girl is my responsibility Blake, so fuck off. I think I have had enough of your ordering around for the day"
"What are the chances that she is not harmful for the faculty?"
"This is the very first time anything missed from her view and we cannot put all of the blame on her, even we were fooled by Thomas"
"And we cannot blame everything on Thomas, the council needs to work hard, this case has been unsolved for more than decades Dante, I cannot always speak on behalf of others to save your ass...
There are talks running around and there is only so much I can do before they kick you all out"
"I know"
"Then fucking do something, now it has come to this that I have to hand over this case off to some fucking child Dante and that is in itself a shame to all of us" Blake snaps at Dante.
"I fucking know now stop rubbing it off on my face, I know what I am doing" Dante snaps back.
"You owe me big time, Dante, if anything goes wrong with this move we will be in a much deeper shit pile than we are...
Are you sure letting the girl handle the case is a bright idea? I don't want to look like a puppet of yours if this backfires on us" Blake frowns as he shares his doubt waiting for Dante to speak.
"I know what I am doing Blake, that night I know something happened between Thomas and Raine; she is hiding something from me...
She knows something I am unaware of and that in itself unsettles me, if Raine gets in the hands of Thomas then we will be in deep shit, she is part of our daily life and you have no idea how much in power she is of us, she herself has no idea about it"
"Then you should have not let her in on things she should not be"
"Yes, but can you blame me? Do you not see how easy it is for us to, just let her in our life, she does not even realize how fucking amazing her aura is, it hits you right in the middle" Dante speaks as he rubs the middle of his chest.
"I have never felt such a strong urge to protect anyone not even my own kids and mate the way I feel for the ugly ducking in my life, not even Scar can be compared to the protective instinct this girl spikes in me"
"Dante, don't tell me you are"
"Fuck you, I am happily mated, there is something in her that provokes my instinct differently"
"Have you tried to test her blood, may be we could find something"
When Dante does not reply Blake comes to an understanding.
"You are hiding something Dante"
"She has a different blood type"
"What is it?" Blake asks sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for the answer.
"She has traces of the same bloodline I have"
"Fuck...is she...is she related to one of the fallen angels?"
"I don't know, I have yet to find that out, I cannot just go and expose her to everyone...I was hoping she would show some sign of being anything when she turned eighteen but nothing out of ordinary has happened...
I am just worried that Thomas knows something about her" Dante frowns before taking a deep breathe.
"I think we should leave it at that, you handle that side I will see this," Dante announces as he gets up from his seat and nods towards Blake before cutting the line he was using to talk with Blake alone.
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