《Cursed Blood ✔️》Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1



The darkening twilight beamed beside the moonlight which glimmered on the water drops pouring down the sky. It was roaring at the top of its lungs after the lightening cracked the spaces in the clouds.

The sight was at once frightening enough to put a toddler into a deep slumber.

Between the tremendous gales carrying the shriveled leaves of autumn and breaking through every giant mass in exposure of the profound rainfall, I stood there seeking my way through that melancholy dusk.

Blinking multiple times to hold my ground and adjusting to this new weather, I gave a last glance to the bus that had driven away a while ago.

It'd been two days since I left and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss home. I missed the warmth, the sunlight, the rays that soothed my dead cold complexion, her touch, her arms hugging me as she would toy with my hair. I missed all of it and the thought itself made me sick in the stomach. She was in this mess because of me! That realization alone was enough to choke me to death. However I had to live―for her sake.

I'd calculated my scheme and plan and according to me she'd be here tonight.

The vampires there were startlingly monitoring her each and every step from a vigilantly secure distance.

There she was in the corner of the dark seat, tucked away from the rainfall and enveloped safely by the obscurity around her.

With a little effort I could see the slim body with swaying hips of a young woman standing around a pole and waiting as some drops bathed the temples of her face.

I hastily made my way towards her not determined to waste my limited time.

When I closed the proximity of her privacy tugging lightly at her wrist to angle her body in front of mine, I noticed her gaping.

I eyed curiously before I realized that my shirt was damp and demonstrated almost every muscle I'd tried to conceal.

Shaking my head from the arousing thoughts of this beautiful brunette I gazed into her eyes, slowly manipulating them as I held one of the pictures I was handed of that blonde.

"Do you know her?" I questioned trying to look for a false intent.

And the thought satisfied me that she was entirely wrapped around my fingers and ready to dance when I'd wanted.

"She's my niece." She admitted swiftly returning her gaze to mine from the picture in my hold.

"Well you better take me to her then." I smirked.

I was still unaware of the fact why it did what it did to me. Manipulation somehow always got a hold of me whenever I tried it on a human.

In a bizarre way it was arousing. Especially when you knew what thoughts the other person had about your skin.


With a nod she took me happily to her home, getting utterly drenched in the process.

I had to admit she was something good and if my head hadn't been occupied by the cruel monstrosity that could be inflicted on my mother at the moment; I would've given her a shot.

After a long walk we came across a house that was thrice as my cottage and matched the peak of almost every house in the neighborhood.

It was painted in beige pink and light shades of maroon with small bushes guarding the small entrance.

Trees. There were a lot of them all around and I could've captured more if the brunette hadn't already rushed inside.

I followed her shortly after satisfying my curiosity about the place.

The indoor had a small kitchen on the right corner with a small round table and a living room on the left with TV and so on.

A staircase followed upstairs where three or more doors were attached to the azure walls with a few vibrant photo frames capturing the eyes towards a blonde and brunette.

She started walking upstairs just when I grabbed her wrist to make her submissive eyes look into mine.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Jennifer." She notified.

I curled my lips up to a small Machiavellian smile.

"I'm Edward. Your new roommate."

* * *

After my little talk with Jennifer and arrangements for my room, I went out to explore the woods passing the elongated branches of trees as I swiftly and facilely made my way out of their grasps.

However frankly, I needed a moment to adjust. I could barely inhale with the crowd in this city. I bet I'd hardly taken a breath since morning-though in my case neither the oxygen nor the suffocation was to blame.

The mutterings of the throng were exasperatingly too much for my heightened hearing and the constant and fresh crimson blushes on their faces, the veins running up their necks were mouth-watering.

And let me assure you, the petite dresses of woman aided to nothing good but my problems.

Heaven knew how I was holding myself.

Just before I'd set foot in this small town I was coming from a large one where I was stuck in between tens of living fleshes and blood was flowing hysterically in their arteries and veins.

It almost made me haul one of the pretty ladies in the corner and then I glared down at her, her naive eyes overflowed with unbearable terror.

But all I could think was how sweet she'd have looked with her front pressed against mine and my fangs ripping gradually into her velvet milky crust. How edible her scarlet waves flowing in her arteries would be once it had splashed with my desirable tongue.

I was warned about the situations I'd face here but still it all struck me as a surprise I'd rather not be fond of.


Today I risked everything, my―no! Our secret. We lived by the code of secrecy, the one which protected us all. They shouldn't know about my cravings―He shouldn't know!

Perhaps I could blame my old ordinary self for never possessing the sociability even in a big town like ours.

Since birth till now I'd only lived alone with my mother and this sudden change ruined all the training of fifteen years.

The pouring seemed to finally settle down and the mist was taking place. I was damp and cold, however that wasn't much of a discussion―I could never be cold enough to feel it.

My hair itched at my nape as water had turned the tips of strands into prickly needles.

After I could just go about in the open field with cold and gloominess masking my body, I was glad to find out I was eventually breathing and enjoying the scene of wet ground and the magnificent scent of recently washed earth just like any other man―normal man―Who was I kidding? I was no ordinary. I was far from the definition of usual.

I was taught to let go of these behaviors in my first class with becoming a ruthless, nonhuman, cold-hearted beast as my first lesson.

You need to focus! It's not what you're here for, remember? Your mission! My subconscious growled always pretending to know better than me.

I tucked the branch below my arm and stared at her; a tall blonde wearing a sequin dress with high heels.

Her steps betraying her as her sloppy head strove against the hangover.

The strip of her purse hanging down her shoulder and the bag clutched between her sweaty palms.

The deserted road lay beneath her trembling feet. She might've been waiting for the rain to stop.

I smirked realizing the opportunity was itself grouping up the stairs to my destiny's cliff of success.

I ran without any hesitation, vanquishing myself to my instincts.

As a consequence, I was behind her within seconds, so swift even I wondered at the things I could do. The hunger had to have something to do with it!

She was dizzier than I'd thought; losing every bit of conscience she'd possessed and walked into a complete state of unawareness of herself.

I wouldn't be that much unconscious even in my sleep than she was in that half-awake state.

"Miss?" I called.

She twisted back after a minute, only being compelled by her lengthy clumsy heels.

Her eyes spoke for herself and her sleepy head, with her mascara completely drowned in tears and slithering down her over-blushing cheeks.

She looked terrible yet overwhelmed by hatred and not hangover. She started walking forth.

I couldn't hold it. The cravings were coming out.

I grasped her wrist from inches away and hurled her into the unfathomable woods.

Her entire figure was in my clasp squirming to come out before I smashed her back onto the bark of an oak tree.

She quivered into falling but held herself up by one of the elongated hands of the tree.

The wood was rather too deep and gloomy to perceive the street but surely one would try.

She was utterly conscious but the hangover still got the best of her and she fell down on the brown craggy leaves.

Her palm was hovering over the ground and her body crawling towards into somewhere she didn't know of and then I comprehended.

She must have seen my face, my cravings . . .

I decided to free her of the tormenting moment.

I hopped down the branch and hauled her up by the waist, thrust her back on the bark again and this time I didn't vanish.

"Let me go!" She screamed on my face and started throwing her arms at me.

I took control of them and put them up in one of my clutch. She stilled.

I stared into her deepening hazel eyes and saw borderline fear scorching up with anger but her fragile body wouldn't favor her courage and she stood compelled.

My fingertips traced her jaw-line and in a rush blocked her head to her right, restraining her to make a move.

My palm around her throat immobilized her face as my head dropped low and tongue tingled at her collarbone.

My clasp around her wrists involuntarily tightened as my mouth traced up to the hollow beneath her jaw-line.

I smoothly nuzzled at her skin and she let go of a small drop from her lens.

Please no! Please no! She cried in her thoughts which only encouraged my dominance.

I let my fangs deepened into her crust, ripping apart the flesh and the sweet fragrance came out before the fluid.

That moment my mind emptied of her screams as I tasted my desired spectacular supper.

It deepened and I could feel her false attempts to be freed running in vain.

My eyes never opened even when my hands slipped down to her waist, releasing her wrists as I held her firmly.

She couldn't breathe and her hands lost the potentiality to fight.

I eventually let her go and leaned back up.

I didn't know how hard my bite was until I saw it myself; two black pits into her freezing complexion were like two tiny voluntarily shaped bruises.

It was gross.

She was pallor, dead pale without anymore red blush glowing on those boney cheeks and severe dark hollows beneath her eyelids. Her hair mussed into a great mess.

Good luck to whoever finds this body. I wished wordlessly to myself.

If we're in a city I'd have probably had burnt the corpse but since I wasn't, the pretty little brains of humans would mark this down as 'An animal attack.' Good for me.

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