《Unplanned//Luke Hemmings》1.3


*****its unedited sorry*******

It has been a couple weeks, since the lets call it the 'Incident'. We are leaving Ireland today it's 10 at night. Elly is being a bitch. She's on her period. So yeah.

"Elly can you pass me the phone charger" I asked

"bitch get off your ass and do it yourself you lazy shit" she responded

"oh okay" I replied

I went across the room were Elly was 2 inches away from. I plugged the changer in the wall and then plugged my phone into it.

"Hey babe" Luke said walking in and sitting on my bed.

"Hey" I said

"come and cuddle with me" he asks



"your so far" he then came and picked me up from Elly's bed and put me in mine.

I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. He kissed my head. Elly left shortly after.

Luke started to kiss my neck and made his way up to my jaw line. He kissed my lips. It started to get let's say heated, yeah heated. His shirt came off and shortly after mine did too.

He kissed down my chest and took off my bra. He took off his pants and mine. I kissed his neck and chest. He took off the rest of his clothes and mine which were not very much........

I woke up in Luke's arms. In his t-shirt. I got up and put my clothes back on. I made eggs and toast. The boys were all sleeping. I was eating when Luke walked out in nothing. He is nude.

"Morning sexy" he said

"morning, why are you nude" I said

"I was born nude" he replied

"what the fuck" I said

he then smashed his lips into mine. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso. He walked us into my room. Elly was still sleeping.


He put me down on the bed and took off all of my clothes then climbed on top of me. He kissed every inch of my body then it happened again.....

We stayed in bed the rest of the day and watched movies. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I had my phone in my back pocket. It started to ring so I picked it up.

(J is Jaymee and z is the person on the phone)

J- hello

Z- hey how's my babe

J- Zach how did you get my new number

Z-babe you couldn't keep me away that easy

J- can you just leave me alone

Z-you need to break up with your little boy toy or I will tell him and all his little friends about your past, it will be face to face too

J- Zach your in jail for killing someone

Z- I got out babe good behavior

J- why are you doing this

Z- break up with him or else

I was gonna respond but he hung up. I need to break up with Luke. I know it sounds drastic but my past could ruin his future.

I got into a lot of trouble and if anyone finds out it could ruin the band because of us hanging out.

I went to juvenile prison for 3 years. Yeah. It was for harassment and stealing. It was a lot of both. I'm not proud of it. It's pretty funny to because I was so young but that's not the point.

This is why I need to break up with Luke I almost killed someone. If anyone finds out he was dating me it could get the band so much judgement. I need to do it now. I need to get it over with.


"Luke we have to talk" I say sounding rushed

"what's wrong babe" he asks worried "

we need to break up"

"what Jaymee why what did I do"

"Luke no you didn't do anything I just can't stay away from my family and travel, deal with the fans all over you Luke I have trust issues okay it's hard"

"baby okay we can work it out"

"no Luke I'm breaking up with you I'm talking Elly back to Australia with me"

"okay Jaymee whatever makes you happy" was the last thing he said then got up kissed me one last time and left.

I told Elly what happened. Everything. I was balling my eyes out. I have never cried over a boy before but Luke was different I loved him. No I'm still in love with him.

Right now we are in the airport. We are getting in the plane back to Australia. I fell asleep on the plane and I woke up and we were half way to Australia.

I got up and went to the bathroom because I felt like I was gonna throw up and I did. I got back and Elly was all over my seat. I moved her and went back to sleep.

We were finally home. I got to my loft and laid down. Elly came into my room. She sat down In front of me.

"Hey Jaymee can I ask you something" she said

"sure Elly" I replied

"are you pregnant, I know you and Luke had sex I herd"

"oh my god Elly i don't know" I said ignoring the rest of what she was saying.

"you have to take a test"


We got the test and went back to my place. I went to the bathroom and peed on a stick. Again. I did two just incase. Me and Elly waited together.

I was holding onto her hand like I was waiting for a pregnancy test, oh wait I was.

After 5 minutes Elly looked because I couldn't.

"Elly what does it say" I asked

"Jaymee it's positive" i just cried while Elly rubbed my back.

I'm not gonna tell Luke. I love him so much and and care for him so much so I'm gonna let his career take off and not have this set him back.

So I'm pregnant with Luke Hemmings baby.....

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