《Sear (Alex Summers/Havok Fanfic)》~Chapter 2: Sear~


Natalye Prime sat in her bed, like everyday and stared at the wall where a window used to be. They cemented it after her second month in this institute after her accidents of shooting lasers at nurses, turning invisible so the nurse wouldn't find her, or absorbing any light energy from every corner of the room and blowing each fuse just to scare the heck out of the nurse. Sometimes at night she wonders how much the nurses put up with her everyday and to keep her in this institute instead shipping her off to some underground facility where they run scientific tests on you.

At times she feels very lucky to still be alive after everything she's put them through, but that will never change the fact that after the institutes she's been put through in the past, she hated this one the most. For one thing, the past institutes were actually nice enough to leave a window not cemented for her, but this was the institute where they dropped off the people who have no family or lost contact with any relatives. However, they only do that to the people who were 'sane'.

Considering her parents haven't been contacting her, they (the people who run the place) decided to cut them off the contact list. That was three years ago; three years ago when she first stepped foot in this bloody institute. So, this was practically a place where you can pick up anyone without any relatives being contact because... Well, they have none.

Natalye always dreamed that someday her parents would find her and bring her home saying how sorry they were and that they loved her. "Who am I kidding?" Natalye sighed. "No one's coming for me." She hung her head, looking down at her hands on her lap.


Suddenly, a feeling overcame her, like someone was inside her head, but she quickly ignored it. She heard her door being clicked open and the sound of a footstep as someone enters her room, but she paid no attention to it since it could just be one of the nurses. "I am not a nurse." A masculine voice said after lightly chuckling.

Natalye looked up and saw a man in a suit with a bundle of clothes in hands. "But," he walked closer to Natalye "I am here for you." The man smiled kindly.

The first instruct that came to her mind was to stay away, but his kind smile told her otherwise. 'He seems harmless, maybe I cam trust him.' She thought.

His smile grew "I am glad you think that."

Natalye gasped and pressed herself against the wall 'how'd he know what I was thinking?'

"Don't be afraid. I am not here to hurt you."

"Then w-what are you here for?" Natalye quivered.

The man in the suit paused for a moment. "Are you afraid me?"

"Yes," Natalye breathed out. "But it's usually the other way around."

The man chuckled lightly. "I am not afraid and you shouldn't be either. I am here to help you."

"With what?" Instead of explaining, the man decided to show her. Using his powers, he lifted the lamp and table beside Natalye. Letting out a gasp, Natalye felt her bed move and before she realized it, she was being lifted up into the air along with her bed.

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