《Sear (Alex Summers/Havok Fanfic)》~Chapter 1: Sear~


Everything in Melrose Mental Institute was always the same. The halls were always quiet that sound of a pen being dropped would echo through the halls. Patients always minded their own business and they always cooperated and got the care and attention they needed. This particular day, however, was different. There were sounds of footsteps that filled the halls of the institute. Two particular men with the names of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr approached the marble desk where Marge, the nurse sat.

"Hello," Charles greeted. "My name is Charles Xavier and this is my friend, Erik Lehnsherr. We are here to check out a patient."

The plump nurse threw her head back and stated laughing hysterically, spit coming out of her dry, pink lips. "Check out a patient?!" She guffawed. "That's a good one! That's a real good one!" Marge turned around to grab the check-in clipboard. She turned to meet two serious faces. "Oh, you're serious?"

"Very." Erik stated.

"Sorry for being rude, but no one's ever checked out anyone from this institute in over twenty years." The nurse explained.

"Well, we're happy to be the first." Charles exclaimed.

Margie nodded and walked to the computer beside her. "Who would you like to check out gentlemen? Oh! And please sign in." Marge said gesturing to the clipboard. Charles grabbed the clipboard and started scribbling down his name and passed it on to Erik.

"We'd like to check out a girl named Natalye Prime."

The nurse immediately stopped what she was doing and looked up at Charles in horror. "N-Natalye Prime?!" The nurse stuttered. "I'm not sure gents."

"You're scared" Erik stated.

"W-why aren't you? This girl is bad news."

"How so?" Charles asked.

"Well, I mean, she's sane, but she's very... Different." The nurse said nervously.


"Well, we happen to work with very 'different' people. We'd like to check her out." Charles said, half demanding.

"Okay," Marge sighed. "Besides I'd like her out of here anyways." Marge turned around to grab a stack of paper. "Alright, I need you guys to fill these out while I go and tell her the good news."

"Pardon me, madam, but is it alright if I talked to her?" Charles asked

"By all means go ahead. I'd like to be far away from that room as possible." Marge got up. "Please, wait here." And began to walk away, coming back a few minutes with a bundle of clothes. "Give these to her. Here door is down the hall to the left."

"Thank you." Charles took the bundle of clothes and began walking to Natalye's room. "Erik, fill out those papers for me, please."

"Fantastic." Erik said looking at the stack of papers.

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