《Explosive Thoughts | Charles Xavier [1] ✔︎》09 | Insomnia


At night Charles usually did checks on the rest of the mutants. He knew how easy it was to get lost in the house and he lived there. On more then one occasion, Raven and Charles had to search the house for missing people and even then it took hours.

So when it was past midnight, Charles didn't expect to see a light on in the library. With confusion, he wondered to the doorway to see what was going on. That's when a fond smile over took his lips, his eyes softening. Evie was asleep on her arms, books scattered all over the desk in front of her.

A small chuckle left his lips as he grabbed a blanket from the chair next to him. He walked as silently as possible, placing the grey fabric around the brunette's shoulders. He tucked it under her arms to make sure she could conserve body heat. He saw her shiver slightly as his hand accidentally brushed over her skin.

He watched her frown, brows knitting together, her eyes moving under her eyelids as if she was searching for something. Charles decided to leave then, he didn't want Evie to wake up and think he was a creep. With one last glance to her figure, Charles left her alone in her slumber.

After what felt like hours of searching for a single bomb, they were close. Evie always considered it a sixth sense, at least that's what she told people. She couldn't exactly say that she could feel explosive devices with her mutation because she'd be murdered if she did.

"Over here!" Mackena shouted in alarm as he threw the small shovel away from where he was standing. Delicately, he placed a red flag in the ground before backing up slowly.

"You found it?" Evie questioned as she ran over with the rest of the bomb squad.

Ramon nodded to the leader as she stood back too. "Under the ground." She replied as they looked to the brunette.

"Alright, everyone stand out of the blast radius." Evie instructed them all as she began to roll up her sleeves. "I've got it."

Ford hesitated in his movements, only walking backwards when Mackena had grabbed his shoulder. They watched from a distance as Evie manged to safely but all the wires and pull the landmine out of the ground. With a bright and reassuring smile, she ushered them over.

"And that's how a pro does it Ford." Mackena chuckled as he patted him on the back. Ford couldn't help but look at the women in awe, she was incredible.


Even though the bomb was fully disabled, all the wires cut so nothing was connected, they still held it like it could be live. That way they could make sure they all survived. Evie thought about how lucky they were that they found the bomb when they did otherwise someone could have stepped onto it. Ramon took the landmine out of her hands and smiled.

"Let's get this out of here." The older women exclaimed as she turned back to the group, walking slowly with the bomb.

"It's definitely not one of ours." Evie informed them loudly as she gathered her tool from the floor, not catching up with them.

"I'll put it in the container." Ford offered a little too excitedly which made the Mackena and Ramon laugh. Ford was about to let go of it when something caught his eyes. "Wait, its glowing." He told them all in confusion.

Evie's eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder. "What?" That's when she saw that the landmine had began to glow. The colour was almost unnoticeable however her eyes caught it immediately. It was orange. "Put it down!" She screamed in alarm, standing up from her place, rushing forward in panic.

Her eyes opened rapidly. Startled, Evie sat up in alarm, her breathing fast and uneven, her eyes scanning her surroundings. Her heart rate decreased slightly as she realised she was in the Xavier mansion, the library to be specific. A cold droplet of sweat ran down her spine as she clutched herself in fear.

The blanket round her shoulders dropped slightly which drew her attention. She didn't remember placing a blanket around her shoulders. Slowly, she pulled off the grey material, scanning it to find out who it belonged to. As it dropped onto the table, Evie's eyes caught two golden sown initials which made her smile softly. CX was placed elegantly in the corner.

Evie left the library after that, placing the books she was reading back on the shelf and made her way to the kitchen. At least where she thought it was. Luckily, her instincts were right and found it first try.

She placed a coffee pot on the stove and waited for it to boil. Once the steam started to scream, she pulled it off, pouring the darkest coffee anyone had ever seen. Without hesitation, she started to drink it, trying to keep herself awake. After drinking the entire cup, she placed it down on the counter top and sighed deeply.

"Couldn't sleep?" A voice questioned behind her which made her jump. A string of curse words flowed out of her mouth as turned around. Erik was leaning against the door frame, watching her in amusement at her slightly flustered state.


"What gave you that impression?" Evie replied as she scratched her neck awkwardly, leaning against the counter.

"It's three am and you look like you're ready for the day." Erik answered as he stood up right, walking further into the kitchen.

"What about you? Why are you up?" Evie asked him as she followed his figure. She watched carefully as he poured some coffee for himself, drinking a sip of it before speaking to her again.

"You do know that once this is over, once we've got Shaw, the world will still hate us." Erik told her, turning his head to face her, his tone stern and unwavering. "Not everyone's like Moira."

"I know." Evie stated, turning away from him, staring at the clock on the wall. "I've already seen it. The world isn't fair, they force you to repress parts of yourself until you hate it or forget its there.

Erik's eyes were still on her. He knew there was a second meaning to her words but he couldn't figure it out. "But it's there and it's always going to be there. You can't ignore it anymore." He told her.

"Why not?" She replied, looking back at him, her eyes almost looking dead as she stared deep into his soul. "It's easier that way."

"It's only easy for so long. Can you really lie to yourself for that many years?" He asked her which made her eyes widen slightly. Erik placed the empty cup on the counter top and began to leave her. He stopped in the doorway and sent her a small smile over his shoulder. "You should really open up to someone about your insomnia, it might help."

Evie scoffed a laughed as she looked to the floor, shaking her head. Her eyes met with Erik's again and she shrugged her shoulders, a mindless smile that didn't reach her eyes on her face. With that the mutant left which left Evie all alone with her demons once again.

It felt like Evie had been up for hours. In truth she had been but her and Moira had made a small game out of shooting their guns and seeing who could hit the furthest tree. They ended up tying not that either minded.

Moira had to go back to the CIA, she said something about paper work and seeing as Evie was on temporary leave, she didn't need to do any. Even though she missed her job, she had slowly realised that Moira was right to take her off the mission 'officially'. If the CIA found out about her mutation then she'd be locked up in an asylum. She'd be on the run constantly.

The brunette rounded a corner and was about to make her way up the stairs when she heard feet patting rapidly. She turned on the stairs to see Raven skidding along the floor, her socks helping her move. The blonde held a giddy smile as she began to climb the stairs rapidly.

"Come on Evie, you're going to miss it!" Raven called out as she passed her, disappearing up the stairs.

"Miss what?" Evie called out as she rushed up the stairs after them.

Alex had just arrived at the top of the corridor and with an equally stupid smile, he told her, "Sean's jumping out of a window."

Suddenly she understood why they were smiling like idiots, it was because they were about to watch their friend be one. It was strange but all the mutants were a lot closer then they had been previously not that any of them minded.

Evie was last to arrive in Hank's makeshift lab and the atmosphere shifted a lot. Raven motioned for the brunette to join her, Erik and Alex at one of the windows. The brunette ducked under Alex's arm and lent out the window, resting her arms on the sill.

"Now remember, scream as loud as you can." Charles reminded Sean as they sat him on another window sill, the one just down from the group of four.

"You need the sound waves to be supersonic, catch them at the right angle and they should carry you." Hank explained, pushing his glasses up because he got slightly excited.

"'They should carry me'," Sean repeated bitterly, turning to Hank. "That's reassuring."

Charles nervously patted his shoulder and motioned for Hank to back up. "Good luck." The Englishman bid him before backing up as well. "And don't forget to scream." He quickly reminded him.

Evie watched as Sean gulped before pushing himself out of the window. A pathetic scream left his mouth as he fell. With a small gasp, his entire body hit the bushes below which made the rest of the mutants struggle to suppress a laugh.

"Nice flight Sean!" Evie called out in a teasing tone which made Alex and Raven burst out laughing behind her.

"Shut up!" Sean's muffled voice shouted back which made them all laugh even harder.

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